
  1. 这包括350美元的英属维尔京群岛政府收费和强制注册代理服务。

    This includes the $ 350 BVI government fee and the mandatory registered agent service .

  2. 人们普遍认为法律强制规定最低注册资本限额的目的是为了保护债权人利益、维护交易的安全。

    It is generally considered that the law made the minimum registered capital system in order to protect the interests of creditors and maintain the security of transactions .

  3. 您可以使用检查(CHECK)限制强制用户使用预注册的模式验证XML值。

    You can use check constraints to force the user to validate the XML value with a pre-registered schema .

  4. 请求者和提供者通过最少数量的ESB直接交互(不需要强制通过托管顶级注册中心的企业ESB来进行跨层次路由)。

    Requesters and providers interact directly , through the minimum number of ESBs ( there is no need to enforce hierarchical routing through the enterprise ESB that hosts the top-level registry ) .

  5. 此外,我们会实施建造从业员注册制度,以便强制执行建筑工人注册计划。

    Besides , actions will be taken to implement the construction personnel registration system to facilitate mandatory registration of construction workers .