
chéng mén
  • city gate
城门 [chéng mén]
  • [city gate] 城墙上的门洞,设有可关闭的门,供人出入或用作防御

城门[chéng mén]
  1. 城门失火,殃及池鱼。

    A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat .

  2. 只有一个面对著约旦河的城门。

    It had only one gate , which faced the river .

  3. 目前只发现城垛、城门各三处。

    Currently only found in battlements , gates of all three .

  4. 软土地基中城门洞式放水洞的内力计算

    Internal Force Calculation of City-gate Section Channel in Soft Soil Foundation

  5. 我来请求您…打开城门,大人,

    To ask you to open your gates , My Lord ,

  6. 我们在上面守住通道和城门。

    We will cover the causeway and the gate from above .

  7. 那十六头狮子会守卫城门。

    16 of these lions of Pharaoh will guard its gates .

  8. 守城人数加倍!封锁城门!快点!

    Double the wall guards ! Seal the gate ! Now !

  9. 中华门城堡重建闸楼后城门结构的模拟计算分析

    The Analog Computation of the Structure of Zhonghua Gate Castle

  10. 他们又昼夜在城门守候要杀他。

    And they watched the gates day and night to kill him .

  11. 普通城门洞形断面正常水深的近似计算方法

    Approximate method for calculating normal water depth in common city-opening shaped cross-section

  12. 我们已经攻破城门!城堡是我们的!

    We 've broken through ! The castle is ours !

  13. 我们穿过面临地中海的城门。

    We passed through the gate which faces the Mediterranean .

  14. 真不敢相信,城门终于打开了!

    I can 't believe they 're finally opening up the gates !

  15. 城门洞型倒虹吸管混凝土模型支承方案

    Form supporting scheme of inverted siphon pipe concrete with gate way-like structure

  16. 当夜晚来临时,他们打开城门。

    When night came , they opened the city gates .

  17. 出了城门,还往南,他看见个澡堂子。

    He left the gate behind and saw a bath-house .

  18. 又要写在房屋的门框上,并城门上

    Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates

  19. 被钉在十字架上,悬挂在罗马的城门之上。

    Hangs , crucified , at the gates of rome .

  20. 《青霭》城门上有“青霭”两个字,我不解其意。

    Qing'ai I do not understand the two words .

  21. 内城中央的城门仍旧保持着原来的样子。

    The central tartar city gate , was still in its original form .

  22. 好吧,我们又回到了这座拥有黑暗城门的城市。

    And so , we return to the city of the Black Gate .

  23. 城门上方的墙头上出现了几张脸。

    Faces appeared on the wall above the gate .

  24. 那时耶和华的民下到城门。

    Then the people of the LORD went down to the city gates .

  25. 台北有几个城门,你知道吗?

    Do you know how many gates Taipei has ?

  26. 城门是阳宅的通气之所,内气止生之道。

    The ventilated gate is the mansion , of gas only for Life .

  27. 四周用开了六座城门的城墙围住,供港口使用。

    Surrounded by a wall with 6 gates , to serve this port .

  28. 又要写在你房屋的门框上,并你的城门上。

    Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates .

  29. 带我到君临城门我会的

    Get me to the gates of King 's Landing and I will .

  30. 例句与用法罗城的四面修有城门,上起高楼。

    Luo city have door and the high-rise .