
lǎo nián
  • old age
老年 [lǎo nián]
  • (1) [old age]∶正常生命历程的最后阶段

  • (2) [yellow leaf]∶生命的晚年

  • 五十三岁,步入老年了

  • (3) [feel one's age;get on in years]∶表示人们接近晚年的时期

  1. 这类问题是老年人的通病。

    Such problems are a universal feature of old age .

  2. 养很多孩子是他们预防老年孤寂的一种办法。

    Having a lot of children is a way of insuring themselves against loneliness in old age .

  3. 作这样的广告宣传就是耍弄老年人。

    Advertising like this is a cynical manipulation of the elderly .

  4. 不应把老年人当二等公民对待。

    Older people should not be treated as second-class citizens .

  5. 老年人比年轻人怕冷。

    The old feel the cold more than the young .

  6. 在那些生活贫困的人中,老年人占有很大的比例。

    Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty .

  7. 这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。

    The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people .

  8. 老年人容易上狡诈推销员的当。

    Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen .

  9. 老年人常常想方设法节约用暖气,结果损害了他们的健康。

    Old people often try to economize on heating , thus endangering their health .

  10. 人们普遍确认,老年人更愿意由家人照顾。

    It is commonly asserted that older people prefer to receive care from family members .

  11. 这首诗对比了青春与老年。

    The poem contrasts youth and age .

  12. 老年人的问题之一是记忆可能紊乱起来。

    One of the problems of old age is that your memory can start to play tricks on you .

  13. 老年保健医学的前景还是一个问号。

    There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care

  14. 老年人渴望有一个更稳定、更可预见的未来。

    Senior citizens long for a more predictable and secure future .

  15. 老年医疗保险也适用于肾病晚期患者。

    ' Medicare ' is available to victims of advanced kidney disease

  16. 老年人与年轻人之间有社会交往。

    There was social intercourse between the old and the young .

  17. 老年人是社会中尤为明显的弱势群体。

    Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society .

  18. 老年人需要医生多花时间,还需要他们的关爱。

    Elderly people need time and compassion from their physicians .

  19. 老年人组织向各自的会员寄送了邮件。

    The seniors organizations sent out mailings to their constituencies .

  20. 在老年群体中女性占大多数,因为男性的寿命往往较短。

    In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger

  21. 在19世纪60年代早期,布莱顿患上了老年痴呆症。

    In the early 1960s , Blyton fell victim to Alzheimer 's disease

  22. 大小便失禁不仅仅是一种老年病。

    Incontinence is not just a condition of old age .

  23. 他的头发像老年人的头发一样,雪白雪白的。

    His hair was snow white like an old man 's.

  24. 许多老年人仅靠社会保障金无法生活。

    Many older people cannot get along on just their Social Security checks .

  25. 这种情况出现在老年人当中,显然是衰老过程的一部分。

    It occurs in elderly men , apparently as part of the ageing process

  26. 整体而言,当今的老年人依然相对贫困。

    As a group , today 's old people are still relatively deprived .

  27. 越来越多老年人的资金全让房子给套牢了。

    More and more old people have capital tied up in a house .

  28. 该公司被指控向数千名老年投资者不正当销售其产品。

    The company has been accused of mis-selling products to thousands of elderly investors .

  29. “传奇”旅行社为老年人提供全年的国内外旅游服务。

    Saga features trips for older people at home and abroad all through the year

  30. 许多老年人都需按时服药。

    Many of the elderly are on medication .