
  • 网络Traditional structure;Constructing views in traditional architecture;traditional framework for community functions
  1. 随着Internet及电子商务的发展,营销渠道在传统结构的基础上发生了显著的变化。

    Along with the development of the Internet and the electronic commerce , traditional marketing channel structure has taken place of lots of changes .

  2. 与传统结构的SRAM相比,该256KbSRAM的写功耗可减少37.70mW。

    Compared to the conventional SRAM , the 256 kb SRAM can save 37.70 mW of power for write operation .

  3. 在相同条件下,相比传统结构的ICPS,渐变结构可以获得更高的Q值,并能激发出更强大的电场及磁场,提高了微波功率源到电感感应放电能量的转换效率。

    Under same condition higher Q value and stronger field can be obtained by the gradient ICPS , which raises efficiency in converting the source power to field power .

  4. 从理论上证实了基础滑移隔震多层房屋的地震作用分布不同于传统结构的倒三角形分布,而为K型分布;

    It is proved that the distribution of earthquake action on multistorey masonry structure with sliding base isolation is different from that of the traditional one . It appears as a " K " shape distribution instead of an inverted triangle distribution .

  5. 针对多天线QAM系统提出活动抽头判决反馈均衡器的概念,这种均衡器可根据信道情况调节抽头的位置,与传统结构均衡器相比,具有较低的复杂度和较好的性能;

    For multiple-antenna QAM systems , a novel equalizer whose tap could be moved according to channel response is proposed . This equalizer has lower complexity and better performance than conventional ones .

  6. 通过采用相位截断噪声整形技术,使所需要的ROM面积下降为传统结构的1/8.同时采用了其它优化策略进一步减少了ROM的面积,整个DDFS仅需要1152bit的ROM。

    By adopting the technique of noise shaping , the size of ROM is reduced to 1 / 8 of conventional one . The circuit size is further reduced by using other optimization methods .

  7. FPT逻辑结构为开关级设计的传统结构,它表示电路按传输源0,1,2有三路开关分支所组成。

    FPT structure is the traditional structure of switching-level design , and it means that the circuits are composed of three branchs which divided by transmission source 0 , 1 , 2 .

  8. 几种非传统结构的表面活性剂及其应用

    Some Surfactants of Non - classical Structure and Their Application

  9. 砌体结构在我国是一种应用量大面广的传统结构形式。

    Masonry structure is a type of traditional structure with wide and many uses .

  10. 同传统结构的电涡流传感器探头相比,灵敏度提高了16%,线性度改善2%。

    Its sensitivity is increased by16 % and linearity is im-proved by2 % , comparing to traditional one .

  11. 隔震结构是近三十年飞速发展的一种不同于传统结构的被动控制体系。

    Base-isolated structure is a passive control system different from the traditional structure in recently three decades of rapid development .

  12. 传统结构重要度分析方法是基于数值模式(0,1)的方法,是确定的二值问题。

    The traditional analysis method of structure importance is a determined logical problem which is based on numerical mode ( 0,1 ) .

  13. 并联机床作为机床技术和机器人技术相结合的产物,与传统结构机床相比具有很多的优点。

    As the result of synthesizing machine tools with robot technology , parallel machine tools have many advantages compared as the classical ones .

  14. 永磁减速起动机与传统结构起动机相比较,具有相近功率情况下体积小、质量轻的优点。

    Compared with traditional structure starter , permanent magnet decelerating starter has the virtues of small volume and light quality with comparable output .

  15. 结果表明,新型结构的排管式液体分布器性能比传统结构优越。

    Through assessment theory , it has been proved that the new structure is more advantageous in function than that of traditional liquid distributor .

  16. 张力膜结构是一种柔性结构体系,与传统结构不同的是其刚度由结构的几何曲面和预应力来提供。

    Different from traditional structures , tensioned membrane structures is a flexible system and their stiffness is provided by geometrical cured surface and prestresses .

  17. 一阶无穷小位移机构的几何刚度的获得是通过体系的相对机构位移而获得的,这与传统结构的几何刚度的概念是完全不同的。

    The geometrical stiffness of first-order infinite mechanism is obtained by the relative motions of nodes , which is just different from the general structure .

