
kù cún
  • inventory;stock;bank;reserve;repertory
库存 [kù cún]
  • [stock;reserve] 指库中现有的现金或物资

库存[kù cún]
  1. 你们的库存有绿茶吗?

    Do you stock green tea ?

  2. 库存已几乎卖完。

    The stock is nearly exhausted .

  3. 需要30万吨谷类补充库存。

    Three hundred thousand tons of cereals are needed to replenish stocks

  4. 该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或长期国库券作为担保。

    The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety

  5. 全国各地的经销商持续抱怨汽车大量库存卖不出去。

    Dealers across the country continue to complain about huge stocks of unsold cars .

  6. 但是调查也显示,各公司正在减少库存,而没有生产新的产品。

    But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products

  7. 弹药的库存正在减少。

    Stocks of ammunition were running low .

  8. 这家商店库存大批货物,供冬季销售。

    The store keeps a large stock of goods for winter sale .

  9. 涤丝市场上经销商与涤丝厂家价格倒挂,纺丝厂家库存压力、销售压力并存。

    Polyester silk dealer and polyester manufacturer in the market prices hang upside down , spinning factory sales inventory pressures , pressures exist side by side .

  10. 敢于创新的零售商使用新技术来创新商店的几乎所有职能,从库存管理到营销,再从营销到盈利。

    Creative retailers are using the new technologies to innovate just about everything stores do from managing inventory , to marketing , to getting paid .

  11. 医院和血库负责储存血液,并尽量保持足够的库存。

    Hospitals and blood banks store the blood and try to keep enough on hand .

  12. 从STOCK表检索该产品的地区信息和剩下的库存水平。

    Retrieve some district information and the remaining stock level for the item from STOCK .

  13. B库存费的变化率为存贮量的函数,讨论模型解的存在性和唯一性,找到了最优存贮策略。

    The existence and uniqueness of the models are discussed , and optimal inventory policies are found .

  14. 我使用Category类来保存库存信息。

    I use the Category class to hold inventory information .

  15. 这是从LotusNotes文档创建库存材料(stockmaterial)的一种好方法。

    This is a great way to create stock material from Lotus Notes documents .

  16. 然后构建一个基于WEBService的分布式仓储管理系统。分布式库存系统中的仓储技术

    Then we construct a Service Management system that is based on SOAP / Web service . Warehousing technology in a distributed warehouse

  17. 有限维修连续(Q,S)库存模型

    A Limited Repair and Continuous Review ( Q , S ) Inventory Model

  18. 基于MAD的库存评价与实例

    The application and example of the storage evaluation

  19. 最后结合物流和库存管理的流程,设计实现RFID中间件原型系统。

    Finally with Logistics and inventory management process , design and realize RFID middleware prototype system .

  20. 您可能不关心23.7%这个数字式怎么来的,而是关注如何向其他Web应用程序公开库存。

    You resist the temptation to ponder how they arrived at the23.7 % figure and instead focus on how you can expose your inventory to other Web applications .

  21. inventory数据模型允许指定用于指定库存源的位置的请求。

    The inventory data model allows the request to specify the location of a source of inventory to be specified .

  22. 本文还结合J2EE多层体系结构,对采购模块和库存模块进行结构分层。

    According to the J2EE multi-tier structure , the paper divides the purchase module and storage module into several layers .

  23. 方法:运用ABC分类法以及补充式出库法等对我院药品库存进行管理。

    Methods : ABC analysis and additional supply rule were used to manage the hospital drug inventory .

  24. 针对目前军队库存监控系统不能满足灵敏后勤的需求,提出了一种基于多Agent的库存控制系统。

    The paper puts forward an inventory control system based on MAS , which consists of reengineering agent , task agent , resource management agent and inventory resources agent .

  25. 为了计算销售机会提要中每个条目的库存需求,生产经理需要创建一个主细(masterdetail)数据结构。

    In order to calculate the inventory requirements for each entry in the sales leads feed , the production manager needs to create a master detail data structure .

  26. 供应商管理库存(vendormanagedinventory,简称VMI)是供应链管理环境下一种新型的库存管理模式,体现了供应链集成化管理的思想,是供应链管理环境下库存控制的一项重要策略。

    Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ), as a newly inventory management strategy , highly reflects the integrated SCM concept .

  27. 跟踪和管理物料计划和库存相关的KPI。

    Monitor and manage material planning and inventory related KPIs .

  28. VMI模式下的库存运输集成优化研究

    Research on Irp under the Mode of VMI

  29. VMI环境下的库存与发货模型研究

    Inventory and Dispatch Models in VMI Systems

  30. 中国新闻媒体报道称,零售商家库存的金色iPhone已经全部售完。

    Chinese news outlets reported that retailers have already sold all of the gold iPhone 5S models they had in stock .