
chuán rù shén jīnɡ
  • afferent nerve
  1. 辣椒素局部用药对初级传入神经和P物质的影响

    Effects of local administration of capsaicin on primary afferent nerve and substance P

  2. 外周释放的IL-1通过快通路和慢通路作用于大脑进而引发病态行为,快通路是指局部的初级传入神经将信息传入大脑,慢通路是指IL-1从环脑室器官和脉络从扩散进入大脑。

    Peripherally released IL-1 acts on the brain via a fast transmission pathway involving primary afferent nerve innervating the bodily site of inflammation and a slow transmission pathway involving slowly diffusing IL-1 from the circumventricular organs and choroids plexus to brain targets .

  3. 方法在20只猫下尖牙上进行深窝洞的树脂直接充填,测量猫下齿槽神经痛觉传入神经C纤维在树脂充填过程中的诱发放电变化。

    Methods Deep cavities of twenty cat mandibular canines were prepared and composite resin was directly filled .

  4. 在脊髓,激活的胶质细胞还可以促进初级传入神经末梢释放P物质和兴奋性氨基酸而促进疼痛。

    Activated glia also enhance the release of substance P and excitatory amino acid from primary afferents in the spinal cord .

  5. 电刺激大鼠腓肠神经引起Aδ、C类传入神经纤维的背根反射

    Dorsal root reflex from A_ δ and C afferent fibers induced by electrical stimulation of the sural nerve in rats

  6. 去传入神经引起大鼠延髓后角P物质、胆囊收缩素、神经降压肽、亮-脑啡肽变化机制的探讨

    Study on the mechanism of changes of substance p , cholecystokinin , neurotensin , leucin-enkephalin within the rat medullary dorsal horn by deafferentation

  7. 结论:大鼠嗅球中CR的表达不受传入神经阻滞的影响,且阻滞对CR表达的影响与动物年龄无关。

    CONCLUSION : Expression of CR in adult rat OB was not affected by deafferentation .

  8. 用HRP法研究猫甲状腺的神经供给,特别是传入神经纤维的来源

    The origin of the thyroid gland innervation in the cat

  9. Ia类传入神经纤维在腓肠肌神经终支的分布

    Distribution of Ia afferent fibers in the nerve end branches of gastrocnemius muscle

  10. 结果不同剂量的5-HT和BK均可引起小肠传入神经电活动的增加;

    Results Afferent nerve discharge was increased after different dose of 5-HT and BK.

  11. 在内毛细胞底部,可见阳性的传出神经末梢与阴性的传入神经树突形成轴-树突触。这种形态学的分布特征,提示GABA可能是耳蜗传出神经递质。

    GABA-IR positive efferent endings and negative afferent endings formed axo-dendritic synapses on the inner hair cells bases .

  12. 目的:研究传入神经阻滞对成年SD大鼠嗅球中钙视网膜蛋白(CR)的影响,探讨阻滞的影响是否与动物年龄相关。

    AIM : To investigate the effect of deafferentation on the expression level of calretinin ( CR ) in adult Sprague Dawley rat olfactory bulb ( OB ) .

  13. 结论:对辣椒素敏感的膀胱感觉传入神经参与正常大鼠和SCI大鼠的排尿反射。

    Conclusion : The data indicated the capsaicin sensitive bladder afferents take part in the initiation of reflex micturition in both normal and SCI rats .

  14. 重复电刺激传入神经对Aδ纤维DRR有长时间的后抑制效应。

    Tetanic stimulation of the afferent fiber evoked after-inhibition of the A δ DRR for various lengths of time .

  15. GABA代谢异常与急性传入神经阻滞、视觉明暗适应、酗酒、药物滥用、癫痫、抑郁症以及精神分裂症等疾病有关。

    The altered concentrations of GABA are associated with the acute deafferentation , visual light-dark adaptation , alcohol and substance abuse , epilepsy , depression , schizophrenia and other diseases .

  16. 目的:为SPR术中Ia类传入神经纤维在后根内的定性提供组织学及组织化学依据。

    Objective : To provide the histological and histochemical basis for the localization of the muscle spindle Ia afferent fibers in dorsal root in selective posterior rhizotomy ( SPR ) .

  17. 结果显示,三者的传入神经在脊神经节T13~L2节段互相重叠。

    The results : afferent fibers in acupoint DU-4 , ovary and adrenal gland overlap in the spinal ganglions of T13-L2 .

