
  • 网络trojan;virus;trojan horse
  1. 操作系统可能会因为木马病毒的攻击而中止。

    Operating systems can be brought to a halt by a Trojan Horse .

  2. 如聊天记录查看法,空间绕道进入法,木马病毒入侵法,综合IP追踪法等。

    Such as chat history view , spatial pass into law , Trojan viruses , synthetic IP tracking method .

  3. 为了能够让大众更安全地上网,政府应该普及有关计算机病毒和特洛伊木马病毒(Trojanhorses)的各种知识,让公众能够识别并预防,除此之外,还应该不断更新使用的杀毒软件。

    Educating people about computer viruses and Trojan horses will help , and using updated antivirus software is also important .

  4. 如果你的电脑感染了Win32/Popureb.ETrojan木马病毒,微软强烈推荐按照那篇博客中的方法进行清除。

    For example , if you get flagged as having the Win32 / Popureb . E Trojan ( description ), Microsoft strongly recommends following the instructions in the blog .

  5. 近期出现的内核模式驱动级病毒是集特洛伊木马病毒、下载器病毒、后门病毒、Rootkit技术为一体的复合型病毒。

    The recent Kernel-mode driver virus is Trojan horse virus , downloader virus , backdoor virus . Rootkit technology as a whole complex of the virus .

  6. 特洛伊木马病毒占据了总数的53.8%,在同一时期仍然是最多的,紧随其后的是Adware病毒,占据39.02%。

    Trojan horse viruses , which accounted for 53.8 percent of the total , remained the most prolific in the period , followed by Adware viruses , at 39.02 percent .

  7. Quttera无法和不应该被用来检测病毒,特洛伊木马病毒传播作为共同的计算机程序或可执行文件。

    Quttera is unable and should not be used to detect Viruses and Trojans spreads as common computer programs or executable files .

  8. 他说这个被称为Duqu的新病毒是一种特洛伊木马病毒,专门收集并反馈客户系统的信息。

    He said the new malware , dubbed Duqu , was a Trojan Horse designed to collect and relay back information about the host system .

  9. 木马病毒的分析、检测与防治

    The analysis , detection and prevention to the Trojan horse virus

  10. 浅析木马病毒及其防范措施

    Analysis on the Trojan House Virus and Its Preventive Measures

  11. 当今网络时代木马病毒及其防范措施

    Talking about the Trojan-Horse and the Defensive Measures in the Internet Age

  12. 大多数在线攻击为木马病毒和程式。

    Most online attacks were Trojan viruses and bots .

  13. 这个软盘带有木马病毒,必须先杀毒。

    This floppy disk has trojan virus , which must be killed first .

  14. 木马病毒分析及其检测方法研究

    Analysis of Trojan Horse and Its Detection

  15. 骇客能够给世界另一端的电脑种植木马病毒。

    Hackers can plant Trojan horses in computers on the other side of the world .

  16. 特洛依木马病毒是什么?

    What is a Trojan horse ?

  17. 用户访问这些页面后,可能会感染蠕虫下载器和大量木马病毒。

    After the user visits these pages , may affect vermian download implement with many trojan virus .

  18. i模拟什么病毒,特洛伊木马病毒或其他恶意程式可以做你的电脑。

    I simulate what a virus , trojan , or other malicious program can do to your computer .

  19. 除了下载之外,我还擅自往梅林的系统里传了木马病毒。

    In addition to the download , I also took the liberty of uploading a trojan to Meryln 's system .

  20. 讨论对计算机安全危害极大的木马病毒的工作原理。

    This paper has discussed the operation principle of the Trojan horse virus that caused the harm greatly to computer security .

  21. 虽然率特洛伊木马病毒的增长可能是惊人的,微软的报告是不是所有的厄运和忧愁。

    Though the rate of Trojan growth may well be alarming , Microsoft 's report is not all doom and gloom .

  22. 避免垃圾邮件,垃圾邮件通常包含有蠕虫病毒或者木马病毒。千万不要打开你不认识人的邮件。

    Guard your email against spam which may contain worms or trojans . Do not open email attachments from people you do not recognize .

  23. 私营领域安全专家指出,来自中国的黑客攻击大幅上升,他们利用所谓的木马病毒感染电脑,从用户那里收集数据。

    Private security specialists have noted a sharp rise in attacks from China that infect computers with so-called Trojans to collect data from users .

  24. 现在已经发现一些第三方插件里含有木马病毒和键盘记录类病毒,它们会窃取你的帐号信息从而盗号。

    It has been proven that3rd party tools are found to contain Trojan viruses and keyloggers to steal your account information to hack your account .

  25. 介绍了木马病毒及其对计算机系统的危害性,提出了几种查杀木马病毒的方法和防御措施。

    This paper introduces the Trojan horse and its damage to computer system , and advances some methods and defensive measures for killing the Trojan horse .

  26. 早在一年前,当一些型号的设备被发现携带有木马病毒之后,就有安全专家提出电子相框是一种安全威胁的途径。

    Security experts first flagged digital picture frames as a danger a year ago , when several models of the devices were found to be carrying Trojan horses .

  27. 本文首先阐述了我国木马病毒的发展现状和趋势,进而针对木马病毒产生和传播的基本要素讨论了防范此类病毒的具体办法。

    In this article , the author made a summary ofthe status and the trend of Chinese Trojan virus development , and also represented some viewpoints on defending those viruses .

  28. 木马、病毒技术迅速发展,同时安全软件也日新月异,主机入侵防御系统(HostIntrusionPreventSystem,HIPS)技术是安全软件的发展方向之一。

    With the rapid development of the technique of trojan horses and viruses , security software is also changing . HIPS ( Host Intrusion Prevent System ) is just as one of the future development directions for security software .

  29. 许多木马和病毒利用ARP协议这一设计上的漏洞在局域网内进行ARP欺骗攻击,给局域网的安全造成了严重威胁。

    According to the loophole in design , many Trojan horses and viruses carry out ARP spoofing attacks to Local Area Networks , which bring about serious threat to the network security .

  30. 新的木马/病毒程序变得异常强大,且更难查杀。

    The new Trojan horse / virus is so strong that cannot be eliminated easily .