
  • 网络Quang Binh;Quang Binh Province
  1. 广平省是近来由于暴雨引发的洪水受灾最严重的地方。

    Quang Binh was hardest-hit by the flooding sparked by heavy rain over recent days .

  2. 越南中部广平省的韩松洞是世界最大的岩洞之一,最近,多亏旅游公司Oxalis的努力,韩松洞向游客开放了。

    Son Doong Cave in the Quang Binh province of central Vietnam is one of the world 's largest caves and is now , for the first time , accessible to tourists , thanks to the tour operator Oxalis .

  3. 若干媒体报道最近包括了广平省流感样疾病大暴发的传闻。

    Several media reports have recently covered rumours of a large outbreak of influenza-like illness in Quang Binh Province .

  4. 这些病例涉及中部广平省一名5岁男孩、北部南定省一名17岁少女和北部广宁省一名40岁妇女。

    The cases concern a5-year-old boy from the central province of Quang Binh , a17-year-old girl from the northern province of Nam Dinh , and a40-year-old woman from the northern province of Quang Ninh .