
  • 网络Welfare Salary
  1. 相对成熟的科技企业一般采取高福利薪酬制度;

    And comparatively maturated enterprises commonly adopt high - material benefits reward mechanism ;

  2. 公司将提供极好的福利薪酬待遇给合适的人才协助其发展计划,包括在上海成立一个企业总部。

    Excellent package will be offered to the right candidate to assist in immediate expansion plan , which includes a corporate head office in Shanghai City .

  3. 对劳动者而言,工作内容、工作条件、福利薪酬待遇,将决定着他们的职业发展、生活水平、身心健康、自我认同感和个人尊严。

    For works , their workload , working conditions , remuneration dispatched by the corporation would decide their career development , living standards , physical and mental health , self-identity and personal dignity .

  4. 得到如下研究结论,国有银行知识型员工流失影响因素的影响程度大小排列如下:职业生涯发展、福利薪酬、企业文化、自我价值、工作自主。

    Obtain the following conclusion , the influence factor of the loss of knowledge workers in state-owned bank descending order as follows : career development , welfare compensation , corporate culture , self-worth , job autonomy .

  5. 本文针对委托&代理关系,探讨了我国上市公司实行经理股票期权(ESO)逐步取代传统的工资、奖金和福利等薪酬形式。

    This paper deals with the problem of " Principal-Agent " in the public listed company in China by using Executive Stock Options ( ESO ) to replace traditional requitals such as salary bonus and welfare .

  6. 在某些情况下,《华尔街日报》可以通过分析公司为递延薪酬或职工福利及薪酬所申报的递延所得税资产来大概估算出公司到底欠高管多少钱。

    The Journal was able to approximate companies'IOUs , in some cases , by looking at an amount they report as deferred tax assets for'deferred compensation'or'employee benefits and compensation .

  7. 我们为应聘者提供优厚的福利待遇,薪酬为一小时20美元。

    We offer an excellent Benefit package rate of pay $ 20 per hour .

  8. 医疗健康福利是高校薪酬管理的重要一环,也是高校人力资源管理工作的内容之一。

    Medical & healthy welfare is an important part of salary and monetary management in university , and part of the human resources management work as well .

  9. 问卷将激励分为薪酬制度、工作感受、工作环境、福利保障、薪酬管理、行政管理这六个因素。

    Six factors were abstracted from the questionnaire . They are " payment system ", " work experience ", " work environment ", " welfare and social security ", " payment management " and " administration " .

  10. 六个激励因素的评价从高到低分别为:工作感受、行政管理、福利保障、薪酬管理、工作环境、薪酬制度。

    The six incentive factors satisfaction attitude , according to the priority , are ranged from high to low as follows : work experience , administration , welfare and social security , payment management , working conditions , payment systems . 3 .

  11. 知识型员工的自助式薪酬要素分为八大类:基本工资、短期激励薪酬、长期激励薪酬、福利、附加薪酬、工作发展报酬、生活质量报酬和特殊假期报酬。

    Knowledge employees ' cafeteria compensation factors can be divided in eight catalogues ; they are base pay , short-term incentive compensation , long-term incentive compensation , benefits , accessional pay , career development pay , life quality pay and special holiday pay . 4 .

  12. 西方企业管理学界在以往的研究中经常把福利满意度作为薪酬满意度的一个组成部分,来研究薪酬满意度对员工心理和工作行为的影响。

    On the other hand , the low degree shows depression or negative feeling . In the past , benefit satisfaction is often regarded as a part of pay satisfaction by the western researchers to study the effect to the psychology and behavior of employees .

  13. 福利也要像薪酬安排那样灵活么,要覆盖到所涉及的员工么?

    And shouldn'tbenefits be as flexible as the work they reward and the employees they cover ?

  14. 同时对组成全面薪酬体系的各个组成部分的主要内容进行详细阐述,包括:薪资、福利等货币性薪酬及事业、环境等非货币性外在薪酬。

    Meanwhile it introduced the factors of the total compensation separately : salary , welfare , career and working environment .

  15. 薪酬满意度的影响因素除了薪水、福利等经济性薪酬外还包括非经济性薪酬。

    The factors that effect pay satisfaction also include non-economic pay other than economic pay such as pay level and benefit .

  16. 由于预见到新规的影响,一些美国公司已开始削减高管薪酬和福利,并披露薪酬方案的更多细节。新的规则将赋予股东更大的权力,以投票否决薪酬结构。

    US companies have begun cutting pay and benefits for top executives – and disclosing more details of packages – anticipating the effect of new rules that give shareholders greater power to vote down remuneration structures .

  17. 营销中心对其全体成员薪酬考核采取基本年薪+年终考核+销售提成+团队奖金+福利+津贴的薪酬结构。

    When assessing salaries of sales staff , the marketing center takes the salary structure including annual basic salary , bonus and performance review , sales commissions , team commissions , welfare and allowance into consideration .

  18. 国家公务员福利制度是公务员薪酬制度的重要组成部分,这一制度的实施及福利支出涉及到全国几百万公务员的切身利益。

    State civil service benefits system is a civil service pay system , an important part of the implementation of this system and welfare expenditure related to the country the vital interests of millions of civil servants .

  19. 有这样几点:构建创业氛围,营造创业文化;完善人力资本流动的聚集政策;发展经济,不断改善基础设施建设;提高工资和福利待遇,完善薪酬制度;拓展人力资本发展空间。

    Such points : to build entrepreneurial atmosphere , creating an entrepreneurial culture ; improve the flow of human capital accumulation policy ; economic development and improving infrastructure ; to raise wages and benefits , improve the remuneration system ; development of human capital development .

  20. 本文认为,企业家薪酬水平主要决定于企业家创造的价值、企业家与物质资本家的博弈实力和态度两大因素,弹性薪酬应成为全部物质薪酬的主体,固定薪酬和福利在全部物质薪酬的比重应较小。

    This thesis considers that entrepreneur 's compensation quantity is decided by value created by entrepreneur , game strength and attitudes of entrepreneur and material capitalist , and that the elastic compensation should be majority , the regular compensation and welfare relatively small in all material compensation .