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  • 网络Transitivity;transitive
  1. 对于二分图,弱s-弧传递性是由围长g和直径d决定的,而且还得到与s-弧传递性相一致的两个必要条件:即s存在上界(g+2)/2;

    For the non-bipartite graphs , weakly s-arc transitivity is equivalent to s-arc transitivity ;

  2. 基于极小逻辑M的常识推理形式刻画D(M,B)存在事实优先和传递性推理两个遗留问题。

    There were two remaining problems in our previous paper that discussed the formal characterization D ( M , B ) of default reasoning based on a minimal system M for this type of reasoning : the precedence of facts over default conclusions and transitivity .

  3. 贫困是由多种因素复合而成的,并且具有传递性,形成贫困的恶性循环

    Impoverishment is compounded by many elements , and can transmit to be a pernicious cycle .

  4. Fuzzy(二元)关系传递性的矩阵判定

    On Matrix Determination of Fuzzy ( Binary ) Relation

  5. 半群Cayley图的保色点传递性

    On ColAut_S ( G ) - vertex-transitive Cayley graphs of semigroups

  6. 通过描述在现实世界更为有用的,且对称性与传递性一般不再成立的模糊&相似关系,将传统的信息系统推广为Fuzzy信息系统。

    The paper presents a transition from the crisp information system to fuzzy information system , based on the notion of fuzzy similar relations which is used to provide a more realistic the description of relationship between elements .

  7. 6-SPS正交机构的运动学传递性分布研究

    Study on the Distribution of Kinematics Transmission Indices for a Orthogonal Robotic Mechanism

  8. 轻度智力落后儿童传递性推理能力的干预训练:ATI模型

    Training Program for Mild Mentally Retarded Children on Transitive Reasoning Ability : An ATI Study

  9. 类的包含于关系的传递性是思维形式barbara的抽象内容。

    The concept that genus is contained in the relationship transmission is the abstract content of the form of mode of thinking Barbara .

  10. 划分时,不仅充分考虑了系统可测性设计要求和系统级BIT设计特点,还对故障概率、多故障模式、故障影响的传递性进行了分析和计算。

    Not only the feature of the design for testability ( DFT ) and the design for system - level BIT is considered , but the faults probability , multi - fault , the transition of the faults influence is analyzed .

  11. 本文从现场测量出发,在分析现场测量误差源的基础上,重点分析了遥感产品误差在基于遥感监测的海-气界面CO2通量过程中的传递性和贡献性。

    Based on the analysis of field measurement error sources , this study focused on the propagation and contribution of the remote sensing products error in the process of carbon dioxide exchange across air-sea interface .

  12. 作为传递性的必然结果,(1)A与B之间的信誉关系越强,(2)B与C之间的信誉越强,则(3)A与C之间的信誉关系越强。

    And as a corollary to the traditional transitive property , ( 1 ) the stronger the credibility between a and B , and ( 2 ) the stronger the credibility between B and C , ( 3 ) the stronger the credibility between a and C.

  13. 采用双任务(dual-task)实验范式,探讨工作记忆成分在五项系列问题(five-termtask)这种传递性推理中的作用。

    Using the dual-task experimental paradigm , this study discussed the roles of working memory 's components in transitive reasoning of a five-term task .

  14. 可传递性公式KaKbp→Kap在可能世界语义学上的模糊性,也表明了这一点。

    This is also shown by the vagueness of KaKbp → Kap in possible world semantics .

  15. Coomb条件下的传递性偏好断面规模分析

    Analysis of admissible number of transitive preference profile under Coomb ′ s condition

  16. 2度完全单半群有向Cayley图的结构及其点传递性单调混杂算法迭代逼近非扩张半群的不动点

    Structure and Vertex Transitive Property of Directed Cayley Graphs on Completely Simple Semigroup with Degree 2 Monotone Hybrid Algorithm for Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Semigroups

  17. 本文提出一种新的简单方法,利用距离传递性给出了超立方体图的电阻距离和Kirchhoff指标的计算公式。

    In this study , a new approach to evaluate resistance distances of hypercubes is presented and closed-form formulae for computing resistance distances and Kirchhoff index are derived since hypercubes are distance-transitive .

  18. 二十世纪五十年代,JohnVonNeumann和OskarMorgenstern(1947)表明期望效用假设能由一系列的偏好公理获得。这些偏好公理假定分别是:完备性、传递性、连续性和独立性。

    In 1950s , John Von Neumann & Oskar Morgenstern ( 1947 ) showed that the expected utility hypothesis could be derived from a set of apparently appealing axioms on preference .

  19. 3-P-2SS球平台机器人的运动传递性分析

    Kinematic transmission property of a novel 3-P-2SS spherical platform manipulator

  20. 本文利用现有的WordNet提出了一种半自动的本体生成方法。(2)提出了本体描述性的定义,就其中的概念之间的传递性和继承性关系进行了阐述。

    This article proposes using existing WordNet a semi-automatic ontology generation method.2.Proposed ontology of the definition of the concept of which is passed between transitivity and inheritance relations are described .

  21. 结合传递性与混合性的有关结果,彻底解决Roman-Flores提出的f与f-关于Devaney混沌之间关系的问题。

    With some relative results on transitivity and mixing , we completely resolve the Roman-Flores 's question about the relation between Devaney 's chaos of f and that of ˉ f.

  22. 自Wright在传递性推理的研究中提出三成分心理系统模型以来,该模型理论成为了传递性推理领域研究的热点。

    Since Wright presented the three-component psychological system in the field of transitivity inference , the model has come to be one of the focuses in the transitivity inference researches . This article chiefly introduces its theoretical background , basic hypotheses and structure .

  23. 交流阻抗谱分析表明,针状焦表面形成的SEI膜薄而致密,锂离子在针状焦负极的扩散内阻小,具有良好的电化学传递性。

    EIS analyzing showed that SEI film formed on the surface of needle coke was thin and dense , and the internal diffusion resistance of lithium ion in negative electrode is small , so needle coke has a good electrochemical transitivity .

  24. 讨论了使偏好断面具有传递性的约束条件&Coomb条件,并分析Coomb条件的形式化描述;

    The constraint condition is introduced , which makes the preference profile transitive , Coomb ′ s condition and analyzes the normative form for Coomb ′ s condition .

  25. 文化预设的性质主要是传递性和包含性。

    The nature of cultural presupposition is mainly transmitting and containing .

  26. 二元关系传递性判断定理证明及算法实现

    The Transmitting Judgmental Theorem with Bivariate Relation and its Computational Algorithms

  27. 可操作性不强;传递性算子的积

    The effectiveness is not strong ; On products of transitive operators

  28. 这种新的合成使我们十分容易地刻画反向传递性。

    This new composition allows us to easily describe negative transitivity .

  29. 满足传递性的自反关系称为预序关系。

    A reflexive relation that is also transitive is a preorder .

  30. 一阶运动和二阶运动方向辨别的知觉学习及传递性研究

    Perceptual Learning and Transfer Study of First-and Second-order Motion Direction Discrimination