
  • 网络replacement of fixed assets
  1. EVA在固定资产更新决策中的应用

    The application of EVA in fixed assets renovation decision

  2. 固定资产更新改造方法的数学分析

    Maths - analysis of the renewal and trade - in of fixed assets

  3. 关于固定资产更新评价中几个问题的探讨

    Study of Valuation Ways for Renewing Permanent Assets

  4. 试论固定资产更新决策

    Policy-making Process of Fixed Assets Upgrade

  5. 知识经济时代的柔性化、智能化生产方式使物质生产部门的固定资产更新方式发生了重大变化;

    In knowledge economic period , the style of soft and intelligent production affects the pattern of renewal of fixed assets .

  6. 固定资产更新决策是在继续使用旧设备和更新新设备之间进行的选择。

    The fixed asset renewal decision-making is in continues to use the old equipment and to renew the choice which between the new equipment carries on .

  7. 对固定资产更新改造的决策方法进行了探讨,以期企业在进行固定资产更新改造时作出最优决策。

    This paper discusses the decision making in innovating and transforming fixed assets , hoping that enterprises will make the optimal decisions in innovating and transforming fixed assets .

  8. 2005年中国经济在房地产、汽车消费需求的拉动,固定资产更新的影响下,保持了本次经济周期呈现的平稳、高增长、低膨胀特点。

    Under the effects of huge market demands for real estate , automobiles and fixed assets , Chinese economy kept the features which has emerged in this economic cycle such as stability , high level growth and low inflation .

  9. 固定资产的更新改造决策研究

    Study of Decision Making in the Renovation and Transformation of Fixed Assets

  10. 固定资产最佳更新时机分析

    Analysis on the Best Renewal Time of the Fixed Assets

  11. 固定资产的更新改造

    Renewal and reform of fixed asset

  12. 为购建固定资产或者对固定资产进行更新改造发生的实际支出,应当在会计报表中单独列示。

    The actual expenditures incurred for the purpose of acquiring or updating and conducting technical reforming on the fixed assets , shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statement .

  13. 文章指出加大生产经营用固定资产的投入、加快固定资产更新改造是提高当前上市汽车生产企业绩效的有效途径。

    It also points out that the effective way to improve economic efficiency is to increase the fixed investments of production facilities and speed up the transformation and renovation of the fixed assets .

  14. 高校固定资产的管理,涉及到设备利用率的提高,关乎到学校资产的安全,以及学校固定资产的购入、更新、维护、报废等繁琐事宜。

    The management of college fixed assets relates to improving the utilization of the equipment , to the safety of school assets , as well as to the purchasing , updating , maintenance of school fixed assets and so on .