
  • 网络Flowserve;Fuchs;Foss;VOLKSWAGEN;Fuse
  1. 联系福斯润滑油在Isando以下产品的价格和可用性。

    Contact Fuchs Lubricants in Isando for prices and availability on the product below .

  2. 没有福斯在我身边指手画脚,我终于可以追求一样东西了,一样他逼迫我放弃的东西:生活。

    With Foss not around to dictate my days , I could finally pursue the very thing he 'd wanted me to give up : a life .

  3. 福斯塔尔是OSX操作系统的原始设计者之一,该操作系统在本世纪初拯救了苹果公司。

    Forstall was one of the original architects of OS X , the operating system that saved the company earlier this decade .

  4. 这座桥是由一家私人公司建造的,同大都会线(metropolitanline,伦敦第一条地铁线)和福斯铁路桥一样。

    That bridge was built by a private company , as were the Metropolitan line ( the first London Underground Railway ) and the Forth Bridge .

  5. 现在,苹果公司正远离福斯托尔和乔布斯定义的iOS风格。

    Now , Apple is running away from the Forstall and Jobs style that defined iOS .

  6. 但如果你想找一种经济实惠的方式录制清晰可辨的对话,斯塔尼福斯推荐使用ZoomH1录音笔(在zoom.co.jp上的售价为100美元(约合人民币612元))。

    But if you want an affordable way to capture intelligible dialogue , Mr. Staniforth recommended the Zoom H1 ( $ 100 , zoom . co.jp ) .

  7. 驾车的是希尔福斯的妻子,这辆丰田汉兰达(ToyotaHighlander)以波澜不惊的70英里时速向前行进(道路限速是75英里/小时)。

    His wife was behind the wheel , piloting their Toyota Highlander at a distinctly pedestrian 70 miles per hour ( the speed limit was 75 ) .

  8. 在德拉福斯看来,背心式连体泳衣会让人想到80年代时尚摄影师汉斯・弗尔(HansFeurer)为克劳馥和克劳迪娅・希弗(ClaudiaSchiffer)等健美型模特所拍摄的照片。

    For Ms. Delafosse , the tank calls to mind images shot by fashion photographer Hans Feurer in the ' 80s of athletic and Amazonian models like Ms. Crawford and Claudia Schiffer . '

  9. 2005年,SEC指控制造业企业福斯公司(FlowserveCorporation)违反了公平披露规则,因为该公司是在对一群分析人士重申自己的业绩之后,才向公众披露同一信息的。

    In 2005 , the commission charged the Flowserve Corporation , a manufacturer , with violating Reg F.D. for reiterating its guidance to a group of analysts before sharing the same information with the public .

  10. 现在请原谅我“厚着脸皮”植入广告:如果你们对加入学生政府有兴趣,那么请你们在周五的下午两点到UC大楼第二层的坦福斯休息室会面。

    Shameless plug : If you 're interested at all in Student Government , please come to the Student Government meet and greet at2pm on Friday in the Danforth Lounge , which is on the second floor of the UC .

  11. 《财富》杂志联系上美国宇航局(NASA)前宇航员、XCOR宇航公司(XCORAerospace)现首席试飞员理查德•希尔福斯时,他正从位于加州德哈查比的家中赶赴爱达荷州的圣诞家庭聚会。

    When fortune caught up with former NASA astronaut Richard searfoss , the chief test pilot for Xcor aerospace , he was traveling from his Tehachapi , California base to a Christmas family gathering in Idaho .

  12. 九江发电厂两台350MW机组的制粉系统采用的是美国福斯惠勒公司制造的双进双出钢球磨煤机,属直吹式正压制粉系统。

    There are two 350 MW units made by FW Company in JiuJiang power plant . Double-inlet and double-outlet ball mill that belongs to direct firing system is used .

  13. 这项辩论于星期四由福斯电视网现场直播。

    The debate was broadcast Thursday on the Fox News Channel .

  14. 北京福斯准时化企业资源规划管理系统

    Just-in Time Enterprise Resources Planning Management System of Beijing Force Company

  15. 福斯托波的风格,而有些简单化,令人耳目一新。

    Fausto 's style , while somewhat simplistic , is refreshing .

  16. 过去的很多年里,福斯温克尔都不曾意识到自己薪酬过低。

    For years , Voswinkle had no idea she was being underpaid .

  17. 环境健康公务员们为此拜访了福斯家,并进行了查证采样。

    Environmental health officers visited the family 's home to collect evidence .

  18. 二十世纪福斯影片公司决定开拍续集。

    20th Century Fox decided that the movie Ice Age needed a sequel .

  19. 普通福斯引擎绝对不可能赢你。

    There 's no way an ordinary VW engine could have smoked yours .

  20. 福斯莱特电子铝基板印制电路板的发明者是奥地利人保罗·爱斯勒(PaulEisler),他于1936年在一个收音机装置内采用了印刷电路板。

    He applied printed circuit board in a radio receiver device in 1936 .

  21. 我有个堂兄弟在苏福斯。

    I got me a cousin in Sioux Falls .

  22. 福斯于周五在巴尔的摩被捕。

    Mr Force was arrested in Baltimore on Friday .

  23. 我认识韦尔伯福斯的时候,他正红极一时呢。

    I knew Wilberforce in his best days .

  24. 爱斯福斯冰狐伏特加在美国由酿酒师手工做成。

    Our vodka is hand crafted by our master distiller in the United States .

  25. 他与摩尔福斯间不断的斗智,造就了许多令人回味无穷的事件。

    His ongoing battle of wits with Herlock Sholmes accounts for some memorable events .

  26. 葛雷赛:不,福斯电视网的「当动物攻击时」。

    Glaser : No , " When Animals Attack " on the FOX network .

  27. 福斯脱夫妇呆若木鸡地坐了两分来钟。

    The fosters petrified for two minutes .

  28. 谁会责备西绪福斯和冉阿让,如果他们说:“受够了!”

    Who would blame Sisyphus and Jean Valjean for saying : " It is enough !"

  29. 福斯铁路桥的建造过程中大约有100人丧生,更多人受伤。

    Perhaps 100 people died building the first Forth Bridge and many more were injured .

  30. 现代的西方西绪福斯精神孕育了西方现代主义文学的新悲剧意识。

    Modern western Sisyphus spirits gave birth to the new tragedy consciousness of western modernistic literature .