
  1. 黄张见纪念老人之家〔九龙妇女福利会〕

    Wong Cheung Kin Memorial Hostel for the Elderly [ Kowloon Women 's Welfare Club ]

  2. 要实现最大程度地增进妇女福利、团结妇女的目标,妇联组织应该主动与民间妇女组织合作、联合,以形成服务、团结妇女的组织资源的整合。

    To achieve the goal of promoting women 's welfare and uniting women at the largest degree , women 's federations should take the initiatives by cooperating and collaborating with women 's non - governmental organizations and integrate various resources in serving and uniting women .

  3. 英国在妇女生育福利方面依然落后于欧洲大多数国家。

    Britain still lags behind most of Europe in its provisions for women who want time off to have babies

  4. 妇女与福利:女性主义福利理论评介

    Women and Welfare : Criticism on the Feminist Welfare Theory

  5. 改革开放以来中国妇女社会福利发展及问题

    On Chinese Women 's Welfare Development and Problems since the Reform and Opening Up

  6. 向贫穷妇女提供福利金来鼓励她们结婚的确存在着一定的风险。

    There 's a real danger in offering poor women a financial incentive to marry .

  7. 中韩日老年妇女的福利政策及生活

    On the Welfare Policies Related to the Aged Women in China , South Korea and Japan and their Life

  8. 更为重要的是,女性主义福利理论为我们理解妇女与福利议题提供了独特和有用的视角。

    More important still , this theory has provided a unique and useful perspective for us to understand the topic concerning women and welfare .

  9. 女性主义福利理论说明,妇女与福利是当代社会涉及面广和影响大的核心社会政策议题。

    The welfare theory of feminists indicates that women and welfare is a wide-ranging and influential core topic of social policies in contemporary society .

  10. 这一维度的研究被北欧女权主义学者所发展,它强调妇女对发展福利国家的巨大贡献。

    Research of this dimension has been developed by North European feminist scholars , to the extent of emphasizing women 's tremendous contributions to the welfare states ' development .

  11. 国内外学者在考虑妇女地位时忽视妇女个人的偏好与选择,认为只要提高妇女的地位就可以改善妇女的福利。

    Domestic and foreign scholars do not pay enough attentions to womens preferences and options when they study the status of women , think that the higher the status of women , the better their welfare .