
tú zǎi chǎnɡ
  • Slaughterhouse;abattoir;slaughtering house
屠宰场 [tú zǎi chǎng]
  • [slaughterhouse] 宰杀牲畜供应市场的机构

  1. 羊被赶到当地的屠宰场。

    The sheep were driven to the local abattoir .

  2. 你是一只牧场的动物就等着进屠宰场

    You 're just a pasture animal waiting for the abattoir .

  3. 她的马擅长跨越障碍,是家人从废马屠宰场挽救回来的。

    Her horse was a show jumper whom the family rescued from the knacker 's yard .

  4. 他们更注意生产,比那些更密集的屠宰场拥有更多的雇员

    They take more care and have a greater number of staff than more intensive abattoirs .

  5. 在韩国,许多被遗弃的狗最后不可避免地被抓起来送往屠宰场。

    In South Korea , many abandoned dogs inevitably end up being caught and sent to meat farms .

  6. 英国养猪协会(BritishPigAssociation)出口主管克里斯?杰克逊(ChrisJackson)表示,这些部位原本只能以较高的成本丢弃,现在销往中国,理论上可以增加屠宰场和农民的收入,而且应该不会导致英国国内培根价格上涨。

    Selling the bits that would otherwise be binned , at a cost , should theoretically fatten the incomes of abattoirs and farmers , said Chris Jackson , export director at the British Pig Association .

  7. 屠宰场(也使用“abattoir”一词),是将动物宰杀并加工成肉产品的设施。

    A slaughterhouse also called an " abattoir ", is a facility where animals are killed and processed into meat products .

  8. 周二,澳大利亚农业部长宣布立即停止向印尼11个屠宰场出口活牲畜。澳大利亚农业部长乔·路德维希(JoeLudwig)说,名单中要添加的还有很多内容。

    On Tuesday , Australia 's agriculture minister announced an immediate ban on live cattle exports to 11 Indonesian slaughterhouses . Joe Ludwig says more could be added to the list .

  9. 自屠宰场采集猪卵巢,用抽吸法采集卵母细胞,选择外周卵丘细胞包裹致密、卵母细胞胞质均一的卵母细胞(A,B级)进行体外成熟培养,研究其相关影响因素。

    The aspiration method was used for recovering the cumulus-complexes ( COCs ) from surface-visible follicles of porcine ovaries from slaughterhouse . Those COCs that have compact cumulus cells and homogeneous oocyte plasma ( A and B grade ) were chosen for in vitro maturation ( I VM ) .

  10. 有一个知情人士曾经告诉blogboingboing说,他的“一个朋友告诉他”伊拉克的屠宰场会把血倾倒在运河中。

    One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was " told by a friend " that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood in canals .

  11. 我们的活动在全奥地利最著名的救助中心GutAiderbichl举行,中心救助了各种各样从农场和屠宰场救出的动物。

    The location was Gut Aiderbichl – the most magnificent rescue centre for all sorts of domesticated animals rescued from farms and slaughterhouses in Austria .

  12. 你从附近的屠宰场买到20kg的牛心脏,放在冰上带回,在冷室或在冰上进行每纯化步骤。

    You pick up 20 kg of beef hearts from a nearby slaughterhouse . You transport the hearts on ice , and perform each step of the purification in a walk-in cold room or on ice .

  13. 别去机器屠宰场,远离人类。

    Stay away from flesh fairs , stay away from people .

  14. 在被送到屠宰场宰杀前,这匹马死了。

    She died before she could be killed at the slaughterhouse .

  15. 小型屠宰场中,生猪都是被吊起放血。

    In smaller operations , the pig is hoisted for bleeding .

  16. 屠宰场,我们要找屠宰场。

    Slaughterhouses , that ` s what we want to look for .

  17. 那就是说你没把我带到那“屠宰场”去。

    That means you didn 't let me walk into a slaughterhouse .

  18. 你不是跟屠宰场的那个女的约会过吗?

    You went out with that girl from the abattoir .

  19. 关於屠宰场的那些话让我十分恶心!

    All that talk about abattoirs turned me right off !

  20. 新鲜猪心瓣膜取自上海复新屠宰场。

    The fresh porcine heart valves were from Shanghai Fuxin Slaughter House .

  21. 参观完昔日的屠宰场后喝着啤酒;

    A beer after a trip round a former abattoir ;

  22. 某屠宰场杂交育肥猪胰脏功能研究初探

    Study on Pancreas Function of Hybrid Pigs in the County

  23. 这些羊运到当地的屠宰场宰杀。

    The lambs are taken to the local abattoir to be slaughtered .

  24. 牛要送到城里的屠宰场。

    The cattle were sent to the city for slaughter .

  25. 经追查这些马肉来自欧洲的几家屠宰场。

    The meat has been traced to European abattoirs .

  26. 竟然会在屠宰场里遇见她,真离奇。

    It was surreal meeting her at the abattoir .

  27. 一只带路的山羊把绵羊引到屠宰场去了。

    A Judas goat led sheep into the abattoir .

  28. 从屠宰场发出的臭味让她感到恶心。

    The stink from the slaughter-house turned her up .

  29. 视频显示了印尼一些屠宰场虐待牲畜的情景。

    It shows the treatment of live animals at some slaughterhouses in Indonesia .

  30. 失败者的屠宰场不是我命运的归宿。

    The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny .