
  • 网络dobby;adobe;Toby
  1. 多比蹲在角落的碗橱顶上。

    On top of a cupboard in the corner crouched Dobby .

  2. 多比凑近哈利,他的眼睛大得像车灯。

    Dobby leaned toward Harry , his eyes wide as headlights .

  3. 《认知科学论题》杂志(TopicsinCognitiveScience)上最近刊登的一项研究指出,老年人头脑中的信息要多比年轻人多得多,因此要提取信息自然也就需要更长的时间。

    A recent study in Topics in Cognitive Science pointed out that older people have much more information in their brains than younger ones , so retrieving it naturally takes longer .

  4. 一流的邮费是更昂贵,但也更有效得多比三流的邮费,Pingitore说。

    First-class postage is more expensive but also more effective than third-class , Pingitore says .

  5. 我是来祝贺小多比生日的。

    I just came along to wish dumpy on his birthday .

  6. 多比摇摇头,眼睛瞪得更大。

    Dobby shook his head , his eyes wider than ever .

  7. 多比呻吟着,更多的眼泪滚落到他破破烂烂的枕套上。

    Dobby groaned , more tears dripping onto his ragged pillowcase .

  8. 他们让多比这样做,先生。

    They lets dobby get on with it , sir .

  9. 多比既伤心又欢喜地呻吟着,多么高贵!

    moaned Dobby in a kind of miserable ecstasy . So noble !

  10. 啊,先生,您为什么不听多比的警告呢?

    Ah sir , why didn 't you heed Dobby ?

  11. 哦,我觉得上海多比伦敦拥挤。

    Oh , I think Shanghai is much more crowded than London .

  12. 多比将在主人家做到死,先生……”

    Dobby will serve the family until he dies , sir .... "

  13. 多比在家一天受5次威胁。

    Dobby gets them five times a day at home .

  14. 多比只希望哈利波特稍微受点儿伤,然后被打发回家!

    Dobby only wanted Harry Potter hurt enough to be sent home !

  15. 多比原以为他的游走球肯定能使—

    Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make .

  16. 哈利哆嗦着把多比从衣橱里拉出来。

    Shaking , Harry let Dobby out of the closet .

  17. 多比要获得自由,除非多比的主人赐给多比衣服穿。

    Dobby can only be freed if his master presents him with clothes .

  18. 多比要一辈子地服侍一个家庭。

    Dobby 's bound to serve one family forever .

  19. 他大声说,随即,他认出来了,多比!

    he said loudly , and then , Dobby !

  20. 哈利把多比和德思礼一家的情况都跟他说了。

    Harry explained all about Dobby and the Dursleys .

  21. 先生,多比已经早已习惯死亡的威胁。

    Dobby is used to death threats , sir .

  22. 可主人永远不会放走多比……

    And the family will never set Dobby free ...

  23. 哈里波特不要生多比的气。

    Harry Potter mustn 't be angry with dobby .

  24. 哈利制止不及,多比跳下床,

    And before Harry could stop him , Dobby bounded off the bed ,

  25. 但传统攀岩的稀少令多比感到失望。

    But the dearth of traditional climbing frustrated Dobie .

  26. 多比突然僵住了,两只蝙蝠状的耳朵颤抖着。

    Dobby suddenly froze , his bat ears quivering .

  27. 多比的嘴唇颤抖了,哈利心头顿时起了怀疑。

    Dobby 's lip trembled and Harry was seized by a sudden suspicion .

  28. 你为什么穿着那玩艺儿,多比?

    Why d'you wear that thing , Dobby ?

  29. 多比再次感动得呜呜大哭。

    Dobby dissolved again into wails of gratitude .

  30. 多比将把自己的耳朵关在烤箱门里。

    Dobby will have to shut his ears in the oven door for this .