
  • 网络Multiple exchanges;multipass
  1. 两国政府间曾多次交换意见。

    There have been numerous exchanges of views between the two governments .

  2. BAS上的路由转发机制从“一次路由,多次交换”改为“一次审计,多次通过”。

    The mechanism of routing and forwarding in BAS was modified from " route once , switch many " to " audit once , pass many " .

  3. 通过多次交换交易分步实现的企业合并,合并成本为每一单项交易成本之和。

    For a business combination realized by two or more transactions of exchange , the combination costs shall be the summation of the costs of all separate transactions .

  4. 陌生的双方在建立信任关系时,仅仅交换一次信任书,随后多次交换对称密钥,直到协商完成或者失败。

    When a trust was established between strangers , their credentials were exchanged only once , and two parties exchanged the secret keys iteratively until the trust negotiation succeeded or failed .

  5. 资源限制信任协商避免了传统信任协商中双方多次交换信任书,以及多次验证信任书和策略的一致性检验所带来的大量公钥密码操作负担。

    RCTN could avoid the heavy computational demands the public keys cryptography operations which the need of traditional trust negotiation to exchange , verified the credentials and check policy compliance time after time .

  6. 然后对本地路由和本地路由的各功能实体进行详细定义,并且利用了一次路由,多次交换本地路由核心思想。

    At the second place , this thesis defined in details about local routing and functional entities of local routing . This thesis make use of an idea called " one routing , multiple exchange " as the principle of local routing .

  7. 该系统在二层交换模块上,添加第四层交换式负载分担模块,并应用了一次处理,多次交换的第四层交换技术思想,大大加快了系统处理速率。

    The system realize fourth level switching and load balance module including basic second level switching module , and this technology idea : " Processing at the first time , Switching for the follow packet " is also introduced to system design , which make the operation speed improving greatly .

  8. 这个协商的过程可以在有限的协商轮数内进行,经过多次信息交换后,找出适当的方法解决问题。

    This negotiation process can be limited within a certain number of negotiation rounds .

  9. 上述设备结构复杂,变压器、变流器热量的排出需要经过多次热交换,最终由空气通过风的形式散出。

    The complex structure of the device , transformer , converter heat discharge through multiple rounds of heat exchange , and ultimately by the air through the form of wind out .