
  • 网络Zhongzhou Road
  1. 北京中轴线城市设计综合方案

    Comprehensive urban design scheme for beijing 's central axis

  2. 北京中轴线城市规划

    The urban planning of Beijing central axis

  3. 北京中轴线城市规划我国中部地区城镇人口贫困问题探析

    THE URBAN PLANNING OF BEIJING CENTRAL AXIS On Poverty of Urban Residents in Central China

  4. 并对北京中轴线的城市规划提出了一些建议。

    At last , the author brings forward some suggestions about Beijing 's axle wire design .

  5. 试论北京中轴线有机生长模式&对北京城市未来空间格局的思考

    On the Growth Pattern of Beijing Axis Line & A Reflection on the Future Spatial Pattern of Beijing

  6. 最后结合北京中轴线的设计分析轴线在城市规划中的应用。

    At last , the author analysis the axis how to been used in urban design , combining the axle wire designing in Beijing .

  7. 第五部分结合北京中轴线设计实践,分析论述轴线在城市规划中的应用。

    Part 5 : In this part , the author analysis the using of axis in urban design with the design practice of Beijing 's axle wire .

  8. 这轴向有关国家体育场的北京中轴线北部和加强北京城市的历史和文化特点。

    It is axially related to the National Stadium on the north part of Beijing Central Axis and reinforces the historical and cultural features of Beijing city .

  9. 我们首先通过交互获取物体二维轮廓线,然后抽取二维形状的近似中轴线。最后结合北京中轴线的设计分析轴线在城市规划中的应用。

    Secondly , the approximate medial axis of the simple polygon consisting of line segments is computed . At last , the author analysis the axis how to been used in urban design , combining the axle wire designing in Beijing .

  10. 其中一个通风廊道将横穿北京中轴线,自北部的太平郊野公园起,经过奥林匹克公园、天坛,一路直达城市南部的京沪高速路。

    One corridor will run through the central axis of Beijing from Taiping Suburban Park in the north , via the Olympic Park , the Temple of Heaven , all the way to the Beijing-Shanghai Highway in the southern end of the city .

  11. 北京城市中轴线的历史研究

    A study on the history of the central axis in Beijing

  12. 紫禁城位于老北京的中轴线上。

    The Forbidden City is located on the central axis of old Beijing .

  13. 这五家四合院都在前门大街,古代时候是一处著名的商业街,位于北京市中轴线上。

    The five courtyards can be found in Qianmen Street , a famous old commercial street located at the central axis of Beijing .

  14. 也就是北京的中轴线上,微风拂面,灯光与黑暗交织在一起,回首左右,灵魂都仿佛都受到了净化。

    That is , Beijing 's central axis line , the breeze was blowing , light and darkness intertwined , looking back or so , it looks as though the soul had been purified .

  15. 景山公园位于故宫北面,在北京城南北中轴线的中心点上。

    Spreading out to the north of the Imperial Palace on the central point along the north-south axis of Beijing .

  16. 所有大殿均在老北京城的中轴线上,其他建筑群在两翼,形成对称的整体布局。

    All the principal palaces lie on the axis of the old city of Beijing and groups of Buildings on Both sides were laid out to achieve the symmetrical effect of perfect unity .

  17. 北京奥林匹克公园作为对北京城市以中轴线为特色的建筑美学之自然延伸,是北京城市美学的重要组成部分。

    The Beijing Olympics Park as natural extension to the Beijing city which takes the axes line as its construction esthetical characters is an important constituent of the Beijing city esthetics .