
  • 网络Obstetrics And Gynecology;Gynaecology and Obstetrics;Gynecology and Obstetrics;OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY;Obstet Gynecol
  1. 我是XX医学院妇产科学的应届本科毕业生。

    I was fresh XX Obstetrics and Gynecology School of Medicine graduates .

  2. 与该研究无关系的英国谢菲尔德大学妇产科学教授WilliamLedger如此说。

    William Ledger , a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Britain 's University of Sheffield , who was unconnected to the study .

  3. PBL教学模式在妇产科学临床见习教学中的初步实践

    Practice of Problem-based Learning in Obstetrics and Gynecology Teaching

  4. PBL式妇产科学双语教学应用研究

    Study of PBL-style bilingual teaching in obstetrics and gynecology

  5. “有些人认为一半的不孕妇女可能患有子宫内膜异位。”妇产科学副教授、本研究首席研究员LynnWestphal博士说道。

    " Some people think up to half of infertile women may have endometriosis ," said Lynn Westphal , MD , associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology and lead researcher of the studies .

  6. 该研究出版在了妇产科学的期刊上。

    The study was published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynaecology .

  7. 浅谈妇产科学教学改革

    The preliminary discussion on the teaching reform of gynecology and obstetrics

  8. 试论明代封建礼教思想对妇产科学的影响

    Effect of Feudal Ethical Code in Ming Dynasty on Gynecology and Obstetrics

  9. 浅谈妇产科学的兴趣教学

    A Discussion of Interest-oriented Teaching in Gynecology and Obstetrics Course

  10. 按乐杰主编《妇产科学》第五版妊高征的诊断标准分类。

    The diagnosis standard of PIH based on the fifth edition < .

  11. 妇产科学临床教学改革的探索与实践

    Research and practice of clinical teaching in obstetrics and gynecology

  12. 留学生妇产科学教学的初步探讨

    Preliminary exploration for the teaching of gynecology and obstetrics for foreign students

  13. 外国留学生妇产科学的教学体会

    The Teaching Experience of Obstetrics and Gynecology for Foreign Students

  14. 妇产科学临床见习和实习的实践改革探讨

    Reform in Clinical Internship and Practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology

  15. 妇产科学研究及临床应用热点专家研讨会&会议纪要

    The Summary of the Symposium on the Hotspots of the Obstetrical and Gynecology

  16. 汉英双语教学在妇产科学教学中有特别重要的地位和作用。

    Chinese-English bilingual teaching in obstetrics and gynecology plays a particularly important role .

  17. 诊断标准参照6版《妇产科学》。

    Diagnostic criterion takes reference from the 6th edition of Obstetrics and Gynecology .

  18. 妇产科学临床双语教学实践的探讨

    Exploration of bilingual clinical teaching in gynecology and obstetrics

  19. 这项研究发表在美国妇产科学杂志。

    The study is published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology .

  20. 妇产科学英语教学探讨

    Exploration of Obstetrics and Gynecology Teaching in English

  21. 重视妇产科学教学中的性医学教育

    Pay More Attention to the Sexual Medicine Education in Teaching of Obstetrics and Gynecology

  22. 长学制医学生妇产科学系统教学方法的改革

    Innovation on teaching methods for the students on long-educational program in gynecology and obstetrics

  23. 现代妇产科学的发展,使得终止妊娠的方法日趋丰富。

    The development of modern obstetrics and gynecology diversifies the methods of interruption of pregnancy .

  24. 明代社会因素对妇产科学的影响

    The Influence of Social Factors in Ming Dynasty on the Discipline of Gynecology and Obstetrics

  25. 试论中医妇产科学的形成

    On Formation of TCM Gynecology

  26. 构建数字化、可视化教学平台实现妇产科学教学手段多元化

    Realization of the diversity of gynecology and obstetrics teaching methods by constructing digital and visualized teaching platform

  27. 能有机会结交妇产科学和内分泌学的中国同僚,我喜不自胜。

    I was very happy to be here with Chinese colleagues working in our field of gynecology and endocrinology .

  28. 目的为了探讨模拟辅助教学在妇产科学临床教学中的应用效果。

    Objective To explore the outcome of the simulation assistant teaching applied in clinical teaching of obstetrics and gynecology .

  29. 本文以妇产科学临床教学为例,论述医学人文精神与临床教学的整合。

    The paper discussed how to merge humanistic spirit into medical clinic teaching by illustrating the gynecology and obstetrics teaching .

  30. 从乡村歌手到记者,再从记者到秘书直至助理研究员,在妇产科学界领军人物威廉马斯特斯医生的帮助下,维吉尼亚找到了一条另类的成功道路。

    A country-singer-turned-journalist-turned-secretary-turned-research-assistant , Virginia found a non-traditional path to success through Dr. William Masters , one of gynecology 's leading physicians .