
  • 网络women's suffrage;woman suffrage;Votes for Women;Female Suffrage
  1. 伯特兰·罗素的妇女选举权思想论析

    On the Thought of Women 's Suffrage of Bertrand Russell

  2. 男性参与在19世纪英国妇女选举权运动中的作用

    On Male Involvement 's Function in the Movement of British Women 's Suffrage in 19th Century

  3. 第19条修正案赋予妇女选举权。

    The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote .

  4. 她参加争取妇女选举权的运动,也是节育倡导者。

    She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer .

  5. 分列第四和第五的是为争取妇女选举权奋斗终身的埃米琳·潘克赫斯特和特蕾莎修女。

    Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst and Mother Teresa completed the top five .

  6. 有些政客反对给与妇女选举权。

    Some politicians argued against giving women the vote .

  7. 日本在1945年给予妇女选举权。

    Japan granted suffrage to women in1945 .

  8. 他是第一个站出来为争取妇女选举权而说话的人。

    He was the first to come out for the right of women to vote .

  9. 但黑人与妇女选举权问题仍有待解决。

    However , the suffrage for women and the blacks still had a long way to go .

  10. 新西兰是第一个给予妇女选举权的国家,时间为1895年。

    New Zealand was the first country to enfranchise women . It gave them the vote in 1895 . 6 .

  11. 她穿着一双平跟鞋,看上去好象是早期为争取妇女选举权时代旧相册中的人物。

    She wore flat heels and looked like a page out of an old album of Early woman suffrage days .

  12. 1869年,怀俄明地区议会悄悄通过了赋予该州妇女选举权的法案。

    In 1869 , the Wyoming Territorial Council quietly passed a bill giving the women of the territory the right to vote .

  13. 西方在妇女选举权、少数民族等问题上也走过漫长的道路。

    In terms of women 's rights , ethnic minority rights and other social equality , they also spend many years to adjust themselves .

  14. 例如,回想一下争取妇女选举权的斗争,以及著名的选举权主义者、欧柏林学院的校友露西·斯通的故事。

    For example , think back to the struggle for women 's suffrage and the story of a leading suffragist and Oberlin alum named Lucy Stone .

  15. 在那之前,妇女连选举权都没有。

    Before that , women did not have a vote at all

  16. 曾经有一段时间妇女没有选举权。

    There was a time when women had no right to vote .

  17. 今年我选修了经济学。成年男子[妇女]选举权

    I 've elected economics this year . manhood [ woman ] suffrage

  18. 妇女取得选举权已有50多年了。

    Women have had the vote for over fifty years .

  19. 现在在大部分的国家妇女已有选举权。

    Women now have the vote in most countries .

  20. 当时该国妇女无选举权。

    Women were debarred from voting in that country .

  21. 在美国,一个州接一个州给予了妇女以选举权。

    In the United States , state after state granted women the right to vote .

  22. 妇女为选举权闹了很多年,终于获得了这种权利。

    Women had to agitate for vote for many years before they finally got it .

  23. 今天,妇女有选举权。

    Today women have the votes .

  24. 应该让妇女有选举权吗?

    Should women have the votes ?

  25. 说真的,妇女拥有选举权并不会增加政治上的混乱。

    Women suffrage will not , to say the truth . add to the political confusion .

  26. 他们参加了平等选举权联盟,为妇女的选举权发声。

    They were joining the Equal Suffrage League and speaking out for women 's right to vote .

  27. 妇女获得选举权后,鼓吹妇女参政的妇女运动,在英国成了不能再引起人们举趣的问题了。

    After women obtained the right to vote , the suffragette movement became a dead duck in Britain .

  28. 潘克赫斯特夫人为妇女的选举权而斗争,是现代妇女运动的先驱。

    Mrs Pankhurst , who fought for votes for women , was a forerunner of the modern women 's movement .

  29. 我很钦佩以前那些女士们,她们五十年前努力为妇女争取选举权。

    I have to admire the ladies who fifty years ago worked so hard to get women the right to vote .

  30. 曾经有一段时期,妇女没有选举权,不能上大学,也不能择业。

    There was a time when women had no right to vote , could not go to universities or choose their jobs .