
  • 网络city water;Water consumption
  1. 为保证城市用水安全,应加强水源水污染控制,改进传统的水处理工艺流程。

    To guarantee the safety of water consumption of cities the polluted water should be controlled forcefully and the traditional treatment processes should be improved .

  2. 通过对陕西省城市用水结构、用水量的预测,分析说明了目前陕西省城市用水结构不够合理,管理机制不完善,存在着严重的水资源浪费现象。

    By the analysis of water consumption structure , it can be concluded that in many cities of Shaanxi , the water consumption structure is illogical , the Management Mechanism is faultiness and the action of wasting water is prevalent .

  3. Chapeyama17岁的女儿Sandra说,城市用水有时候会供应,但是经常很短的时间,而且通常是在半夜。

    Chapeyama 's 17-year-old daughter , Sandra , said sometimes the city water would come but only briefly and in the middle of the night .

  4. 结果表明,影响全部城市用水效率差异的主要因素有四个,其中,人均GDP、第三产业比重与用水效率呈正相关,而人均水资源量、人均生活用水量呈负相关。

    The result shows that there are four main factors influencing water use efficiency . Per capita GDP and the proportion of the third industry are directly proportional to the efficiency while per capita water resource and residential use water are inversely proportional .

  5. 华北平原城市用水问题研究

    The Study on Urban Water Supply and Consumption of Huabei Plain

  6. 济南市城市用水定额编制

    The Compilation of Water Use Quota in the City of Jinan

  7. 北京城市用水系统流图的研究

    Research on Flow Chart of Urban Water Consumption System of Beijing

  8. 我国城市用水发展和用水效率分析

    Analysis of water development and urban water use efficiency in China

  9. 建立和维持城市用水健康循环。

    Establishment and maintenance the beneficial cycle of urban water use .

  10. 由此提出城市用水定额应分为两类:规划设计用水定额及计划管理用水定额。

    Planning design water consuption quota and plan management water consumption quota .

  11. 提出了城市用水定额的编制方法。

    We have put forward the programming methods of the urban water quota .

  12. 城市用水中节水措施的研究

    A Study of Water-saving Measure for Using of Water

  13. 长春市城市用水需求与可利用水资源潜力分析

    Analysis of Municipal Water Demand and Utilizable Water Resource Potential in Changchun City

  14. 城市用水预测方法及对策分析研究

    The Analysis and Research of the Predict Method and Countermeasure with Water in Cities

  15. 河北省城市用水的健康循环与需求管理

    Healthy Cycle of Municipal Use of Water and Water Demand Management in Hebei Province

  16. 像一种结果一样,空气能够是清洁的,而水比现在的城市用水洁净。

    As a result , air would be cleaner and water purer than in .

  17. 我国城市用水探讨

    An exploration of urban water use in China

  18. 如何保证北京天津城市用水

    To Ensure Water Supply for Beijing and Tianjin

  19. 河北省南水北调供水区城市用水适宜水费承受指数的确定

    Determination of Tolerance of Suitable Domestic Water Fee In South to North Water Transfer District

  20. 城市用水需求预测是涉及到诸多要素的复杂系统预测问题。

    Municipal water demand prediction was a complex system predictive issue including a good many of factors .

  21. 无机高分子絮凝剂是城市用水和工业废水处理的有效药剂。

    Inorganic polymer coagulant is the effective medicament for processing civil drainage water and industrial waste water .

  22. 这条河流经几处贮存城市用水的地下蓄水池。

    The river runs through several underground caves which store the water for the city 's use .

  23. 到2025年,印度城市用水需求量将翻倍,而工业用水需求量将增加两倍。

    In India , urban water demand is due to double and industrial demand to triple by 2025 .

  24. 这些泵站承担着农田灌溉、城市用水、工业用水以及防洪等重大任务。

    These pumping stations undertake great tasks of farm irrigation , urban water , industrial water and flood prevention .

  25. 这个井是5个星期前挖的,因为她家里已经4个月没有城市用水了。

    The well was dug five weeks earlier because her house had been without city water for four months .

  26. 建立城市用水健康循环的首要途径是城市节制用水。

    The chief approach of establishing the beneficial cycle of urban water use is the restrictive usage of urban water .

  27. 采用节水推荐方案,能够解决陕西省在各水平年的水资源短缺问题,使城市用水供需达到基本平衡。

    With the recommended scheme , the water shortage could be conquered in mostly years and water supply will equal to demand .

  28. 实现城市用水健康循环,对中华民族可持续发展具有深远的战略意义。

    It is of profound strategic significance for the sustainable development of China to realize the beneficial cycle of urban water utilization .

  29. 在实行科学的农业用水管理模式之后,对于节约下来的农业用水可以通过一定的方式来转让给工业或城市用水部门。

    After implementing the scientific agricultural water-using management mode , the saved agricultural water can be transferred to industrial or civil water-using departments .

  30. 屋面径流处理后实现再利用,处理过程简单,可以成为城市用水的一个重要来源。

    Roof runoff can be treated easily and reused , which costs less and is an important source of urban water resource utilization .