
ɡuǎnɡ bō diàn tái
  • radio station;broadcasting station;broadcast transmitting station
广播电台 [guǎng bō diàn tái]
  • [broadcaster;broadcast station] 无线电或电视节目的广播机构或装置

  • 中央人民广播电台

  1. 他在中央人民广播电台工作。

    He works with the central people 's broadcasting station .

  2. 《1992年中央人民广播电台全国听众抽样调查》综合报告

    The Report on the Sampling of the Audience 's Opinions of the Central People 's Broadcasting Station , 1992

  3. 广播电台疲于应付愤怒的听众打来的电话。

    The radio station was besieged with calls from angry listeners .

  4. 愈来愈多的电视台和广播电台使无线电波段愈来愈拥挤。

    More and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves .

  5. 服务沿海地区的地方广播电台经常为驾驶游艇出海的人播报天气预报。

    Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen

  6. 英国广播电台第二频道的路演将会进行现场直播。

    The BBC Radio 2 Roadshow will broadcast live from the exhibition .

  7. 社区广播电台和商业广播电台一直是有区别的。

    There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio .

  8. 广播电台声称已经消灭了87,000名“反动分子”。

    The radio station claimed that 87,000 ' reactionaries ' had been eliminated .

  9. 选举前最后几天,竞选双方占用了所有的广播电台和电视台。

    In the last days before the vote , both sides are saturating the airwaves

  10. 这场演出会在美国国家广播电台、福克斯广播电台和一些有线电视网上同步播出。

    The show will be simulcast on NBC , Fox and a number of cable networks .

  11. 世界上任何一个角落一有新闻发生,全国公共广播电台就会不知从什么地方挖个专家出来。

    When something happens anywhere in the world , NPR digs up an expert from someplace or other

  12. 广播电台整天都在播放哀乐。

    The radio played dirges all day long .

  13. 大多数广播电台都设在镇上绿树成荫的大别墅里。

    Most radio stations settled in the large villas in the leafy areas of the town .

  14. "爵士乐似乎并不符合美国人的胃口,"莫兰告诉国家公共广播电台的记者尼尔·柯南。

    " Jazz seems like it 's not really a part of the American appetite , " Moran tells National Public Radio 's reporter Neal Conan .

  15. 安曼广播电台播放的一则声明提到了野蛮的侵略和骇人的大屠杀。

    A statement on Amman Radio spoke of bestial aggression and a horrible massacre .

  16. 日报、快讯、无线电广播电台,甚至Internet浏览器的日子可能是屈指可数的了。

    The days of your daily paper , newsletter , radio station and maybe even you Internet browser may be numbered .

  17. 这里是墨西哥美国国家公共广播电台,我是CarryCon。

    Carry Con , NPR news , Mexico City .

  18. 美国广播电台新闻主播PeterJennings因患肺癌去世,享年67岁。

    ABC news anchor Peter Jennings dies of lung cancer at age67 .

  19. 结果大学生AIDS知识来源主要是医教人员、报纸杂志、电视台广播电台等。

    ( Results The college ) students ' AIDS knowledge primarily came from doctors and teachers 、 newspapers and magazines and television and broadcast .

  20. •分明频道通信公司另外以10亿美元的价格,将近500个广播电台和电视台卖给了私募资本ProvidenceEquityPartners。

    • a separate $ 1 billion deal to sell around 500 radio and TV stations to Providence equity partners .

  21. 官方媒体中国国际广播电台(ChinaRadioInternational)网站的消息称,在最近这个五一劳动节,出京方向的一条高速路上曾出现长达55公里的拥堵。

    In the recent May Day holiday , a traffic jam of 55 kilometers in length formed on one of the highways leaving Beijing , according to the website of state-controlled China Radio International .

  22. 周末,我在听金钱星球(PlanetMoney)节目[译者注:该节目由美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)制作]中有关阿里巴巴在线批发市场的有趣讲解,其中便提到了阿里巴巴的主导地位。

    I was reminded of this over the weekend while listening to Planet Money 's entertaining explainer of the Alibaba wholesale market .

  23. MIDI在广播电台中的应用

    MIDI , What 's in it for broadcasters

  24. 例如,在20世纪20年代,巴西科学院的成员建立了首个专门从事教育和科学传播的广播电台RádioSociedade。

    Dio Sociedade , devoted to education and communication about science .

  25. 软件系统建立在VPN网络技术基础之上,实现了在Internet网络中建立局域网,并且在传输的安全上给予了有力地保证,建立了各级广播电台间的互连互访。

    Based on the technology of VPN , the software can construct local network in internet with guarantee of transmission safety and achieve the reciprocal access among broadcasting stations in different levels .

  26. 处理这起事件的确是BP的责任,我们正在处理之中,他对美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)说。

    It is indeed BP 's responsibility to deal with this , and we are dealing with it , he told National Public Radio .

  27. 这就将康卡斯特互联网和有线服务与NBC的广播电台合并。

    And what this deal would do , it would combine Comcast Internet and cable services with NBC 's broadcast stations .

  28. 在今日审理结束与下一步过程之间,可能会相隔一段时间,大约几天,史密斯告诉国营的澳洲广播电台(ABCRadio)。

    There may well be some time , a matter of days between the end of the hearing today , and those further processes , Mr Smith told ABC Radio , the country 's state broadcaster .

  29. 数十年来一直是美国国家公共广播电台代表声音的卡尔·卡塞尔宣布,他将于今年春天辞去在NPR机智问答节目《waitwaitdon'ttellme》中担任的工作。

    A signature voice here in NPR for decades , Carl Kasell is announcing effectively this spring he 'll be stepping down from his work on the NPR quiz show wait wait don 't tell me .

  30. 那尼克松觉得自己想要什么?他已经拥有了的…TedRogersCheckers广播电台的幕后主脑看出问题出在哪儿了吗?

    What does Dick Nixon think he needs What he already has : Ted Rogers , the brains behind that Checkers broadcast . See the problem ?