
  1. 在驰骋沙场后而闯入文坛,并且名满天下的女性作家,只有谢冰莹一人。

    To surf in the battlefield and renowned the female writers so far seems only Hsieh Ping-Ying .

  2. 谢冰莹的《从军日记》与歌德的《少年维特之烦恼》存在历史姻缘关系,两部书亦有诸多精神上的联系。

    Some historical relations and spiritual ties lie between The War Dairies by Xie Bingying and The Sorrow of Young Werther by Gothe .

  3. 谢冰莹传奇的一生从她考入中央军事政治学校女生队开始,随即她参与北伐;

    Hsieh Ping-Ying legend 's life begins from her school of Central Military and Politics and then she involved in the Northern Expedition .

  4. 尖锐、直抒、炽烈与含蓄、旁征、冷静&谢冰莹与郁达夫同题散文《雨》较读

    The sharp vehement style and the calm suggestive style & The comparison of the same titled proses The Rain by Xie Bing Ying and Yu Da Fu