
lǘ dǎ gǔn
  • snowballing usury;a form of usury in the old society, the borrower having to pay interest on interest;snowballing usury in the old society where the borrower was required to pay interest on interest
驴打滚 [lǘ dǎ gǔn]
  • [snowballing usury in the old society where the borrower was required to pay interest on interest] 〈方〉∶一种高利贷,规定到期不还,利息加倍,以后越滚越多,像驴翻身打滚一样。比喻翻了又翻,常用来指重利盘剥

驴打滚[lǘ dǎ gǔn]
  1. 驴打滚的特点是香、甜、粘,有浓郁的黄豆粉香味儿。

    It is featured smelly , sweet and glutinous and has thick smell of soybean flour .

  2. 驴打滚:又称豆面糕。是北京小吃中的古老品种之一。

    Lvdagunr ( Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour ): also called Pastry Made of Soybean Flour , is an old Beijing snack .

  3. 黑色喜剧《驴打滚》的主题曲《我要你》由女主角演员任素汐录制,并于10月26日发行。

    As the theme song of the black comedy , Mr. Donkey , I Want You was recorded by the leading actress Ren Suxi and released on Oct 26 .

  4. 更要命的是,他们对有多大的恩情,这个情好像是驴打滚的高利货似的,永远也还不清呀。

    How old fataler being , they loving-kindness having to you , you cannot pay off forever also seems to be the snowballing usury high interest goods this feeling .

  5. 因为制成后放在黄豆面中滚一下,如郊野真驴打滚,扬起灰尘似的,故而得名。

    Because the soybean flour on the surface looks like the dust a donkey raises when it rolls in the wild , hence the name Lvdagunr ( rolling donkeys ) .