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chéng qiáng
  • wall;city wall;rampart
城墙 [chéng qiáng]
  • [city wall] 古代建筑在城市四周作防守用的墙

城墙[chéng qiáng]
  1. 他下令在城的周围筑一道城墙。

    He instructed that a wall should be built around the city .

  2. 两名配枪警卫在城墙上巡逻。

    Two guards with sidearms patrolled the wall .

  3. 这座城市建在岩石上,四周筑有城墙。

    The city was walled and built upon a rock .

  4. 古老的荷兰城堡城墙又厚又高,看起来几乎固若金汤。

    The old Dutch fort with its thick high walls looks virtually impregnable

  5. 我爬到了一个可以俯瞰护城墙的坡顶。

    I climbed to the top of a rise overlooking the ramparts .

  6. 一段石阶从鹅卵石路上一直向上直通城墙。

    A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts .

  7. 这座由城墙围绕的城市是个重要的旅游胜地。

    The walled city is an important tourist attraction .

  8. 安东尼拿着照相机下了车,走向离城墙更远的地方,为拍摄构图。

    Anthony dismounted with his camera and walked away from the walls to compose a shot

  9. 几栋公寓楼被炸出了窟窿,几枚炮弹还落在了古护城墙内。

    Blocks of flats have been holed and some shells have fallen within the historic ramparts .

  10. 我们绕着旧城墙转了一圈。

    We made the circuit of the old city walls .

  11. 他首先登上城墙豁口。

    He was the first to mount the breach in the city wall .

  12. 有些古老的城市周围有城墙。

    Some ancient towns have walls round them .

  13. 城墙扒了个豁口。

    A breach was made in the city wall .

  14. 这城墙有几丈厚。

    The city wall is several Zhang thick .

  15. 敌人靠近城墙之后才开始进攻。

    The enemy got up to the wall of the town before they attacked .

  16. 古罗马城墙尚可见,但已残缺不全。

    The old Roman walls may still be seen but not in their integrity .

  17. 战国时期,修建了更多城墙来保卫不同王国的边境。

    During the Warring States period , more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms .

  18. 他记得父亲说过的话:"许多壮汉尽一切努力修建城墙,使村子免于危险。"

    He remembered his father 's words , " Lots of strong men have made every effort to build the walls which can keep the village safe from danger . "

  19. 由四英里长的城墙围着的设防城镇

    a fortress town enclosed by four miles of ramparts

  20. 那座有城墙的城市遭到野蛮部落的袭击。

    The walled city was attacked by barbarian hordes .

  21. 拂晓我们突破了城墙的铁丝网

    At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall .

  22. 玩家在城墙上幸福地战斗的时候,没有注意到护城河已经开始扩张了。

    The players happily jousting inside the castle walls didn 't see the moat outside widening .

  23. 一个齐国人得知靖国君田婴想在封地薛城扩建城墙的消息。

    A person of the state of Qi heard that Tian Ying , the king of the State of Jin wanted to expend1 the city wall of his vavasory Xue .

  24. 但欧洲民主的城墙就像杰里科(Jericho)一样,仍然屹立如初。

    But the walls of European democracy , like Jericho , are still standing .

  25. 巴特儿,强壮的身板可与中国的长城城墙媲美,但显然当时的他并不能适应NBA赛场,加上年龄的关系已经不可能再有什么发展。

    Ter Ba , strong body could compare beauty with Greatwall , But it was obvious that NBA games weren 't adapted him and have no more progress because of age .

  26. 结合大型工程有限元计算程序ANSYS,将古代城楼和城墙通过节点耦合起来作为一个整体结构研究。其中,有限元中的简化计算模型是:对于城楼木结构,将柱与柱础简化为铰接形式;

    The mostly work are that ancient timber structures and rampart structures are coupled by nodes as a integrated study object , according to mechanics analysis and scientific predigestion of ancient architecture , and combined the programmer of finite element analysis ANSYS .

  27. 普拉托市城墙外的ViaPistoiese,现在已变成一座温州中国城,遍地是餐馆、夜总会(非中国人禁止入内)和堆满中国商品的超市。

    Outside Prato 's city walls , Via Pistoiese has become a Wenzhou Chinatown with restaurants , nightclubs ( which bar non-Chinese ) and supermarkets stocked with Chinese goods .

  28. 佛罗伦萨附近的普拉托市(Prato)已成为欧洲的一个服装生产中心,在中世纪的城墙外面,就坐落着唐人街。

    In Prato , a city near Florence that has become a European hub for mass garment production , the Chinese quarter lies outside the medieval walls .

  29. 南京明城墙的修复整治策略之探讨

    Repairing and Renovating Strategy of Ming Dynasty 's Rampart in Nanjing

  30. 父王!请用独角兽的角来装饰卡梅洛城墙。

    A unicorn 's horn to grace the walls of Camelot .