
duō ɡuó bù duì
  • multinational force;allied forces
  1. 一支多国部队正赶往多事的地区。

    A multinational force is being sent to the trouble spot .

  2. 美军将是多国部队的一个组成部分。

    The US troops would be part of a multinational force .

  3. 于是形成了准备作战的多国部队。

    Thus the Allied Troops were formed ready for a war .

  4. 英宣布参加入侵海地的多国部队

    The UK announces participation in the multi-national force invading Haiti

  5. 联合国难民署参与了这一行动,与多国部队进行了密切的合作。

    UNHCR participated in this operation , working closely with coalition military forces .

  6. 这就为多国部队展开地面进攻扫清了障碍。

    That opened the way for the Allied Troops to launch the ground attack .

  7. 根据条约进行部署的多国部队。

    The multinational forces deployed under the treaty .

  8. 多国部队在伊拉克北部为库尔德人建立了安全庇护地区。

    The coalition forces established a safe haven for the Kurds inside northern Iraq .

  9. 在伊拉克,多国部队在联合国的指挥下执行任务。

    In Iraq , multinational forces are operating under a mandate from the United Nations .

  10. 美国称,多国部队轰炸卡扎菲驻地不属于暗杀。

    U.S.says bombing Gaddafi compound not assassination .

  11. 多国部队在作战中体现了这些特点,观念正确;

    Allied force reflected the features in the Gulf War , its idea was correct .

  12. 据中国官方通讯社新华社报道,中国渔船被“多国部队”解救。

    It was freed yesterday by a " multilateral force " , according to Xinhua , the official news agency .

  13. 首先,鉴于黎巴嫩南部的失败经验,它对多国部队没有多少信心。

    First , in light of the failures in southern Lebanon , it does not have much faith in multinational forces .

  14. 多国部队出动一批致命的自主机器人,围着城市四处飞行,追踪敌人。

    The international forces unleash a deadly swarm of autonomous , flying robots that buzz around the city tracking down the enemy .

  15. 伊拉克多国部队指挥官、美军中将奥斯丁也表达了感谢之意。

    There also were words of appreciation from U.S. Lieutenant General Lloyd Austin , who is commander of the Multinational Corps in Iraq ...

  16. 它们认为,美国为首的多国部队对伊拉克的空袭超越了安理会的授权范围。

    They believe that air attacks made on Iraq by multinational forces headed by American forces exceeded the authorization limits of the Security Council .

  17. 不过赫特林表示,他坚信格鲁吉亚两千军人的离开不会明显削弱多国部队在伊拉克的行动。

    But the general expressed confidence that the departure of Georgian forces , which total 2000 in Iraq , would not significantly weaken multi-national operations .

  18. 支援维持索马里和平的多国部队同欧洲盟友一起训练利比亚的安全部队和边境巡逻部队

    supporting a multinational force to keep the peace in Somalia working with European allies to train a functioning security force and border patrol in Libya

  19. 土耳其一直与冲突的双方保持正常联系,尽管土耳其也是在对利比亚发动的军事行动的多国部队的一员。

    Turkey has maintained regular contact with both sides in the conflict , although it is playing a role in the international military operation in Libya .

  20. 突尼斯政府认为,这些轰炸再次表明,多国部队的行动已超出了联合国安理会决议授权的范围。

    The Tunisian government thinks that this bombing again shows that the activity of the multi-national forces has exceeded authorized limits set by the United Nations Council decision .

  21. 澳大利亚官员表示,澳大利亚部队从伊拉克撤出会在尽量不给美国领导的多国部队造成问题的情况下进行。

    Australian officials have said their troop withdrawal from Iraq will be conducted in a manner that will minimize problems for the U.S. - led military coalition there .

  22. 俄罗斯政府宣布说,他们将阻止联合国安理会通过任何允许联合国多国部队使用武力解决利比亚问题的提案。

    The Russian government is vowing to block any attempts in the UN Security Council to pass a resolution on Syria that would allow the UN to use force .

  23. 周三晚间,卡扎菲位于的黎波里的驻地再次遭到多国部队的空袭。英国军方一名高级指挥称,利比亚空军力量已被摧毁。

    Col Muammar Gaddafi 's Tripoli compound was targeted by coalition air strikes on Wednesday night as a senior British commander said the Libyan air force had been destroyed .

  24. 美国目前在阿富汗驻军3万2千人,其中1万8千人是属于“持久自由行动”的一部分。这个由多国部队组成的联盟于2001年将阿富汗塔利班政权赶下台。

    The United States has 32000 troops in Afghanistan . 18000 are part of " Operation Enduring Freedom " - the multinational coalition that ousted the Taliban from power in 2001 .

  25. 尽管有来自多国部队和中国、俄罗斯、印度和其他国家独立舰队的至少三十多艘船只在不断巡逻,海盗袭击仍在继续。

    The attacks are continuing , despite constant patrols by no fewer than three dozen ships from multi-national forces and independent flotillas from China , Russia , India , and others .

  26. 在他最新的电视节目中他扮演乔•史迪威,一个在二战期间领导多国部队的60岁美国将军,这个角色被证明是对他的一个挑战。

    In his latest TV show he played Joe Stilwell , a 60-year-old American general who led multinational forces during World War II , in a role that proved to be a challenge for him .

  27. 其中一个法案为日本军方向多国维和部队提供后勤支持划定了框架。

    One bill creates a framework for Japan 's military to provide logistical support for multinational peacekeeping forces .

  28. 更多的西方国家支持在南奥塞梯以及格鲁吉亚另一个分裂的省份阿布哈兹驻扎一支多国维和部队,来取代那里的俄罗斯军队和格鲁吉亚军队。

    More broadly , western nations back a multinational peacekeeping force in South Ossetia and in another Georgian breakaway province , Abkhazia , to replace Russian and Georgian troops there .

  29. 公报使用罕见的尖锐措辞说,这两个代表两个大陆的组织期待着联合国安理会计划成立的一支多国稳定部队。这支部队将增援目前在索马里四面受困的3400人的非盟维和部队。

    In unusually pointed language , the statement said the two continental groupings ' await with interest ' the U.N. Security Council plan for establishment of a multi-national stabilization force that could reinforce the beleaguered 3400-strong African Union peacekeeping force currently in Somalia .

  30. 彼得雷乌斯将军当时是驻伊拉克的多国联军部队总司令,他带领部下每天进行75分钟的强化锻炼,包括俯卧撑、引体向上和冲刺,目的是为了让他们冲破体能极限。

    Granted , Petraeus , who was then the commanding general of the multi-national force in Iraq , led his troops through a 75-minute daily regimen of push-ups , pull-ups , and wind sprints designed to push the group beyond the point of exhaustion .