
  • 网络Zhang Hanyu;blog;internet site
  1. 其中,经验丰富的侦查员杨子荣(张涵予饰)主动请缨去土匪窝中担任卧底。

    Seasoned investigator Yang Zirong ( Zhang Hanyu ) volunteered to go undercover in the bandits ' lair .

  2. 但是,张涵予的支持者则表示,作为电影观众,应该能够理解张涵予的假肌肉。

    Zhang 's supporters , however , say movie fans should be tolerant of Zhang 's fake muscles .

  3. 他还与冯小刚和张涵予共同出演了动作电影《老炮儿》,而且他还主演了徐克导演执导的奇幻惊悚片《西游伏妖篇》,两部影片都大获成功。

    He also starred in action drama Mr. Six , along with Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Hanyu , and fantasy thriller Journey to the West , directed by Tsui Hark . Both hit the box-office jackpot .

  4. 那些反对这种“欺骗”的网友表示,自己的情感受到了伤害,并且将张涵予与其他为了更接近饰演角色而辛苦锻炼的演员作比较,质疑他的敬业精神。

    People who opposed such trickery on the Internet felt their feelings were hurt , and questioned Zhang 's professional ethics compared with other actors who worked hard to look more like the characters they were playing .

  5. 加上徐帆、张国立、陈道明以及张涵予这些超强的演员阵容,可以断定的是,这几大要素必保本片票房大卖,至少在国内绝对。

    Combined with a strong cast , which includes Xu Fan , Zhang Guoli , Chen Daoming and Zhang Hanyu , it is almost certain that these elements will ensure the movie becomes a major box office hit , at least in China .

  6. 据报道,每次开拍前,扮演者张涵予都要花6个小时将总共9块“肌肉”贴到胳膊、肩膀、前胸、后背和腹部,收工后卸下来则需2小时。

    It was reported that it took actor Zhang Hanyu six hours to put on all nine pieces of muscles covering arms , shoulders , chests , backs and belly each time before shooting and then two hours to strip them off after shooting .

  7. 这种特效还装饰了张涵予胸部上的疤痕,并且将肌肤的颜色涂为古铜色,这样使得他看起来更加威猛。尽管51岁的张涵予因为有严格的健身计划,所以已经拥有超乎常人的肌肉线条。

    The special effects artists also painted scars on Zhang 's chest and colored his skin bronze to make him look tougher in spite of the fact that 51-year-old Zhang already has a better-than-average body shape and muscles thanks to a rigorous workout schedule .