
  • 网络Fixed ratio;Fixed Proportion;constant proportion
  1. 它假定了进料位置是总塔板数的固定比例值。

    It is assumed that the feed stage is a fixed ratio of the total number of stages .

  2. 本机适用于多种不同物料按照固定比例分别下料充填到一个袋子中,如八宝茶。

    Be suitable for dropping multi types of material at a fixed ratio into a bag and packing , such as mixed Tea .

  3. 应用动物实验与临床研究相结合的方法,观察了低流量固定比例的氧化亚氮&氧麻醉期间FiO2、吸入气、肺泡气以及动脉血气变化。

    To determine the safety and gas changes of lungs during low flow nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthesia , FiO2 , gases of alveoli , inspired gases and blood gases were measured respectively .

  4. 澳大利亚联邦法院在措辞严厉的判决书中表示,标普与荷兰银行对2006年从一家中介机构购买AAA评级固定比例债务债券(CPDO)的12个地方议会构成欺骗和误导。

    In a damning verdict , the Federal Court of Australia ruled that S & P and ABN Amro had deceived and misled 12 local councils that bought triple-A rated constant proportion debt obligations ( CPDOs ) from an intermediary in 2006 .

  5. 提成支付的比例可以采取固定比例、年递增比例或者逐年递减比例。

    The royalty rate may be fixed or subject to annual increase or decrease .

  6. 极值和相关性理论及其在固定比例投资组合保险策略中的应用

    Extreme Value and Copula Theory with the Application in Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance Strategies

  7. 第三章提出一种滞后流固定比例获得补偿的无线公平调度算法。

    Chapter 3 proposes a wireless fair scheduling algorithm named lagging flow getting proportional compensation .

  8. 第三个策略是固定比例策略。按照一定比例绘地图(楼房)

    The third strategy is the Constant Proportion strategy . scale a map ( building )

  9. 我国证券市场的固定比例投资组合保险策略将投资组合分为债券资产和股票资产两部分,在动态调整时刻,股票资产与债券资产按一定的比例进行动态调整。

    In the dynamic time , the ratio of stock assets and bond assets will be dynamically adjusted by a certain percentage .

  10. 在原始的服装企业定价中,一般采取的定价为成本与固定比例之和的定价模式。

    Generally taken pricing the original garment enterprises pricing , as the cost and with a fixed proportion of the pricing model .

  11. 技术主要受到边际宏观税负的影响,两者呈线性关系且显著负相关,边际宏观税负按固定比例影响技术。

    Both of them assume the linearity relation and notable negative correlation . Marginal macroscopic macro tax incidence affect technology according to .

  12. 我国开放式基金自2001年9月成立以来,始终按照基金净值固定比例提取管理报酬。

    The open-end funds in China have been charged management compensation by the fixed proportion of NAV since the foundation in Sept. 2001 .

  13. (化学)由两种或两种以上物质(不按固定比例也不发生化学结合)混合而成的物质。

    ( chemistry ) a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together ( not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding ) .

  14. 凯斯一家开诚布公地讨论储蓄、投资和捐款事宜,他们把一个固定比例的家庭收入作为慈善捐款。

    At home , the family talks openly about saving , investing and giving . A set amount of household income is always donated to charity .

  15. 投行通过承销新股赚取佣金,这笔费用按照新上市公司融资总额的固定比例来收取。

    Investment banks earn fees from underwriting IPOs , and the amount they earn is a set percentage of the total money raised by the newly public company .

  16. 大量调查表明,不同地域、制度、文化的社会都有比较固定比例的同性恋者,通常占性成熟人口的2%&5%。

    A great deal of investigation shows that there is a quantity of fixed rate of homosexuality that accounts for 2-5 % among the adults in the society of different areas , systems or cultures .

  17. 结果①在联合生长因子的条件下,人类脐血CD34+CD38-细胞早期分裂呈现固定比例的静止、慢分裂、快分裂以及不对称分裂状态;

    Results ① In the presence of the combined cytokines , the CD 34 + CD 38 - human cord blood cells displayed fixed fraction of quiescent , slow and fast division , and asymmetric division .

