
  • 网络welfarism;welfarist;Extra-welfarism
  1. 这对过去十年中贯彻的福利主义是个糟糕的评论。

    This is a dreadful comment on the past decade of welfarism .

  2. 小额信贷发展的占优均衡:福利主义宗旨与制度主义机制的有机融合

    Small-sum Loan Development Superiority Equilibrium : Welfarism Aim and Institutionalism

  3. 它的“大同主义”应该对目前数量庞大的中产阶级具有吸引力,同时该党的福利主义倾向应该会吸引大部分穷人。

    Its cosmopolitanism should appeal to the now very large middle class , while its welfarist orientation should attract large sections of the poor .

  4. 通过对福利主义小额信贷模式和制度主义小额信贷模式的比较,揭示国际小额信贷发展的制度主义倾向及其成功经验。

    By comparing the pattern of welfarism microfinance with that of systemism microfinance , this paper reveals the systemism trend and successful experiences of international microfinance .

  5. 随着人道主义思想在中国社会的传播与泛化,强调保护弱势群体的福利主义思想在中国的出现,推动出狱人保护制度在中国社会萌生与发展。

    The spreading of humanitarianism in China and the appearance of welfare projects which stressed on protecting the inferior group give impetus to the appearance and development of the protection system of exconvict .

  6. 本文针对以上几个问题,借鉴国外成功的两大小额信贷经营模式&福利主义的小额信贷模式和制度主义的小额信贷模式,提出我国小额贷款公司可持续发展的五点建议。

    This paper propose five suggestions for the sustainable development of our microfinance cooperators , we draw lessons from the successive two overseas business model , that is , Welfare of the micro-credit model and Institutionalism of micro-credit model .

  7. 福利主义被非福利主义取代的原因有四:阿罗不可能性定理、帕累托标准的缺陷、理论上对效率和公平问题的重新思考,以及实践中对效率和公平问题的重新思考。

    Four reasons can be referred to account for the replacement of welfarism by non-welfarism . Arrow 's Impossibility Theorem , defects in the Pareto Criterion , theoretical reconsideration of efficiency and fairness , and practical reconsideration of efficiency and fairness .

  8. 尽管小额信贷组织在中国的起步较晚,但不管是福利主义小额信贷组织还是制度主义小额信贷组织,都为满足贫困农户金融需求、促进农民收入增长和农村经济发展做出了巨大贡献。

    While micro-credit organization had a late start in China , But whether Welfare micro-credit organizations or institutionalism micro-credit organizations , has made great contributions to meet the financial needs of poor farmers , promote growth in peasant incomes and Rural economic development .

  9. 近现代意义上的公共负担平等源自于福利国家主义下的财产权利的社会责任理论;

    Public burden is derived from the theory of social responsibility for property under the welfare nationalism .

  10. 如何对待这种挑战,并在新的经济、政治和文化环境中,吸收新的政治道德因素,发展福利集体主义的价值观,维护社会福利的公正作用,就是本文所要讨论的问题。

    To meet such challenges , the author discusses how to absorb new elements of political morals , enhance welfare collectivism and maintain the justice of social welfare in the new economic , political and cultural environments .

  11. 快乐福利人本主义&与黄有光院士的有关讨论

    Happiness , Welfare and Humanism ── Some discussion with Yew-Kwang Ng

  12. 他们受社会福利和人道主义论点的影响。

    They were influenced by the social and humanitarian arguments .

  13. 妇女与福利:女性主义福利理论评介

    Women and Welfare : Criticism on the Feminist Welfare Theory

  14. 其现实依据是复杂化的技术图景、技术的福利和建构主义的文化。

    The realistic reasons arc that the complicated picture of technology , the welfare of technology and the culture of constructivism .

  15. 罗尔斯的福利(平等主义)自由主义的分配正义理论具有强烈的、关注弱势群体利益的平等倾向,其差别原则要求实现最少受惠者的最大利益,以期达到最大程度的经济平等。

    The John Rawls ' theory of egalitarianism distributive justice has strong equal tendency , which the " difference principle " asks for maximum benefits and extreme economic equal to disadvantaged groups .

  16. 福利国家论[主义]国际方面,从社会主义国家到各国爱好正义的人民;

    Welfare statism internationally , they range from the land of socialism to justice-loving people in all countries ;

  17. 他们暗示,如果苏格兰民族党想搞福利优厚的国家主义,就需要说服苏格兰人为此买单。

    If the SNP wants to fund munificent statism , they imply , it will need to persuade Scots to foot the bill .

  18. 其次提出完善农村社会养老保险的理论依据,主要有市场失灵理论、政府失灵理论、风险管理理论、经济福利理论和马克思主义社会保障理论。

    Secondly propose the theoretical foundation about perfecting the rural social pension insurance , Markets failure theory , government failure theory , risk management theory , the economic welfare theory and Marxism social security theory mainly .

  19. 福利经济学中非福利主义的兴起

    The Rise of Non - Welfarism in Welfare Economics

  20. 随着金融危机的蔓延,欧洲一些福利型国家均出现了主权债务危机。福利主义带来的社会保障压力越来越大。

    With the spread of financial crisis , many European welfare countries are facing sovereign debt crisis , and the pressure of social security is increasing which welfarism brings .