  18. 目的探讨阳离子脂质体介导的神经营养素-3(NT-3)基因转染对庆大霉素性耳蜗传入神经损伤超微结构的影响。

    Objective To study the protection of neurotrophin-3 ( NT-3 ) gene transfection on the guinea pig ( cochlear ) afferent nerve system treated with gentamicin .

  19. 谷氨酸(glutamate,Glu)是耳蜗内毛细胞/传入神经突触的神经递质,同时又是一种神经毒物质。

    Glutamate ( Glu ) is known to be an excitatory neurotransmitter between inner hair cells ( IHC ) and the afferent neurons of the mammalian cochlea and to produce toxic effects upon the cochlea .

  20. IBS发病机制的研究在不断进步。肠道感染的先驱病史可能改变肠黏膜免疫系统,使传入神经兴奋性增高,进而导致肠道动力异常。

    Recent advances in the research of IBS demonstrated that predisposing factors such as intestinal inflammation may contribute to changes in the intestinal mucosal immune system , resulting in hypersensitivity of afferent nerves and abnormal intestinal motility .

  21. 三磷酸腺苷(ATP)和谷氨酸(Glu)是毛细胞和传入神经突触的重要神经递质。这两种递质的受体都存在于SGN的胞膜。

    It has been shown that glutamate and ATP are both important neurotransmitters in the hair cell / afferent synapse , and also the Glu and ATP receptors co-exist in the membrane of the SGN .

  22. 草药制剂STW-5-NII对大鼠小肠传入神经电活动的影响

    The effect of a new herbal STW-5-N-II on intestinal afferent nerve discharge in rat

  23. 目的研究肾传入神经(ARN)及其中枢投射通路在二肾一夹型(2K1C)肾血管性高血压发病中的作用。

    Aim To study the role of afferent renal nerve ( ARN ) pathway in two kidney , one clip ( 2K1C ) renovascular hypertension .

  24. 目的应用交感皮肤反应(SSR)评价脊髓损伤(SCI)患者的下尿路(LUT)传入神经通道的功能状况。

    Objective To evaluate the function of afferent neuronal pathways ( ANP ) from the lower urinary tract ( LUT ) in patients with spinal cord injury ( SCI ) by use of sympathetic skin response ( SSR ) .

  25. CM(gs)具有模拟生物系统反射弧的简单结构RC,包括传入神经、中枢神经和传出神经,尤其是其中枢神经工作域的网络结构与神经元数量可以增长。

    CM_ ( gs ) has reflex-like construction ( RC ) which is similar to the reflex arc of the biologic nerve , and RC is composed by afferent nerve , nerve center and efferent nerve . Especially , the neurons size and their topology can grow constantly .

  26. 通常认为哺乳类动物Ⅰ型前庭毛细胞(VHCsⅠ)为传入神经盏完全包裹而没有传出神经末梢直接支配。

    There is general consensus that the mammalian type I vestibular hair cells ( VHCs I ) are surrounded by an afferent calyx which effectively prevent efferent terminals from directly contacting this hair cells .

  27. 在48只麻醉家兔,应用记录肾传入神经多单位和单位放电方法,观察了肾动脉内注射缓激肽(bradykinin,BK,50g/kg)对肾传入神经活动(ARNA)的影响。

    The effect of intrarenal artery injection of bradykinin ( BK , 5 0 μ g / kg ) on multi and single unit recordings of afferent renal nerve activity ( ARNA ) was examined in anesthetized 48 rabbits .

  28. 目的探讨不同浓度草药复方制剂STW-5-NII对不同化学物及机械刺激诱导的大鼠小肠传入神经电活动变化的影响,并分析其可能的机制。

    Objective To investigate the effect of different concentrations of a new simplified herbal combination product STW-5-NII on intestinal afferent nerve discharge under different mechanical and chemical stimuli .

  29. 肾缺血(10min)时,肾传入神经放电活动由014±008增至065±012imp/s(P001)。

    During 10 min renal ischemia , the averaged multi unit discharge rate of the renal afferent was increased from 0 14 ± 0 08 to 0 65 ± 0 12 imp / s ( P 0 01 ) .

  30. 大鼠胃经下肢3个穴位皮下传入神经在脊神经节的重叠分布

    Overlapping Distribution of Subcutaneous Primary Afferents in Nearby Acupoints of Stomach Meridian