
chōng xiāo
  • write-off;charge off;charge against;cover
冲销 [chōng xiāo]
  • (1) [charge off] ∶减去账面上资产价值的部分或完全损失的数额

  • 把已废弃的存货从账面上冲销

  • (2) [cover]∶在商品交易所或证券交易所卖出原先买进的期货和证券

冲销[chōng xiāo]
  1. 外汇市场干预的中心问题,就是冲销干预和非冲销干预是否影响汇率以及如何影响汇率的问题。

    The main problem of the intervention to foreign exchange market is whether charge against intervention and non-charge against intervention can affect exchange rate .

  2. 其他大银行业也放缓了他们的冲销速度。

    Other big banks have slowed their write-off rate as well .

  3. 在冲销来自三菱的销售和信贷部门

    The eliminations came from Mitsubishi 's sales and credit departments .

  4. 与此同时,兀鹫基金(vulturefunds)会为获得必备知识进行投资,而损失也不得不进行冲销。

    Meanwhile , vulture funds would invest in obtaining requisite knowledge . Losses will also have to be written off .

  5. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)和富国银行(WellsFargo)的不良贷款/冲销比率分别为124和113。

    The ratio of bad loans to charge-offs at Bank of America ( BAC ) and Wells Fargo ( WFC ) was 124 and 113 , respectively .

  6. 20可通过imf制定一套规则,用以遏制积累储备资产和冲销资本流入的行为。

    What the G20 can initiate through the IMF is a set of rules that limits the accumulation of reserve assets and sterilisation of capital inflows .

  7. 外汇储备、外汇交易量与CHIBOR利率的VAR模型(2000~2004)&兼论三元悖论下冲销干预与货币政策的独立性

    A VAR Model of Foreign Exchange Reserve , Foreign Exchange Trading Volume and CHIBOR : 2002 ~ 2004

  8. 要将这个比例恢复到第二财季水平的话,美国银行的业绩在遭受美林公司(MerrillLynch)大笔冲销带来的冲击之外,可能还要再次承受沉重压力。

    Building it back up to second-quarter levels would cause another big hit to earnings , already set to be hammered by a big Merrill Lynch write-down .

  9. 然而,一些迹象表明,“冲销”(sterilise)资金流入的体系已接近极限。

    However , there are some signs that the system for sterilising inflows is reaching its limit .

  10. 在较简单静态材料表基础上,详细阐述集成冲销时间、逾期量及固定计划订单等因素的再生法MRP的系统分析与设计。

    Based on the simple bill of material ( BOM ), system analysis and design of regeneration MRP which considers offset-time , past due and firm planned order are introduced in details .

  11. 根据我自己的粗略估算,如果你对坏帐冲销做出现实的假定,并对未来经济增长做出保守的预测,那么爱尔兰银行业的纾困成本可能会超过该国国内生产总值(gdp)的30%。

    On my own back-of-the-envelope calculations , the cost of a financial sector bail-out may exceed 30 per cent of Irish gross domestic product , if you make realistic assumptions about bad debt write-offs and apply a conservative trajectory for future economic growth .

  12. 解除掉期合约会令aig无需再为这类掉期提供更多质押物,为掉期提供质押也是aig最近几个季度冲销数十亿美元的原因所在。

    The contract cancellations will free the insurer from additional collateral calls on those swaps , which also have been responsible for billions of dollars in write-downs that AIG has logged in recent quarters .

  13. 该公司发布有关企业欠款冲销等指标的KaulkinGinsberg指数。

    The company publishes the Kaulkin Ginsberg Index of indicators such as corporate charge-offs of unpaid debt .

  14. 中国央行(PBoC)通过冲销操作来回笼大多数流动性,但面临巨大压力,同时利率仍受到压制。

    The People 's Bank of China , the central bank , has kept much of this liquidity at bay via sterilisation operations , but pressures are immense and interest rates remain suppressed .

  15. 中国央行通过发行央行票据,将资金抽出流通环节,“冲销”(sterilise)了以贸易顺差和投机资本等形式流入中国的资金。

    The central bank " sterilises " the funds that have come into the country in the form of the trade surplus and speculative inflows by selling bills to take the money out of circulation .

  16. 为保持人民币稳定,中国人民银行(PBoC)买入几乎所有流入中国的外汇,对其进行投资,然后通过发行本币票据,试图从流通系统中吸走这些现金,以冲销这些外汇对中国的货币影响。

    To keep the renminbi stable , the People 's Bank of China buys nearly all the incoming foreign currency , invests it , and then tries to sterilise the monetary impact in China by issuing local currency bills to take the funds out of circulation .

  17. 而中国央行官员们担心的是累积过程的成本有可能不断上升:为了吸收或“冲销”(sterilise)其购买外汇产生的过剩流动性,中国人民银行一直在发行专门为此设计的本币票据。

    Yet Chinese central bankers are fretting about the potentially rising cost of the accumulation process : in order to mop up , or " sterilise " , the excess liquidity generated by its foreign exchange purchases , the PBOC has been issuing specially designed local currency bills .

  18. 此次交易将导致11亿美元的冲销。

    The purchase will result in a $ 1.1 billion write-down .

  19. 那些都是业务支出,你可以把那些冲销。

    Those are business expenses . You can write those off .

  20. 我国外汇冲销干预中存在的问题及对策分析

    Problems and Solutions of Sterilized Intervention in Foreign Exchange in China

  21. 我国外汇市场冲销干预研究

    A Research on China 's Sterilized Intervention in the Foreign Exchange Market

  22. 放开冲销导致初期的亚洲房产和股票泡沫。

    Incipient Asian property and stock bubbles from unwinding sterilization .

  23. 我国中央银行的货币控制和冲销干预措施&基于中央银行资产负债表的分析

    Review on Monetary Control and Sterilized Intervention Measures of the Central Bank

  24. 巨额冲销行为影响因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Influence of the Conduct of Big Bath

  25. 暂时的不合理过失&扭转亚洲的冲销

    A momentary lapse of unreason - reversing sterilization in Asia

  26. 当是我的狗太老即冲销?

    When Is My Dog Too Old For That Haircut ?

  27. 德国商业银行2008年总计冲销了大约10亿欧元的资产。

    Total write-downs for 2008 for Commerzbank came to around 1 billion euros .

  28. 各国吸收国际流动性的方法之一,是进行冲销式干预。

    One way for countries to absorb international liquidity is to sterilise it .

  29. 央行票据冲销外汇占款成本的影响因素研究

    Study on the Influencing Factors of the Sterilization Costs

  30. 我国外汇储备增加的通货膨胀效应实证研究&兼评外汇冲销政策的有效性

    Empirical Research on China 's Inflation Effect from Foreign Exchange Reserve 's Increase