
kuàng cáng
  • mineral resources;mineral resources (deposit);mineral reserves;ore deposits
矿藏 [kuàng cáng]
  • [mineral resources (deposit)] 蕴藏于地下的各种矿物的总称

矿藏[kuàng cáng]
  1. 开采地下矿藏有利于地表植物生长

    Mining of the Underground Mineral Resources Benefits Growth of the Ground Plants

  2. 这个地区由于有丰富的矿藏,所以发展得很快。

    The region developed by leaps and bounds because of its ample mineral resources .

  3. 南极洲的矿藏还未开采。

    No minerals have yet been exploited in Antarctica .

  4. 他已在从戈壁沙漠到德兰士瓦的无数地方勘探过矿藏。

    He had prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal

  5. 有了地质图、书籍和地图册,你便可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。

    With geological maps , books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals .

  6. 地质勘探队员餐风饮露,历尽辛苦,找到了不少新的矿藏。

    After enduring the hardship of the arduous fieldwork , the prospecting team discovered many new ores .

  7. 该省矿藏,以锡最多,铜次之。

    Among the mineral deposits of the province , tin occupies first place ; copper comes second .

  8. 这些矿藏绵延一百公里,跨越四个县。

    The deposits spread for100 kilometers across four counties .

  9. 探矿人员在这里发现了方解石、石英、石棉等矿藏。

    The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite , quartz and asbestos here .

  10. 此外,南极洲过于广袤,一些矿藏所在地饱受暴风吹袭。这片大陆的面积比欧洲还要大,冬天的气温在零下55度左右。

    Then there is Antarctic 's remoteness , with some mineral deposits found in windswept locations on a continent that is larger the Europe and where winter temperatures hover around minus 55 degrees Celsius .

  11. 这些矿藏绵延一百公里,跨越四个县

    The deposits spread for 100 kilometers across four counties .

  12. 探矿人员在这里发现了许多矿藏

    The prospectors have discovered many minerals here .

  13. 他们发现了一处黄金矿藏。

    A lode of gold was discovered 。

  14. 例如,用于制造触摸屏幕的铟等元素的矿藏将在一个世纪内枯竭。

    The mines for elements such as indium , for example , which is used to make touch screens , will be exhausted3 within a century .

  15. 我们的天性中有某种特殊的“矿藏”——我没有更好的词来形容它——它就在我们的DNA里,就像是我们的原始装备。

    There are certain minerals , for lack of a better word , buried in our nature , that come with the DNA , that are part of the original equipment .

  16. 据大家所说,这矿藏是在WeaversNeedle的郊外,该地区在凤凰城外,广阔无垠、以其地理结构闻名。

    Most accounts place the mine in the vicinity of Weavers Needle , a large and well-known formation outside of Phoenix .

  17. 深海海域(大于300m)占全球的88%,蕴藏着丰富的石油天然气资源和矿藏资源。

    Deep-sea area ( more than 300m ), occupying 88 % of the earth , has abundant oil-gas and mineral resources .

  18. 今年3月,它与中国国有矿业集团中铝(chinalco)签署了一份协议,共同开发西芒杜矿藏。

    In March it signed a $ 2.9bn agreement with Chinalco , a Chinese state-owned mining group , to develop the deposit jointly .

  19. 银行家们表示,这笔交易令五矿在国内的竞争对手们羡慕不已,因为ozminerals矿藏产量的价值在过去两年里大幅上升。

    That deal has been the envy of its domestic rivals , bankers say , as the value of the output of the oz minerals mines has surged in the past two years .

  20. Aureus是世界各地无数小型黄金开采公司中的一家,持有矿藏执照&借助运气、判断力和财务支持,这些矿藏有朝一日可能会变成一座开采出黄金的金矿。

    Aureus is one of countless small gold mining companies peppered across the planet , holding licences for deposits that with the right mix of luck , judgment and financial backing might one day become a functioning gold mine .

  21. Aureus是世界各地无数小型黄金开采公司中的一家,持有矿藏执照——借助运气、判断力和财务支持,这些矿藏有朝一日可能会变成一座开采出黄金的金矿。

    Aureus is one of countless small gold mining companies peppered across the planet , holding licences for deposits that - with the right mix of luck , judgment and financial backing - might one day become a functioning gold mine .

  22. “我们想要获得自然资源,矿藏,黄金和石油所带来的部分利益”萨米议会副主席MarianneBalto说道。

    " We want to have a part of the benefit of natural resources , minerals , gold , oil ," says Marianne Balto , vice-president of the Sami parliament .

  23. 沿着林区,覆盖整个陆地面积47%的油页岩(位于kukersite)和石灰岩矿藏在这个资源匮乏的国家的经济中扮演了重要的角色。

    Oil shale ( or Kukersite ) and limestone deposits , along with forests which cover 47 % of the land , play key economic roles in this generally resource-poor country .

  24. 矿化垃圾一种可再生的燃料矿藏

    Mineralized Municipal Solid Waste : A Kind of Renewable Energy Resources

  25. 应用钻孔水溶采矿工艺开采深层天然碱矿藏

    Developing Deep Natural Alkaline Deposits with Borehole Water - dissolving Technique

  26. 我国云南有一个钾石盐矿藏。

    There is a sylvine deposit in Yunnan Province of China .

  27. 数学家们感到矿藏已经枯竭。

    The feeling of mathematicians was that mine had been exhausted .

  28. 介绍铼的技术性能特点、矿藏资源特点。

    This paper introduces technical properties of Re and its occurrence .

  29. 过去认为不值得开采的矿藏现在能够开采了。

    Deposits which were formerly considered worthless can now be extracted .

  30. 寻找某种程度上可能的宝贵矿藏。

    In part , to search for possible valuable mineral deposits .