
  • 网络Guangrao county
  1. 基于GIS平台的城市色彩规划与引导初探&以山东广饶县为例

    Using GIS for City Color Planning and Guide Rule : A Case Study of Guangrao County , Shandong Province

  2. 广饶县海(咸)水入侵灾害防治的水文地质环境研究

    Research of hydrogeological environments for saline intrusion disaster prevention in Guangrao County

  3. 举家迁离了他们的故乡忠县,来到了山东,在广饶县定居下来。

    Left their native place and resettled in Guangrao County , Shandong Province .

  4. 这广饶县的齐笔。

    The Qi brush of Guangrao City .

  5. 农村税费改革对乡镇财政的影响与对策&对山东省广饶县的案例分析

    Influences of Tax Fees Reform in the Countryside on Small Towns ' Finance and Countermeasures

  6. 启程前往山东广饶县时,美国田纳西州东部城市。

    Were leaving for Guangrao County in Shandong Province , a city in eastern Tennessee .

  7. 降水量与地下水埋深的小波分析&以广饶县井灌区为例

    Wavelet Analysis on Annual Precipitation and Groundwater Depth Changes & A Case Study on Well-irrigated Area , Guangrao

  8. 对广饶县农民专业合作经济组织发展情况特别是解决困境的实践进行了剖析。

    The specialized cooperative economic organizations in Guangrao county particularly addresses the plight of the development of the practice .

  9. 结果显示,广饶县耕地地力总体水平逐渐变好。

    The results show that cultivated land fertility gradually meliorates and main nutrient content gradually increasing in Guangrao County .

  10. 广饶县井灌区地下水是当地农业生产和人民生活的重要水源。

    The groundwater in well-irrigated area , Guangrao county is very important to the agriculture production and their people living .

  11. 乡镇卫生院是如何走出困境的&对广饶县农村社区卫生服务和新型合作医疗制度的调查

    How could township hospitals go out of dilemma & An investigation of rural community health service and new cooperative medical system in Guangrao county

  12. 莱州湾滨海平原咸水入侵分析与趋势预测&以山东省广饶县为例

    Analysis and Trend Forecast of Salt Water Intrusion in Coastal Plain of Laizhou Bay & A Case Study at Guangrao County of Shandong Province

  13. 该文以山东广饶县为例,进行了面向管理层面的县域耕地测土配方施肥技术研究。

    Taking Guangrao County as research area , this paper studied soil testing and fertilizer recommendation technology facing management level at county level was studied .

  14. 第三部分主要从广饶县非公有制企业党建存在的问题出发,深入分析了问题存在的原因。

    The third part of the Party Construction in non-public enterprises mainly from Guan - grao County , the existing problems , in-depth analysis of the causes of problems .

  15. 本文以山东省广饶县为例,分析了农村税费改革后乡镇财政面临的新问题。

    The article , takes Guangrao , Shandong , as an example , analyzes the new problems facing the finance of small towns after tax fees reform in the countryside .

  16. 该文以山东省广饶县为研究区,探讨基于中高分辨率卫星遥感数据的县域冬小麦估产技术。

    Taking Guangrao County , Shandong Province as the study area , winter wheat yield estimation techniques were explored based on high and moderate resolution remote sensing data at county level .

  17. 10月6日至10日,山东省广饶县举办了以“庆国庆,迎全运、展风采”为主题的第四届农民文化艺术节。

    6 to10 October , Guangrao County , Shandong Province , was held to " celebrate the occasion , welcoming all transportation , exhibition style " as the theme of the fourth peasant culture and arts festival .

  18. 该模型应用于黄河三角洲广饶县井灌区咸水的入侵发展趋势预测,研究成果表明,该方法快捷有效。

    The model has been employed in the salt water intrusion development tendency prediction of the Guangrao county well irrigation area at Huanghe delta . The result of this study manifests that the method is speedy and effective .

  19. 应用所建立的基本理论,在山东省广饶县不同的地下水开采条件下,对海水入侵发展趋势作了预测,据以提出相应的防治建议。

    Applying established basic theory , development tendencies of saline intrusion are predicted under different conditions of groundwater exploitation in Guangrao county , Shandong province . On the basis of it , relevant suggestions for control of saline intrusion are made .