
mù kè
  • woodcut;wood engraving;xylograph
木刻 [mù kè]
  • [wood engraving;woodcut] 在木上刻图画的艺术或方法,尤指在木料断面上刻制图画以供印刷机拓印

木刻[mù kè]
  1. 木刻《秋》是作为丰收的景象来构思的。

    The woodcut autumn was conceived as a harvest scene .

  2. 阿姆斯特丹——在法国普罗旺斯柔和清晰的阳光下,文森特·梵高(VincentvanGogh)看到了日本木刻版画中的清澈天空。

    Van Gogh Never Visited Japan , but He Saw It Everywhere AMSTERDAM - In the soft , clear light of Provence , France , Vincent van Gogh saw the crisp skies of Japanese woodcut prints .

  3. 果然,她读的是《白鲸》的木刻版。

    Sure enough , she was reading Moby Dick , in edition with woodcuts .

  4. 每年来此游览的各国游客络绎不绝。BaliHindutempleinthewoodenstatue-巴厘岛印度教神庙中的木刻雕像巴厘岛因历史上受印度文化宗教的影响,居民大都信奉印度教,是印尼唯一信仰印度教的地方。

    Bali because of the history of India , cultural and religious implications , the residents mostly Hindu , Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs .

  5. 原来是建筑师的产品设计师托马斯•格里姆(ThomasGriem)前段时间发布了一个新系列的地毯,起点来自于日本的木刻版画。

    Architect-turned-product designer Thomas Griem released a new collection of rugs earlier this month , which have taken Japanese woodcuts as their starting point .

  6. 英国的圣诞老人或者叫SantaClaus最先在1653年被木刻下来,穿着传统的红白服饰,但是关于圣诞老人坐驯鹿拉的雪撬来,并且下到烟囱里给孩子送礼物的故事却是来源于美国的。

    The English Father Christmas or Santa Claus is first recorded in his traditional red and white outfit in a woodcut of 1653 , but the story of Santa arriving in his reindeer-drawn sleigh and descending down the chimney to fill children 's stockings with presents derives from the USA.

  7. 浅析中国古代木刻版画的文化特征

    A Brief Look into the Cultural Features of Ancient Chinese Wood-Print

  8. 论黑白木刻中具象人物造型与刀法语言的关系

    On Relation Specific Image Figure and Carving Skills in Monochromatic Woodcut

  9. 民间信仰对民间木刻版画的影响

    The Folk Belief 's Influence on the Folk Wood Block Print

  10. 年轻时,他当过木刻工。

    He worked as a wood carver during his early youth .

  11. 这些木刻造型生动,形态逼真。

    These woodblock prints are vividly molded , true to life .

  12. 人们第一次使用茶叶,制造纸张,木刻印刷从此开始。

    Tea was first used , paper manufactured and wood-block printing began .

  13. 明代书籍木刻插图粉本的来源

    The Source of Woodcut Illustration Draft of the Ming Dynasty

  14. 民族化是木刻艺术中一个经久不衰的核心问题。

    " Nationalization " is a long-standing core issue of wood-engraving art .

  15. 我们在创作一些木刻。机械工程与材料科学&为庆贺《机械工程材料》创刊100期而作

    We 're working on some wood-cuts . Mechanical Engineering and Material Science

  16. 就全国的木刻运动而言,客家人在诸多方面开了先河。

    Hakka people once played a positive role in the woodcut movement .

  17. 展出的有雕塑和木刻。

    There 're sculptures and woodblock prints in the exhibition .

  18. 第三,雕版佛画影响到后世木刻年画。

    Third , the Buddhist woodblock woodcut painting affect the later paintings .

  19. 明代木刻与元代石刻中的基督教画

    Christian Pictures in Woodcut of Ming Dynasty and Stone-engraving of Yuan Dynasty

  20. 夜景犹如一幅黑白分明的木刻画。

    The night was an etching in black and white .

  21. 你们在干什么呀?我们正在创作一些木刻。

    What are you doing ? We are working on some wood-cuts .

  22. 西洋木刻图片中,可见以「珠」计「算」的方式。

    Weatern woodcut shows how calculations were performed with beads .

  23. 我对哥特木刻的热忱精神感到敬畏。

    I have been awed by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving .

  24. 这个雕塑是非洲木刻的杰作。

    The sculpture is a masterpiece of African woodcarving .

  25. 最古老的版画制作形式是木刻版画。

    The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut .

  26. 用木刻印板印出来的画。莎士比亚将人物刻画得入木二分。

    A print made from a woodcut . Shakespeare draws his characters well .

  27. 他对翻译、木刻等工作身体力行、热切提倡。

    He practiced and enthusiastically promoted professions such as translation and woodblock printing .

  28. 论抗战时期重庆木刻运动的特征及其进步性

    On characteristics and progress of Chongqing woodcut movement during Anti - Japanese War

  29. 不断壮大的美国报纸传媒业大量生产这些照片转印的木刻简画

    America 's growing newspaper mass media reproduces simple woodcuts of the images .

  30. 此外,桃花坞的木刻年画也享有盛名。

    Besides , the Taohuawu wood engraving Spring Festival pictures also enjoy great reputation .