
zhé shàn
  • folding fan
折扇 [zhé shàn]
  • [folding fan] 一种可以折叠的扇子,用竹、木、象牙等做骨架,上面蒙上纸或绢

  • 泥金折扇

折扇[zhé shàn]
  1. 我的爷爷经常在包里带着折扇。

    My grandfather always takes a folding fan in his bag .

  2. 此外,他们还可以使用巨型折扇来装饰他们的房子等。

    In addition , they can use giant folding fan to decorate their house and so on .

  3. 完全风化带内赋存着化学成分纯、Fe和Ti含量少的高岭石,其矿石结晶度较好,以蠕虫状、折扇状高岭石为主;

    Pure kaolinites with almost no Fe and Ti components occur in the completely weathering zone . The ores consist mainly of worm shaped and folded fan shaped kaolinites with higher degree of crystallinity .

  4. 她带回一把大大的折扇。

    And she brought with her a big hand .

  5. 煤的生烃潜力的折扇法评价

    A " folded-fan " method for assessment on the hydrocarbon-generating potential of coals

  6. 檀香折扇香气淡雅清郁,真正贵妇享受。

    Sandalwood folding fans with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance give ladies real enjoyment .

  7. 她在扶手椅里坐了一会儿,不停地把拿在手上的那把可笑的象牙折扇打开来又合上。

    For a while she sat in her arm-chair , opening and shutting the absurd ivory fan between her fingers .

  8. 光环带的光束像一把流光折扇,在太阳的南北两极附近形成纤细的辐射线。

    The corona 's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike-like rays near the Sun 's north and south poles .

  9. 初识西湖,在一把劣质的折扇上。那是一位到过杭州的长辈带到乡间来的。

    In a roughly-made folding fan brought back by a senior who had returned from Hangzhou city , I first got acquainted with West Lake .

  10. 各角色除“花”持折扇、手帕表演外,其它三者持同名道具。

    The " hua " would hold a folding fan and a handkerchief , while the other three roles hold another kind of stage prop .

  11. 向著名的时尚人物学习&向每一个人学习,从扎马尾辫拿折扇的卡尔拉格斐到嘉莉·多诺万和她的大眼镜,黑色的衣服和金发。

    Study famous tastemakers & everyone from Karl Lagerfeld with his ponytail and fan to Carrie Donovan and her oversized glasses , black clothes and blond hair .

  12. 在通往塞尔维亚大教堂的路上,有许多商店出售一些西班牙传统服饰,折扇,玩偶和其他的纪念品。

    On the way to Sevilla Cathedral , there were many shops which selling some Spanish traditional clothes , fans , Spanish dolls and some other souvenirs .

  13. 通常以一对屏风、一张桌子、一把折扇、一块醒木为背景,单田芳凭借扎实的技巧和即兴演绎,将书中的场面描绘得如电影片段般生动逼真,引人入胜,虏获了大批热情的粉丝。

    With a backdrop -- usually a pair of screen doors , a table , a folding fan and a block of wood ( known as xingmu ) -- Shan won a large base of enthusiastic fans for his solid techniques and improvisation , describing the scenes in the book in vivid and captivating ways , like movie clips .