
  • 网络GUANGZHOU;guangzhou port;Port of Guangzhou
  1. 加入WTO后广州港集装箱运输发展的航运形势及面临的问题

    Shipping Situations of Container Transport Development of Guangzhou Port and Problems It Will Face after China 's Entering WTO

  2. 通过SPSS对问卷进行分析,得出三者对深圳港、香港港、广州港各服务属性满意度的高低。

    After the questionnaire analysis using SPSS , we can obtain three parts ' customer satisfaction degree on each service attributes of Shenzhen Port , Hong Kong Port and Guangzhou Port .

  3. 本文在对广州港VTS覆盖水域的船舶交通事故数据进行统计分析和研究基础上,提出了水域危险度的灰色评价方法。

    In this paper , based on statistical analysis and research of the data of traffic accidents from the area under VTS 's jurisdiction in Guangzhou port , the risk degree of water area is proposed using gray assessment method .

  4. 广州港南沙港区位于珠江出海口,腹地范围100km,覆盖了珠三角经济最发达的城市群,地理位置优越。

    Nansha Port Section of Guangzhou Port is located on the estuary of the Pearl River , the hinterland of which covers the most developed cities in Pearl River Delta .

  5. 然而广州港集装箱专业化泊位仅有5个,通过能力仅为205万TEU,目前的泊位处于超负荷运转状态,集装箱吞吐量快速增长与码头通过能力不足的矛盾日益突出。

    But Guangzhou port has only five special container berths , the annual throughput capacity is 205 million TEU . The berths remain over-loading operation status . The conflict between the high-speed of container cargo volumes and the lack of the throughput capacity is more and more serious in Guangzhou .

  6. 广州港的一台KRUPP岸桥,其小车架金属结构由于使用时间长,承载大,运行过程中承受复杂的交变应力而产生了塑性变形,引发了小车运行机构的多种故障。

    The trolley frame of a KRUPP quayside container gantry crane employed in Guangzhou Port , which was resulted to the plastic deformation due to the long time employment and heavy loaded with the complicated interchanging stresses in running , made divers faults in the trolley moving gear .

  7. 广州港南沙港区规划实施对海洋环境的影响分析

    Effects of implementation of Nansha port area plan on marine environment

  8. 广州港船舶垃圾接收情况分析

    Study on the Reception of Garbage from Ships in Port of Guangzhou

  9. 广州港节能减排的经验总结及措施和建议

    Measures and recommendations based on experience in energy-saving emission reduction of Guangzhou

  10. 广州港近年船舶油污事故的分析

    Analysis on Oil Pollution Accidents from Ships in Guangzhou Harbor in the Recent Years

  11. 华南港口物流中心&广州港的发展前景

    The prospect of Guangzhou Port & the largest integrated hub port in South China

  12. 强强联手与广州港集团共同打造华丽水上展区。

    Win-win co-operation with Guangzhou Port Group to create a beautiful water exhibition together .

  13. 广州港南沙港区粮食码头工艺系统设计介绍

    Handling system design of Nansha port area bulk grain terminal project of Guangzhou Port

  14. 挑战来自周边港口竞争广州港本身生产能力的相对不足。

    The challenges come from the competitions among surrounding ports and Guangzhou Port 's incapability in production .

  15. 珠江三角洲港口群发展态势分析&广州港发展战略

    Analysis of the Port Cluster Development in the Pearl Rever Delta & Developmental Strategy of Port of Guangzhou

  16. 方法评估广州港港湾医院医疗废物管理现状,按照《医疗废物管理条例》,完善医疗废物管理机构及管理细则,并开展全员培训工作。

    To accord with the " Regulations for Medical Waste Management ", the managerial system and principles were improved .

  17. 广州港出海航道疏浚对珠江口水质影响及预防措施

    Impacts of Navigational Channel Dredging of Guangzhou Port on Water Quality of the Pearl River Estuary and Its Prevention Measures

  18. 爆破夯实密实基床的施工方法在广州港南沙港区工程1~10泊位施工中普遍采用;

    The construction method of foundation bed consolidation by explosive tamping is widely used in construction of No. 1 to No.

  19. 第8章列举了本论文操作方案在广州港的应用实例,对文中提出的优化作业方案进行了实践检验。

    The eighth Chapter lists the cases that the handling methods are applied in the Port Guangzhou and check the effectiveness .

  20. 本文主要研究港口管理体制改革和《港口法》的颁布实施,对改制后的广州港集团有限公司企业绩效的影响。

    This paper focuses on the impact of the new reform and Port Law on Corporation performance of Guangzhou Port Group .

  21. 分别选取我国三大区域中的上海港、青岛港和广州港进行实证分析。

    The three biggest ports in our country Shanghai , Qingdao and Guangzhou ports were selected to make some empirical analysis .

  22. 通过对船代市场竞争格局的剖析,探索了广州港船代企业的生存空间和发展前景。

    By analyzing the competition pattern in the market , it explores the potential for the agencies ' future survival and expansion .

  23. 其他重点建设项目还有:广州港5万吨航道拓宽工程。新广州客站及相关工程项目。

    Other key projects include a50 thousand ton Channel Broadening Project at Guangzhou harbor , a new railway station and Xin'guang expressway .

  24. 介绍广州港南沙港区一期工程中所应用的大型沉箱及施工工艺。

    The application of large caisson in Nansha Port Area Phase I Project of Guangzhou Port and the construction technology are introduced .

  25. 宋元时期(公元10~14世纪),广州港的繁荣促进了粤绣工艺的飞速发展,粤绣品开始输出国外。

    The prosperous Guangzhou Port of the Song Dynasty promoted the development of Yue embroidery , which began to be exported at that time .

  26. 广州港南沙港区水文泥沙条件及回淤分析大部分海床都为海泥和零散的沙洲所覆盖。

    Hydrological sediment condition and sedimentation analysis of Nansha Port , Guangzhou Much of the seabed is covered by marine mud with some scattered sand banks .

  27. 本文对南沙集装箱码头发展策略的分析和提出,将为广州港南沙港区集装箱码头经营发展战略的制定提供有益的参考。

    The analysis and propose of developing strategies in this article will provide some usefull reference for the formulation of development strategies for Nansha Container Terminal .

  28. 详细介绍了广州港南沙港区吹填陆域工程采用真空预压技术处理软基的现场施工工艺试验研究成果。

    This paper presents the research achievement of the construction technology of vacuum preloading for compaction treatment of hydraulically-filled soft ground at Nansha Port Area of Guangzhou Port .

  29. 第三章结合目前广州港船代需方市场的现状及其发展趋势,着重确定广州港船代企业发展所面临的困难或障碍。

    Concerning the current market of ship agency and its future development , Chapter 3 ascertains the main difficulties or barriers faced by ship agencies in Guangzhou port .

  30. 通过对广州港集团有限公司铁路分公司进行的实证调研,提出了对健全国有港口铁路员工激励机制的思考。

    Through Canton Railway Group Co. , Ltd. Port Branch to carry out empirical research put forward a port on the sound of state-owned railway staff incentive thinking .