
  • 网络city history;Urban History
  1. 成都城市历史的新发现

    New Discovery in Chengdu 's Urban History

  2. 城市历史文化资源半产业化经营是一种现实的选择。

    The semi-industrial management is a realistic option on resources of urban history and culture .

  3. 研究表明:中国41.82%的城市历史上发生过M≥4的近源地震。CV高值城市的分布与我国城市群、城市带的分布并不一致。

    The analysis indicates : ( 1 ) Over 41.82 % urban regions experienced near source earthquakes with equivalent magnitudes equal or above 4 . ( 2 ) The urban regions of high value of vulnerability ( index ) are not corresponding to the distribution of metropolitan regions in China .

  4. 当前我国城市历史保护区环境整治研究

    Research on Enhancement of Historic Conservation Area in Cities in China

  5. 我国目前城市历史环境保护面临着诸多客观困难。

    There are many difficulties protecting the history environments of cities .

  6. 岳阳城市历史文化的形成及其近代变迁

    The Formation and Modern Vicissitude of Yueyang Urban Historical Culture

  7. 城市历史地区保护规划的几个要点

    Key Points on Urban Historic Area ′ s Conservation Planning

  8. 关于我国城市历史文化遗产保护的若干思考

    Thinking on protection of urban historical and cultural heritage in our country

  9. 管窥城市历史文化遗迹标识系统的创立与构建

    Restricted View to Establishment of Historical Cultural Relic Logo System of City

  10. 一个墨西哥城市历史上的环境、会和水。

    Water , society and environment in the history of one Mexican city .

  11. 这是该城市历史上最大的一笔房产交易。

    It is the biggest real estate transaction in the city 's history .

  12. 城市历史环境包含历史实体和这些实体所传递的历史文化信息。

    Historical surrounding include historical entity and historical cultural information of the entity .

  13. 城市历史空间延续中的介质协调方法研究

    Medium harmonization method in extension of urban historic space

  14. 用现代整体搬迁技术保护城市历史建筑

    Protection urban historical building with modern integrated movement technology

  15. 城市历史地段居住建筑规划设计初探

    City Historic Site Planning and Design of Residential Buildings

  16. 探讨北京城市历史风貌保护与更新方法

    Study on the Method of Conservation and Renewal of Historical Scene of Beijing

  17. 城市历史文化环境特色的保护与再生&汉城城市传统文化环境保护研究与实践的考察

    The protection and regeneration of historical cultural environment Seoul

  18. 论城市历史街区的多样性

    On the Diversity of City Historical Street Blocks

  19. 重视城市历史文化的再创造

    Attach Great importance to Recreate Urban Historic Culture

  20. 浅议城市历史文化景观保护存在的问题

    Discuss on the problems existed in preservation of historic and cultural landscape in city

  21. 新区规划中的城市历史文化保护与延续

    On Conservation and Continuation of Historical Culture in Planning of a City 's New District

  22. 城市历史环境保护问题

    The protect of history environment in cities

  23. 建立良好的历史文化遗产保护对策是切实保护城市历史文化遗产的核心。

    The core of conservation about historic culture inheritance is to establish the good measure .

  24. 于是,这两方面的矛盾构成了城市历史遗产保护中价值冲突的基础。

    These two contradictions formed a basis of value collision in urban historical heritage conservation .

  25. 城市历史环境对城市具有重要的意义,而且对城市可持续发展也具有重要的作用。

    The historic environment of a city is significant to the city and its sustainable development .

  26. 历史商业街区是城市历史的象征,是城市发展的见证人。

    Historical commercial district is a symbol of urban history and the witness of urban development .

  27. 近几年,城市历史文化遗产的保护已成为人们关注的焦点。

    In recent years , urban history cultural heritage protection has become a focus of attention .

  28. 柏林和上海在城市历史演变和住宅建筑发展过程上有许多相似之处。

    There are similarities between Berlin and Shanghai in the history of city evolution and housing development .

  29. 城市历史文化遗产的防灾民俗论&从日本古都京都出发的思考

    Disaster Prevention Folklore of Urban Historical Cultural Heritage & A Case Study of Japanese Ancient Capital Kyoto

  30. 城市历史街区生存与发展的经济学分析

    Analysis of the Existence and De-velopment of Urban Historic Street Blocks from the Point of View of Economics