
  • 网络Lao She Teahouse;Laoshe Tea House
  1. A:我和凌昨晚去了老舍茶馆。

    A : Ling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night .

  2. 来老舍茶馆品味中国文化

    A Taste of China at the Lao She Teahouse

  3. 老舍茶馆欢迎五洲四海宾客光临惠顾!

    We welcome the patronage of all Chinese and foreign guests .

  4. 老舍茶馆的故事听起来既有趣又生动。

    Those tales told at Laoshe Tea House sounded both interesting and vivid .

  5. 老舍茶馆热情欢迎国内外每一位朋友的光临。

    Lao She Teahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world .

  6. 在今天的老舍茶馆,服务员会给顾客端来茶水,并兜售中国美食。

    In Lao She Teahouse today , waiters bring tea to the customers and sell them delicious Chinese food .

  7. 我们将在著名的全聚德餐厅品尝北京的烤鸭,在有名的老舍茶馆欣赏京戏。

    We shall taste Beijing Roast Duck in the famous Quanjude Restaurant and enjoy Beijing Opera in the well-known Lao She Teahouse .

  8. 半开放卷帘式鸭舍冬季保温性及其对产蛋的影响研究我们将在著名的全聚德餐厅品尝北京烤鸭,并在有名的老舍茶馆欣赏京戏。

    Study on the Heat Insulating Ability of Half-open Rolling-curtain Duck Shed in Winter and Its Influence on Egg Laying We shall taste Beijing Roast Duck in the famous Quanjude Restaurant and enjoy Peking Opera in the well-known Lao She Teahouse .

  9. 老舍是《茶馆》的作者,不是演员,常识错误。

    Lao She is the writer of Tea House .

  10. 老舍的《茶馆》写于1957年。

    Lao She wrote Teahouse in1957 .