
qiáng jiān
  • rape;violate;ravish
强奸 [qiáng jiān]
  • [rape;violate] 违背对方意愿使用暴力与其性交

  • 被入侵者强奸的少女

强奸[qiáng jiān]
  1. 他被控犯了强奸罪。

    He was charged with rape .

  2. 据印度国家犯罪统计局(NationalCrimeRecordsBureau)的资料,在2014年底,印度尚有85%的强奸案待审,而强奸案的定罪率不超过1/3。

    More than 85 percent of rape cases in India were pending trial at the end of 2014 , according to the National Crime Records Bureau of India , and rape cases had a conviction rate of less than one-third .

  3. 近来这个地区有四名妇女遭到强奸猥亵。

    Four women have been sexually assaulted in the area recently .

  4. 她遭持刀强奸。

    She was raped at knifepoint .

  5. 去年此时,罗丝·麦高恩以强奸罪控告制作人哈维·韦恩斯,在娱乐圈引发轩然大波,众多控告纷至沓来。

    Rose McGowan accused producer Harvey Weinstein of rape this time last year , sparking an avalanche of allegations in the entertainment industry and beyond .

  6. 由大法官维尔马为首的委员会建议修订法律,并敦促政府对婚内强奸定罪。

    The changes were based on the recommendations of the Verma Committee , headed by the late Justice Verma , who also urged the government to criminalise rape within marriage .