
tú chǎnɡ
  • slaughterhouse
屠场 [tú chǎng]
  • [slaughter-house] 屠杀牲畜的地方

  1. 《五号屠场》的荒诞艺术与主题深化

    The Absurd Art in Slaughterhouse Five and its Deepening Theme

  2. “这场景简直是人间屠场,”刘流着眼泪说。

    " The scene was like a slaughterhouse ," Liu said between tears .

  3. 把故事安排在屠场,是别有用心的。

    To set the film in an abattoir is itself devious .

  4. 颠覆式的反英雄&评《五号屠场》的主人公毕利·皮尔格里姆

    Subversive Anti-Hero : On Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse-Five

  5. 《五号屠场》中虚构的历史和真实的虚构

    Fictional History and Truthful Fiction in Slaughterhouse Five

  6. 《五号屠场》是美国作家库特·冯尼格特最重要的代表作之一。

    Slaughterhouse-Five is the masterpiece of the twentieth century American writer , Kurt Vonnegut .

  7. 《五号屠场》是美国后现代小说家库特·冯内古特的代表作。

    Slaughterhouse-Five is a masterpiece of Kurt Vonnegut , a famous American postmodern novelist .

  8. 因此,首先对现代主义和后现代主义加以界定,并阐述它们之间的关系。在小说《五号屠场》中,现代主义倾向也可窥见一斑。

    Hence at first I define modernism and postmodernism and discuss their relations in Slaughterhouse-Five .

  9. 库尔特·冯尼古特的《五号屠场》及黑色幽默

    Kurt Vonnegut 's Slaughterhouse-Five and Black Humor

  10. 切斯特-隐藏的切斯特和皮肤屠场。

    Chester-The Chester Hide and Skin abattoir .

  11. 牧场疆场屠场

    Grassland , slaughter house , battle ground

  12. 新历史主义视角下的《五号屠场》研究

    A New Historicism Study of Slaughterhouse-Five

  13. 《五号屠场》:一种诗性的语言结构

    Slaughterhouse-Five : A Poetic Language Structure

  14. 冯内古特的《五号屠场》无论从主题、形式还是内容方面都体现了黑色幽默风格特征。

    Hence , Slaughterhouse-Five possesses the black humorous style in theme , in form and in content .

  15. 我必使他们下到屠场,无异羔羊绵羊和山羊。

    I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter , and like rams with kids .

  16. 《五号屠场》与反战争叙事

    Slaughterhouse Five and Anti-war Narrative

  17. 第二部分,详细论述《五号屠场》的后现代主义写作模式,是本文的核心部分。

    Part Two is the postmodern writing modes in Slaughterhouse-Five which is the core of this dissertation .

  18. 《五号屠场》思想研究

    Thought in slaughterhouse - five

  19. 主要原因这一困境是缺乏资金,付诸表决,并保持一个屠场。

    The major cause of this predicament is the lack of funds to put and maintain an abattoir .

  20. 前几天,我逛了一些上海的书店,最终找到了《屠场》一书。

    The other day I had a browse in some Shanghai bookshops and did manage to find the jungle .

  21. 我就把《屠场》放在她的手上,因为我已经读过了。

    I put the translation of Upton sinclair 's novel into her hands since I 'd finished it already .

  22. 当他们面对下一个敌人,凯巴布部落前,他们带领对方的使者观摩了一番他们制造的屠场。

    When they confronted the next tribe , the Kaibabs , they brought an emissary back to view the carnage .

  23. 在《五号屠场》中,宗教只是一个空洞的、无内涵的制度,几乎不能够给追求安慰的人以慰藉。

    In Slaughterhouse-Five , religion is a hollow , superficial institution , barely able to offer consolation to those who pursue religious solace .

  24. 屠场经理可订定屠场每日开放供收取或屠宰食用牲口的时间。

    The manager of an abattoir way fix the hours during which it shall be open each day for the admission or slaughter of food animals .

  25. 然而《五号屠场》的成功还在于1972年根据此书而改编发行的电影,使冯纳格特赢得了美国文化偶像的殊荣。

    Anyway Slaughterhouse-Five 's success and the release of a feature film based on the book in 1972 , gained Vonnegut a position as an American culture icon .

  26. 屠杀她的一切公牛,叫他们下入屠场!他们的灾难临头,因为他们的日子到了,到了惩罚他们的时候。

    Slay all her oxen , let them go down to the slaughter ; Woe to them ! their day has come , the time of their punishment .

  27. 此外,通过对小说典型的现当代国内外研究现状的分析,引出本文的主题&后现代主义的写作模式在《五号屠场》中的具体再现。

    Besides , through analyzing the typical contemporary researches of Slaughterhouse-Five both domestically and internationally , I lead to the theme of this dissertation-postmodern writing modes in Slaughterhouse-Five .

  28. 那个长发秀美的少年副官,没把手从帽檐上放下来,深深地叹了口气,又跑回杀人的屠场去了。

    The handsome , boyish adjutant with the long curls heaved a deep sigh , and still holding his hand to his hat , galloped back to the slaughter .

  29. 其长篇小说《五号屠场》出版后就受到广泛关注,列《纽约时报》畅销书榜第一位。

    Among them , the novel Slaughterhouse-Five has accepted wide interests after its publication and it has ever occupied the first place in the book list of New York Times .

  30. 第三章和第四章,探讨《五号屠场》荒诞主题的表现手法,分别从两个方面进行阐述:人物形象和荒诞形式。

    Chapter Three and Chapter Four explore the theme of absurdity reflected in the means of artistic expression , which includes two aspects : the characterization and the absurd form .