  18. 由于去掉了传统结构的平行和垂直两个约束条件,测量系统中摄像机和投影装置可以采取任意相对位置,操作十分灵活。

    Because of without parallel and perpendicular restricted conditions in the conventional system construction , the CCD camera and the projecting device can be located arbitrarily .

  19. 与传统结构不同,索膜结构作为一种整体张拉的柔性结构体系,需进行找形分析以确定满足边界条件和预应力分布的初始平衡形状。

    Different from traditional structures , cable-membrane structure is all-tension flexible system . It is necessary to find initial equilibrium shape meeting boundary condition and prestress distribution .

  20. 在这个传统结构正被打破的时代,领导阶层也需要演变。从设立阶层到责任共享,从命令与控制到聆听和引导。

    As traditional structures are breaking down , leadership has to evolve as well - from hierarchy to shared responsibility , from command and control to listening and guiding .

  21. 在分析传统结构优化方法的基础上,首先利用精确度很高的有限元法对钢筋混凝土框架结构进行内力分析,从而保证了基础数据的客观准确性;

    On the basis of analysis traditional structure optimization method , carrying on the endogenic force analysis using the precision very high finite element method to the structure of R.

  22. 采用通用模架结构,设计出解放系列轻型载货汽车的系列纵梁成型模,并对传统结构进行了一些改进。

    A forming die for frame serial side rails of Jie fang light truck series is designed by using a common die bed and some traditional constructions have been improved .

  23. 拥有传统结构和责任的那些公司将更适合治理,而那些已经采用胆小的方式的那些公司将更加挣扎。

    Those companies with a heritage of structure and accountability will be more adaptable to governance , and those companies that have taken the " cowboy way " will struggle more .

  24. 该文基于电磁感应原理,设计出了新型线圈发射器模型,该模型利用线圈外部的传感器来控制电路放电时间,克服了传统结构的缺陷。

    Based on electromagnetic induction principle , a model of induction coil launcher , in which a position sensor can control the turn-on time is equipped outside the coil , is designed in this paper .

  25. 新型消弧线圈的结构较之传统结构有很大不同,因此控制策略中电容电流计算、调档、选线、谐振处理都被进行了全新的改革。

    The instruction of the new arc-suppressing coil differs a lot from the traditional ones , so the capacitive current calculation , tap adjusting 、 fault line detecting and the resonance proposing are innovated totally .

  26. 通过对邮政通信系统现代结构模型和传统结构模型的比较,得出了现代邮政通信系统的结构能够更好地满足社会发展对邮政的需求。

    And by comparing the structural model of modern postal communication system with that of traditional postal communication system , it concludes that the modern postal communication system could meet the demands of social development better .

  27. 作为二十世纪结构工程领域的一项重大进步,大跨度空间结构以其优美的结构形式、灵活的空间布置、良好的受力性能逐渐从传统结构中脱颖而出,备受人们的青睐。

    As a significant progress in civil engineering , the long-span spatial structure makes itself extraordinarily excellent by adopting graceful structure forms , flexible spatial arrangement and well structural performance , which is very different from traditional structures and receives much public appreciation .

  28. 与其它传统结构相比,型钢混凝土结构具有独特的优点和良好的抗震性能,是一种有广泛应用前景的钢与混凝土组合结构形式。

    Compared with other traditional structures , the steel reinforced concrete structure is possessed of distinctive advantages and fine seismic behaviors , so it , which belongs to one of the composite structures of steel and concrete , will be widely used in project field .

  29. 多塔带转换层高层结构是一种复杂的高层建筑结构形式,其结构受力机理十分复杂,设计难度很大,由于多个塔楼之间相互耦联振动,其抗震性能与传统结构体系有较大不同。

    Multi-Tap high-rise structure with conversion layer is a form of complicated high-rise structures , its structural mechanism is also very perplexed and it is so difficult to design . Because of mutual coupled vibration of multiple towers , its seismic performance is comparatively different from the traditional structure systems .

  30. 文章提出的结构以50%的额外硬件资源,实现基于循环累加的传统DA结构8倍的数据处理速度。

    The proposed architecture achieves 8 times throughput rate of conventional DA based on shift-add with 50 % extra hardware cost .