
wú ɡuò cuò zé rèn yuán zé
  • Principle of no fault liability;doctrine of no-fault liability
  1. 运动员(雇员)所受的体育伤害应适用无过错责任原则,由用人单位(雇主)承担雇主责任;

    The sport injury of athletes ( employees ) should be suitable for doctrine of no-fault liability and it is employing work units ( employers ) who are responsible for the liability ;

  2. ICP的版权侵权都是直接侵权,对其版权侵权应适用无过错责任原则;

    The copyright infringement of ICP is all direct infringement , we should apply no-fault-liability for the copyright infringement of ICP ;

  3. 无过错责任原则确立原因透析

    On the Causes of Establishing the Principle of No Fault Liability

  4. 也存在某些特殊民事侵权行为可以适用无过错责任原则。

    No-fault liability principle is appropriate for some special tort .

  5. 台湾地区民法就债务不履行系采过错责任原则,而非如大陆合同法所采的无过错责任原则。

    On the contrary , Mainland contract law applies to non-fault liability .

  6. 无过错责任原则在临床试验受试者保护中的适用

    Application of No Fault Responsibility in Protection of Subjects in Clinical Trial

  7. 无过错责任原则及适用

    The Principle of No Fault Liability and Its Application

  8. 尤其是某些媒体、学者对新法确立的无过错责任原则横加指责。

    Especially some media and scholars have arbitrarily blamed the no-fault liability principle .

  9. 论无过错责任原则在未成年学生伤害事故中的适用

    The Application of the Principle of No-fault Liability to Under-age Students ' Accidents

  10. 第三章分析了海上侵权归责原则中的无过错责任原则的含义及其确立的依据,并指出其在海上侵权行为法中的适用范围;

    The third chapter analyses the connotation and application of principle of no-fault .

  11. 论无过错责任原则

    The Importance of Nothing On No-Fault Liability Principle

  12. 环境责任保险伴随着无过错责任原则而产生,为无过错责任的实行提供赔偿基础;

    ELI is based on the principle of no-fault and provides the basis for compensation .

  13. 循环经济法律责任的种类包括行政责任、民事责任和刑事责任,采用无过错责任原则。

    These responsibilities include administrative responsibilities , civil responsibilities and criminal responsibilities with non-fault responsibility .

  14. 无过错责任原则是本文研究的重点。

    The principle of no-fault liability is a re - search focus in my paper .

  15. 其分配原则主要是正义原则与无过错责任原则。

    The allocation principle is the principle of justice and the principle of no-fault liability .

  16. 无过错责任原则是其中一项特殊的归责原则,有其独立存在的价值和作用。

    No-fault liability principle is a special one and it bears unique value and function .

  17. 无过错责任原则应当是知识产权侵权行为的归责原则。

    Principle of no-fault liability should be principle of assumed liability in intellectual property right infringement .

  18. 正是这种现实的需要,催生了无过错责任原则。

    For the remand of juridical practice , the principle no-fault liability was got to be created .

  19. 侵权行为法的归责原则包括过错责任原则和无过错责任原则。

    The liability principle in tort law consists of the liability of fault and that of unfault .

  20. 无过错责任原则的产生,为侵权法带来新的生机。

    The birth of the principle of no fault liability brought new vitality to the tort law .

  21. 在复合环境污染中适用的原则和大多数的国家是一样的,即无过错责任原则。

    Like most countries , the no-fault liability principle is applied for the composite pollution of the environment .

  22. 但在法律规定的特殊情况下应当使用无过错责任原则;

    But in the special issues ruled by the law the principle of non-fault liability should be used .

  23. 医疗产品缺陷造成的并发症赔偿责任应参照产品责任,适用无过错责任原则。

    Complications liability caused by faulty medical products should refer to product liability , and apply no-fault liability .

  24. 严格责任作为归责制度,一直被理论界视为无过错责任原则。

    As an imputing system , strict liability has long been accepted as a system of liability without fault .

  25. 到底是适用无过错责任原则,还是适用公平责任原则。

    What is to apply the principle of liability without fault , or the application of fair liability principle .

  26. 最后,文章还对实施以无过错责任原则为基础的机动车第三者责任强制保险制度面临的一些实践问题,如受害人可否享有直接请求权、免责条款如何制定等做了简要分析。

    Finally , this article discusses on some practical problem arising from the implementing of the compulsory insurance system .

  27. 该法在道路交通事故损害赔偿的处理上,修改了传统的过错责任原则,第一次以法律的形式规定了在我国实施以无过错责任原则为基础的机动车第三者责任强制保险制度。

    The Law requires the state to practice the system of the compulsory third party liability insurance for motor vehicles .

  28. 通过对我国社会环境资源犯罪特点的分析,提出环境资源犯罪应采用无过错责任原则。

    According to the principle of criminal law , responsibility-belonged principle of environmental resource crimes is the liability with fault .

  29. 第三部分对环境侵权的复杂性及无过错责任原则面临的挑战作了论述。

    Section three talks about the complexity of environment tort and the challenge the principle of liability without fault facing .

  30. 对于注册会计师归责原则问题存在过错责任原则和无过错责任原则,我国对于注册会计师侵权贡任适宜采用过错责任原则的特例&过错椎定原则为其归责原则。

    As to the question of the responsibility judging principle , there are fault responsibility and non - fault responsibility .