
zhé jiù fèi
  • depreciation charge
折旧费 [zhé jiù fèi]
  • [depreciation charge] 会计上的金额,通常按资产原来成本的固定百分比来计算,该金额须定期记入支出账内或从总收入中扣除,以弥补该资产的贬值

  1. 合理计提折旧费促进机械设备更新

    Calculate And Collect Depreciation Charge Reasonably to Promote Mechanical Equipment Renewal

  2. 选择网线的初始强度为预定的报废时剩余强度的两倍时,平均每天的折旧费最小。

    While the initial twine strength is chosen at twice as large as the predeterminate residual strength at abandon , the average depreciation charge per day will be minimum .

  3. 他们注销了500镑作为机器折旧费。

    They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery .

  4. 房地产估价收益还原法中的折旧费探讨

    Analysis of Depreciation in the Real Estate Appraisal Using Income Capitalization Approach

  5. 返回某项固定资产的每期线性折旧费

    Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period

  6. 其极少的折旧费和维护费用大大低于传统空调。

    Its minimal depreciation and maintenance costs significantly lower than the traditional air-conditioning .

  7. 我们注销了500美元作为机器折旧费。

    We wrote off $ 500for depreciation of machinery .

  8. 很多间接成本也有变动,但像折旧费之类一般是固定的。

    Many indirect costs are also variable , some such as depreciation are generally fixed .

  9. 另外,酒店业中除了人工成本、折旧费、能源水耗等间接成本较高外,固定成本在酒店行业总成本重所占的比例也比较高。

    In addition , fixed costs in the hospitality industry have a heavy proportion too .

  10. 固定资产折旧费提留是下一步开展工作的新领域。

    Allowance for depreciation of fixed assets is a new field to open up in our future work .

  11. 确定折旧费的依据是建筑造价、残值、清理费用和折旧年限。

    Determining depreciation is based on the construction cost , value , the liquidation costs and depreciable lives .

  12. 探讨了降低电泳涂装设备折旧费,从而降低涂装成本的途径。

    The ways to reduce the depreciation allowances of the electrophoresis coating equipments in order to lower the coating costs are discussed .

  13. 投资项目财务评价折旧费计算不必考虑净残值因素;

    It is not necessary to consider the net scrap value when you calculate depreciation of fixed assets on investment project financial evaluation ;

  14. 生产成本影响因素方面有饲草饲料、医疗防疫、死亡损失、固定资产折旧费、草场建设费、人工费用等。

    The cost includes Fodder , medical quarantine , death losses , depreciation of fixed assets , grassland construction costs , labors costs .

  15. 注意该运输卡车的预计残值直到最后才计入折旧费的计算。

    Notice that the estimated residual value of the delivery truck does not enter into the computation of depreciation expense until the very end .

  16. 维持性资本支出一般是审计人员所准许的、避免高额折旧费的最低支出,让资产所有者很难出现转机。

    Maintenance capex tends to be the minimum auditors allow to avoid big depreciation charges , leaving asset owners badly positioned for an upturn .

  17. 人工成本以人工工时为动因,折旧费以面积为动因,能源和水资源费以工时为动因。

    Time is the artificial cost driver , area is the depreciation cost driver , man-hour is the energy and water resources fee drivers .

  18. 年折旧费就用这个加速折旧率乘以待折旧成本(即当时的账面净值)得出。

    Annual depreciation expense then is computed by applying this accelerated depreciation rate to the undepreciated cost ( current book value ) of the asset .

  19. 减记这些陈旧而效率低下的资产(今年上半年折旧费同比增加四分之一),正对业绩产生影响。

    Writedowns on these old and inefficient assets depreciation charges were up by a quarter in the first half , year on year are taking their toll .

  20. 每年根据燃气企业的固定资产余额,按一定的比率提取折旧费和投资收益划拨给企业。

    Every year , the charge for depreciation and return of investment in definite ratio will be appropriated to the enterprise , based on its fixed asset balance .

  21. 在分析这4种方法一般特性的基础上,探讨了它们在分析期内静态折旧费总额和动态折旧费总额。

    Based on the analysis of common characteristics of the four methods , the sum of depreciation charges during analysis period , both static and dynamic , is derived .

  22. 为了简化,这里主要选取的资源如下:直接材料、低值易耗品、人工成本、折旧费、能源和水资源费用。

    In order to simplify , here basically selected resources as follows : direct materials , low-value and artificial cost , labor costs , depreciation cost , energy and water fee .

  23. 只要每1年的折旧费都仅等于资产的待折旧成本的一部分,该项资产就永远不会被全额冲销。

    As long as each year 's depreciation expense is equal to only a portion of the undepreciated cost of the asset , the asset will never be entirely written off .

  24. 您获得的唯一救济和联想在本保修条件下的全部责任将是,根据联想的选择,修理或更换缺陷产品,或在扣除折旧费后将您购买产品的价款退还给您。

    Your exclusive remedy and Lenovo 's entire liability under this warranty will be for Lenovo at its option to repair or replace the Product or refund your purchase price less any rebates .

  25. 固定资产投入高、流动资金占用多、生产过程中原料费和设备折旧费占较大的比重。

    In this industry , the investment in fixed assets is high ; liquidity occupies too much , the material cost and depreciation of machinery take up a large proportion during the production process .

  26. 我们例中的运输卡车有5年预计使用年限,所以每年的折旧费是可供折旧金额的1/5,或2%。

    The delivery truck in our example has an estimated life of 5 years , so the depreciation expense each year is 1 / 5 , or 2 % , of the depreciable amount .

  27. 折旧费计算自开具发货票之日起至退货之日止,其中应当扣除修理占用和待修时间。

    Depreciation cost computation rises to stop to the day that returns money from the day that opens hair freight bill , ought to deduct among them repair take up and need long time .

  28. 比如,倘使合同有划定的话,外方投资者可经由过程交来其机器折旧费的要领,收回其一部分投资,即便这时企业正在赔钱。

    For instance , even if the venture is running at loss , the foreign investor may still get some of his investment back through depreciation of his machinery if the contract so stipulates .

  29. 劳动力所有者的收入应包括两部分:一部分是作为劳动力价值或价格的工资部分,它仅相当于消耗掉的劳动力这个人力资本的本金或称为折旧费,但这并不能称之为“报酬”;

    The income of the labourer contains two parts . One is the value or price of the labour force ( that is salary ), which only equals to the consumption of the capital of the labour force ( or called depreciation );

  30. 论文首先通过对集装箱码头装卸设备单机成本相关指标进行分析,明确了单机成本核算的主要内容,包括设备月折旧费、运行成本和维修成本。

    At the beginning of the paper , we analyzed the relative indexes of single loading and unloading machines in the container terminal , and made it clear the main content of single machine costing , namely depreciation of machine each month , operation cost and maintenance cost .