- ore body;orebodies

[ore body] 指几乎连续的固态矿物体,除了富矿石外,还包括低品位矿石和风化碎屑,但是从形状和特性来看,可以跟邻近的围岩区分开来
Analysis and Development of Multi-project Ore body Delineation Model Based on GIS
Research and development of ore body 3D visualization system base on VC ~ ( + + ) and OpenGL
Visualization Technique for Modeling 3-D GIS Using Octree
Digitization and implication of X ore - body in the Dachang deposit , guangxi
This GIS-based 3D ore-deposit model is the key to the mineral resource quantitative predication .
92 ore-body should be evaluated universally with the values of specific chiseling work and wave impedance .
The thermoelectricity coefficient of pyrite in study area reveals that each orebody pyrite thermoelectricity in cavitation model ( P type ) primarily , its emergence rate all in 85 % .
The IP method is widely used in mineral reconnaissance survey because that can directly discover orebodies with rich metallic sulphide , detailed investigation , and detailed exploration .
As one of effective in-hole geophysical methods , In-hole IP ( Induced Polarization ) method is widely used in deep prospecting of hidden polymetallic and noble metallic deposits .
The orebodies take stratiform shape , with steady mode of occurrence , the average thickness being 1m .
Meanwhile , the P type pyrite varies very little from top to bottom ( 0 03 % ~ 0 2 % P type per meter ), and the mineralized setting is stable , indicating the downward continuation of the mineral body .
B reserves of No. 1 and 2 orebodies over 190 m by mining confirmed , its ore content , grade and metallic content all decline and the declination are respectively 13 9 % , 1 7 % and 15.3 % .
Hg , Bi and Pb are the characteristic elements of primary halos in the upper and middle-upper parts of ore bodies and are the median to large-range indication elements .
Caving spacing study for the flat inclined layered ore-body by Mathews method
According to the latest exploration results , there are mineralized bodys ( ore ) with seam-bit extension below to 200 meters deep .
The secondary faults with NW and nearly E-W strike are the main ore - bearing structure s , controlling the occurrence of orebodies .
The important places of stratiform , stratoid Pb-Zn orebody occurrence are the turning part of NW , NE subordinate fractured zone and interstratal fractured zone and the contact part of different rock beds .
The gold ore bodies are controlled by the interlayer slip faults . The length of the controlling ore structures is larger than 10km .
The investigation into mining method for the orebody located between the elevation 230m and 330m in Xincheng Gold Mine
F1 fault is major controlling structures , and No. V1 ore body and some other ore bodies distributes along the fault strike , and which is rich in varieties of structural deformation phenomena .
A Ag-Pb-Zn orebody with a length of 220 m and a thickness of 4 . 57 m has been discovered .
Than ten kilometers and , coincides with the rough sketch of the reversed S-shaped structure . The clear concentration center of Au anomaly has a peak of more than 3 g / t , and reflects obviously the occurence of gold orebody .
The higher the gold content of the orebody is , the higher the 3T-type phengite content increases in same steps , and the more intensely the strata twist .
Al 2O 3 + SiO 2 + Fe 2O 3 is generally 80 %  ̄ 82 % . The formation of bauxite is apparently controlled by the karst paleo topography . The thickness has big range .
The orebody is strictly controlled by NNE-NE trending faults and exist directly in the quartz-carbonate veins showing its neutral-in reducing environment .
Through field testing , the author considers that tge ~ ( 218 ) Po method can 't only be used in finding buried uranium ore bodies but also can quantitatively predict the dimension and depth of buried . ore bodies .
The deposit occurs in the deep metamorphic rock of Archean Jianping formation , with the orebodies controlled by NW fault structure . The gold mineralization is closely related to the Mesozoic intrusion rock and the ore is mainly of quartzite vein type .
By using a comprehensive method including cluster analysis , factor analysis , correspondence analysis and zoning index , a zonation pattern of ore clement geochemistry and crystal form of pyrite is established and used as basis for evaluation the depth extent and mineralized outcrop of the orebody under development .
Yinshan upfolds the fault zone and the secondary construction create a favorable space for leading ore. It is the the main factor of rock control and ore control . Near EW , the fault zone controls the ore of every mineralized zone . 3 .
The CSAMT method can divid the electric property beds and reflect the anomalous features of fracture zone and altered mineralization zone based upon the low resistance in basic and ultrabasic intrusions and the specific low resistance in the mineralized rocks and ores .