
  • 网络The elder wand
  1. 他把老魔杖放在修长的手指间慢慢地抽动着。

    Slowly he drew the Elder Wand between his long fingers .

  2. 他相信老魔杖会消除他最后的弱点,使他变得真正不可战胜。

    He believes that the Elder Wand removes his last weakness and makes him truly invincible .

  3. 他被老魔杖所困扰,如同他被你所困扰一样。

    For him , the Elder Wand has become an obsession to rival his obsession with you .

  4. 自然,他用那根接骨木做成的“老魔杖”做武器,无疑任何决斗都会胜出。

    Naturally , with the Elder Wand as his weapon , he could not fail to win the duel that followed .

  5. 我适合拥有老魔杖,而且不能夸耀它,也不能用它杀人。

    I was fit to own the Elder Wand , and not to boast of it , and not to kill with it .

  6. 复活石上的裂缝沿着代表老魔杖的标志直直贯下,而代表隐形衣和石头的三角和圆形依然清晰可辨。

    The Resurrection Stone had cracked down the vertical line representing the Elder Wand . The triangle and circle representing the Cloak and the stone were still discernible .

  7. 最后还有一点,这种对老魔杖的追求,恰好支持了我在漫长的一生中许多次发表的一个观点:人类专爱挑选对他们最为不利的东西。

    Ultimately , the quest for the Elder Wand merely supports an observation I have had occasion to make many times over the course of my long life : that humans have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them .