  18. 为提高税法的确定性和适用效率,我国应该利用两税合一的契机,建立和完善以固定比例法为主、正常交易原则为辅的资本弱化税制。

    In order to enhance tax law 's certainty and its efficiency of enforcement , China should make full use of the opportunity of integrating two enterprise income tax law systems to perfect the tax legislation on thin capitalization .

  19. 模型还发现,如果在农业部门公共品供给不足且存在较大的城乡收入差距的初始状态下,政府即使将非农部门产出的某一固定比例进行农业部门公共品投资,城乡收入差距仍然不会自动减小。

    The author also finds that the urban-rural income gap never decrease if there are farm sector investment of public goods in the initial condition of the shortage of farm public goods and the huge gap of urban-rural income .

  20. 即使考虑了桩土的共同作用,也往往采用弹性理论将桩与承台或筏板按固定比例分担上部结构荷载,这与按变形控制复合桩基设计理念完全不同;

    Although combined action , which means the whole structural load is assigned to piles and caps or rafts in proportions with the elastic theory , between pile and soil is considered , it is different from the settlement control method of composite piles .

  21. 加强城市综合减灾能力的建设,特别是明确城市建设中减灾工程与非工程设施投入的固定比例,完善减灾教育宣传体系和综合灾害应急响应的科技平台体系;

    Strengthening urban disaster reduction ability , especially on ensuring adequate amount of investment , fixing the proportion of investment in disaster reduction projects to total investment in urban construction , reinforcing disaster reduction education and propaganda system , and improving disaster reduction technology ;

  22. 在采用固定比例法设计中国的资本弱化税制时,应结合中国的国情实际,一方面要尽可能地使其接近正常交易原则,另一方面也要确保该方法的灵活性。

    When designing the tax rules regulating thin capitalization in the Fixed Ratio Approach , China should take her practical situations into consideration , making them as close as possible to the Arm 's length principle on the one hand , and ensuring their flexibility on the other hand .

  23. 当固定分割比例0<<1时,证明了利用E的余集定义的维数等于其盒维数。

    If fixes the dissection ratio as 0 < < 1 , proves that the dimension defined by complement set equal to its box-counting dimension .

  24. 提出了在按照SEC标准进行储量评估过程中,应用递减法时应重视可变成本和固定成本比例的确定,仔细进行递减类型的选取和递减率的合理确定;

    In the process of reserve evaluation by SEC criteria , when successive subtraction method being applied , the major focuses are the determination of ratio of variable cost to fixed cost , the careful selection of successive decreasing model and reasonable determination of decline rate ;

  25. 带有固定-比例交易成本最优变现策略

    Optimal Liquidation Strategy with Fixed-proportion Cost

  26. 对于任何精密时钟来说,其五种噪声分量的幂律谱系数不存在固定的比例关系,因而在对精密时钟进行最优综合时需要对其噪声进行按噪声分量分解。

    In this paper , a new separation method for the precision clock noise is presented according to noise components .

  27. 其他处理肥料氮在土壤中主要以NO3N形式存在,加入秸秆增加了化肥氮被土壤固定的比例,鸡粪中的氮素几乎全部以极易矿化的形式存在。

    The proportion of fixed nitrogen fertilizer increased with wheat straw treatment . The nitrogen in poultry manure mainly existed in easy mineralization form .

  28. 研究认为,只要采取基数比例的方式返还税款,将不会影响农机化生产,如果固定返还比例还将促进农机化的普及。

    It is argued that the agricultural mechanization production would not be affected if the fuel tax is returned proportionally and even popularizes the agricultural mechanization .

  29. 说明连续环形撕囊术可保持囊袋的完整性,增加人工晶体襻囊袋内固定的比例。

    It is demonstrated that continuous circular capsulorhexis could maintain the integrity of the capsular bag and increase the chance of achieving a fixation of IOL in the bag .

  30. 系统分别在主通道和采样通道上采用两个超临界流文丘里管流量计,使取样分析用的样气与总的稀释排气成固定的比例,即保证等比例采样。

    Two CFV are applied along the main channel and the sampling one in the system to assure the fixed ratio of the volume of the analyzed sample to the volume of total diluted emission .