
  • 网络fordism;Post Fordism
  1. 本文对福特主义和后福特主义经济体系下的港口运行方式进行了实证分析。

    This paper makes an empirical study of the port cities'practices under Fordism and PostFordism respectively .

  2. 柔性已成为象征后福特主义时代新生产方式的代名词。

    Flexibility has become the synonym of the new mode of production in the age of Post Fordism .

  3. 后福特主义对大学语文教学改革的启示

    The Inspiration of Reform in College Chinese Teaching from Post-Fordism

  4. 无论是帝国主义还是新帝国主义,福特主义还是灵活积累体制,以及都市中的空间经济都是如此。

    No matter Imperialism or Neo-imperialism , Fordism or Flexible accumulation system , or the space economy of urban .

  5. 整个城市是按’福特主义者‘来构思的-也就是说,每一种活动都有个适当的地方和时段。

    The city is conceived in " Fordist " terms - that is , each activity has an appropriate place and time .

  6. 其三,福特主义的工资增加方式与幸福教育之间有着怎样的联结?

    Last but not least , what is the relationship between the Fordism 's method of wage increase and the education of happiness ?

  7. 20世纪70年代以来,西方激进学者进一步扩展了马克思的劳动过程理论,认为资本主义劳动过程处于福特主义阶段。

    Radical Western Scholars expanded further Marx 's Theory of Labor Process since 1970s and thought capitalist labor process in the phrase of Fordism .

  8. 后福特主义是随着生产力的发展和经济的转型从福特主义脱胎而来的,它代表着一种崭新的生产理念和生产方式。

    Post-fordism was developed from Fordism with the progress of productivity and economic transition which represented a new production concept and mode of production .

  9. 目前,网络课程开发理念、方法和过程方面已不能满足教育发展的需求,面临着严重的福特主义危机。

    Currently , web-based curriculum development 's idea , method and process already cannot satisfy the demand of education development , facing serious post-fordism crisis .

  10. 20世纪后半叶资本主义最大的变化之一在于其生产方式由福特主义向弹性生产的过渡。

    One of the greatest changes of capitalism in the latter half of the 20th century was the transformation from " Fordism " to " flexible production " .

  11. 20世纪晚期,资本主义经济体系经历了从福特主义转向弹性积累的过程,这一历史变迁,构成了后现代社会存在的基础。

    In the late of 20th century , the economic system of Capitalism experienced the historic transition from Fordism to flexible accumulation , when cities acquiring lots of new characteristics .

  12. 哈维认为,资本主义的政治-经济体系在20世纪晚期发生了从福特主义到弹性积累的巨大转变。

    In David Harvey 's opinion , enormous transition has been taken place in the political-economic system of capitalism society from Fordism to flexible accumulation in the later 20th century .

  13. 20世纪60年代末期福特主义的危机,使西方发达资本主义国家进行了长达20余年的经济结构调整。

    The crisis of Fordism in the late 1960s led to an economic restructuring in the developed capitalist countries in the west , which had lasted for over 20 years .

  14. 新产业区是后福特主义与新劳动地域分工及全球化相结合的产物,具有同源性,但在不同国家可能采取不同的表现形式。

    New industry district are formed by the combination of globalization , labor regional division and post-Fordism . It may adopt different forms of expression in different countries , but have the same origin cause .

  15. 福特是个纯净主义者,他喜欢把事情搞得简单明了。

    Ford was a purist . He liked to keep things simple .