
  • 网络pollinator;pollinating insects
  1. 飞蛾的运输网络不仅比日间传粉昆虫的网络更大、更复杂,而且还能帮助蜜蜂和蝴蝶很少光顾的物种进行授粉。

    Not only are their distribution networks larger and more complex than daytime pollinators , the moths help pollinate species rarely visited by bees and butterflies .

  2. 常规对照棉的幼铃、花药、柱头以及子房中痕量Bt毒蛋白的存在可能与传粉昆虫等的活动有关。

    Moreover , the detection of trace amounts of Bt toxin in young boll , anther , stigma and ovary of the control cotton line , Simian 3 , might be related to pollinators .

  3. 苜蓿授粉机理及其与传粉昆虫的关系

    A study on alfalfa pollinating mechanism and relationship of pollinating insects

  4. 有些植物和传粉昆虫间出现了协同进化。

    There are same examples of plant - pollinating insect coevolution .

  5. 雀榕及其传粉昆虫传粉生态研究

    A study on pollination ecology of Ficus virens and its insect pollinators

  6. 传粉昆虫的研究现状及存在的问题

    Problems and research advance of the pollination insects

  7. 例如,在其传粉昆虫变的活跃之前,其所在的植物就已经提前开花。

    For example , plants could bloom earlier than their pollinating insects become active .

  8. 传粉昆虫种类繁多,其传粉特性和效果各不相同。

    There are many varieties of pollination insects and their pollination characteristics and effects are different .

  9. 另外还有传粉昆虫和杂食性昆虫各1种,分属于2个科。

    In addition , 1 species of pollination insect and 1 species of saprophagous insect were also identified .

  10. 芒果花期和幼果期病虫害防治及其传粉昆虫的保护

    The Pest Control in the Flower Season and Young Fruit Period of Mango and the Protection of the Insect Pollinator

  11. 通过巧妙地适应具体传粉昆虫,兰花避免了在野外杂交泛滥的危险。

    By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators , or childs have avoided the hazards of rampant crossbreeding in the wild .

  12. 14种农药对芒果主要传粉昆虫&大头金蝇的毒效测定

    The Evaluation of the Toxic Effect of the 14 Kinds of Pesticide on Chrysomya Megacephala & the Main Insect Pollinator of Mango

  13. 香草等农作物特定的传粉昆虫,但对其香味修饰后,可吸引不同的昆虫。

    By modifying the smell of crops such as vanilla , which have specific pollinator species , different insects might be attracted .

  14. 我国森林昆虫的开发与利用主要集中在天敌昆虫、传粉昆虫、药用昆虫、食用昆虫、工业用昆虫和文化昆虫等六大类。

    Forest insects are mainly divided into natural enemies , pollinating insects , medical insects , edible insects , industrial insects and cultural insects .

  15. 植物花上的分泌组织可以分泌一种含有糖分的蜜汁,能吸引传粉昆虫,从而协助植物完成传粉过程。

    Secretory tissue on the flower can secrete a kind of liquid containing sugar , which can attract pollinators , thus facilitate the pollination process .

  16. 苜蓿&红豆草混播田内传粉昆虫的种类多,且种群数量最高。

    Also , the species and population of pollinating insects were found to be the most optimal in the fields of mixed alfalfa and sainfoin .

  17. 荒地阿魏两性花不同性阶段对传粉昆虫的报酬不同,雄性阶段为花粉和花蜜,雌性阶段为花蜜。

    The rewards offered to insects by hermaphrodite flowers differed in different sex-phase , which were pollen and nectar in male phase and only nectar in female phase .

  18. 花朵酬物少、花粉败育率高、对传粉昆虫具有严格的选择性使得苜蓿传粉效率低下。

    The traits lead to lower pollination efficiency , such as limited floral rewards , the higher incidence of pollen grains abortion , and the strict selectivity to pollination insects .

  19. 在盛花期观察中,(1)发现有5目、23科、45种昆虫进行了访花,其中传粉昆虫4科7种,均属蜜蜂总科;

    Forty-five species , 23 families , 5 orders , visited the flowers , among which pollinating insects were bees with seven species of four families ( Apoidea , Hymenoptera ) .

  20. 从工业用昆虫、药用昆虫、食用昆虫、饲用昆虫、天敌昆虫、传粉昆虫、文化昆虫等方面,简要概述了资源昆虫的研究利用状况及前景展望。

    The advance of research and utilization of industrial , medical , edible , feed , predating , pollinating and cultural insects were reviewed and the prospect of these resources was discussed .

  21. 主要介绍芒果花期和幼果期病虫害的防治及对芒果传粉昆虫的保护方法

    In this article the author mainly introduced the Pest control methods in the flowering season and young fruit period of mango and also introduced the measurements of protecting the mango insect pollinator

  22. 传粉昆虫种类少、体型大和花粉竞争导致种群内植株间近交频繁而结籽率低,影响生殖成功。

    The limited species number of pollinators , bigger bodies and pollen competition lead to the high incidence of inbreed seed rate between plant populations and reduce the probability of seeding rate , influencing its reproductive success .

  23. “保护国际”组织希望帮助各国领袖预防这类危机的发生,办法就是与各国政府合作,把先前他们可能从来没有考虑到的资源赋予经济价值,包括渔业,也包括传粉昆虫。

    Conservation International wants to help leaders prevent crises like that one by working with leadership in countries to assign economic weight to resources they might not have previously considered , including fisheries or , say , a population of pollinators .

  24. 虫媒植物与传粉昆虫的协同进化(二)&虫媒花的性状对昆虫传粉的适应结果表明:(1)蒜头果花为两性花,属虫媒花;

    Co-evolution of Entomophilous Plants and Pollination Insects (ⅱ) & the Adaptation of Features of Entomophilous Flowers to Insect Pollination The results are as follow : ( 1 ) The flower of Malania is hermaphrodite and the pollen dispersers are insets .

  25. 研究发现这种现象主要存在于某些先锋植物物种和苔原生态系统中,因为那里传粉的昆虫很少。

    It is found particularly in pioneer weed species and in ecosystems such as the tundra , where insect vectors are rare .

  26. 传粉动物中昆虫占据了绝大部分。

    Insect pollination accounted for the vast majority of animals .

  27. 在植物与昆虫间的化学通讯中植物气味物质起着决定性的作用,它调控着昆虫的多种行为,诸如引诱昆虫趋向寄主植物,刺激昆虫取食,引导昆虫选择产卵场所,进行传粉和防御昆虫等。

    Plant volatile chemicals play a decisive role in the plant insect chemical communication , and regulating insect behaviors , such as attracting insect toward host plant , promoting insect feeding or orienting insect to oviposition site or pollination of flowers and defense .

  28. 对于虫媒植物而言,熊蜂的高效传粉使其成为高山生命带主要的传粉昆虫;

    Because of its high pollination efficiency , the bumblebee has become a dominant pollinator in alpine life zone .