
ɡù dìnɡ diàn huà
  • fixed telephone;fixed-line telephone;fixed phone;line phone
  1. 广东电信传统固定电话长途业务研究

    Research on Long Distant Services of Fixed Phone of CHINA TELECOM in Guangdong Province

  2. 报告说,2005年从爱尔兰电信局租用一条固定电话线路的费用是?20.26一个月,价格要比所有其他欧洲国家都要高,除了匈牙利和波兰。

    The cost of renting a fixed phone line from Eircom was ? 20.26 a month in2005 , higher than any other European country apart from Hungary and Poland , the report says .

  3. 因此,进入WTO一段时间内,中国固定电话市场不会受到很大的冲击。

    Thus the fixed telephone market will not be affected after join the WTO .

  4. 个人便携电话系统(PersonalHandy-phoneSystemPHS)是固定电话的延伸和补充的无线通信技术。

    PHS ( Personal Handy-phone System ), a kind of wireless telecommunication technology , is the extension and supplement of the fixed telephone .

  5. 固定电话运营商的3G经营策略

    Fix Phone Carriers ' 3G Operation Strategy

  6. 根据中国的相关规定,作为固定电话运营商,中国电信和规模较小的中国网通(ChinaNetcom)不得经营移动资产。

    Regulations forbid fixed-line operators , such as China Telecom and the smaller China Netcom , from operating mobile assets .

  7. GM(1,1)模型在固定电话主线普及率预测中的应用

    An Application of Grey Model GM ( 1,1 ) to the Prediction of Main Telephone Lines Per 100 Inhabitants

  8. 中国最大的固定电话运营商、正在寻找增长源的中国电信(ChinaTelecom)昨日宣布,它将收购其国有母公司旗下的另一家子公司北京电信(BeijingTelecom)。

    China Telecom yesterday said it would acquire Beijing Telecom , an arm of its state-owned parent , as the country 's biggest fixed-line operator seeks sources of growth .

  9. 根据固定电话网络电信资源维护当前的需求和特点,提出并实现了基于GIS电信资源维护系统的一种新的体系结构;

    According to the requirements and characteristics of current Tele-Communication resource maintenance works in fixed telephone network , a new architecture of GIS-based TRMS is presented and realized .

  10. 举例来说,与固定电话领域的主要竞争对手中国电信(chinatelecom)相比,中国网通在中国南方的势力相对较弱,这使中国电信成为了一个对亚洲网通颇有吸引力的合作伙伴。

    China Netcom , for example , had a relatively weak presence in South China compared with its main fixed-line rival , China Telecom , making the latter an attractive potential partner for Asia Netcom .

  11. IBMIMS是与访问无关的解决方案,支持部署多媒体服务,可提供跨固定电话和移动电话领域的增强通信数据包骨干网络。

    IBM IMS is an access-agnostic solution that enables deployment of multimedia services and provides enhanced packet backbone interworking across fixed and mobile domains .

  12. 用户可以通过Internet和PSTN(固定电话、手机、传真机)接入平台从而方便地使用各种增值业务。

    Users may enter the platform through Internet and PSTN ( fixed-line telephone , cell phone , fax machine ) to gain each kind of value-added service conveniently .

  13. 随着internet技术的发展和用户对业务需求日益复杂化和个性化,固定电话将突破原有的单一语音通道而成为文字消息交互平台;

    With the development of the Internet technology and the complication and personalization of customers ' requirements , fixed-phone will break out the limitation of being a sole voice channel and become a communicating platform of literal message .

  14. 该系统包括对IP电话卡的支持,固定电话直拨IP电话的支持,以及费率、账单等运营需要的业务的管理等功能。

    That system support prepaid card of VoIP and direct dial to IP with local telephone . The system also has rich kinds of rate policy and many management sub systems on operation support .

  15. 建设N-ISDN网最终实现PSTN网的ISDN化是固定电话网建设的目标。本文意在探讨实现这一目标的必要性、可行性和必须采取的方法和步骤。

    The target of this paper is to discuss the necessary and the feasibility of upgrading the PSTN to ISDN and the implementing step .

  16. 利用PSTN固定电话网为用户提供多样化的信息服务,是当前的一个研究热点。

    It is popular to provide various infomation service on an intelligence terminal by the PSTN ( Public Switched Telephone Network ) .

  17. 基于ADSI协议的固定电话短信息系统

    Short Message System of Fixed Telephone Based on ADSI Protocol

  18. 随着电信企业的成功重组,3G牌照的发放,我国正式进入3G时代,三家电信企业在经营移动电话的同时,也能提供固定电话、IP和宽带等服务,实现全业务运营。

    Apart from the business of mobile phones , the three telecommunications companies can provide various services such as fixed telephone , IP and broadband , aiming to achieve comprehensive business operation .

  19. 当Paula闭上双眼,努力要集中注意力的时候,她的固定电话、手机几乎同时响了起来。

    As Paula closes her eyes and tries to focus , her landline and cell phones ring almost simultaneously .

  20. 研究了基于固定电话网(PSTN)的采用中文信息终端服务接口通信协议(CTSI)的短消息终端(CPE)的软硬件开发。

    The software and hardware of CPE are developed based on the PSTN network by using CTSI protocol .

  21. 去字典里查一下“side-splittinghumor”(令人捧腹大笑的幽默感)这个词,你可能会看到《嗨翻姐妹行》的预告片,这是2017年最搞笑的电影,没有争议。《固定电话》

    Look up " side-splitting humor " in the dictionary and you should probably come across the trailer for Girls Trip , which is the funniest movie of 2017 , no contest .

  22. 本文根据固定电话网络的具体特点,研究将GIS应用于电信资源维护领域,开发了一个实用的基于GIS的电信资源维护系统。

    In this dissertation , according to the characteristics of the fixed telephone network , we researched the application of GIS in Tele-Communication resource maintenance field and a practical GIS-based Tele-Communication Resource Maintenance System ( In short TRMS ) has been developed .

  23. 本文在介绍了CTI(计算机电话集成技术)中间件的体系结构及应用功能的基础上,给出了基于该技术的固定电话短信中心的实现方案。

    Besides a general introduction of Computer Telephone Integration ( CTI ) middleware , this paper mainly discusses the application of the CTI middleware short message center .

  24. 这两家大陆运营商去年的通话收入有所下降,它们相信,3g牌照可在其日趋衰落的固定电话业务基础上增加手机服务,将成为它们恢复赢利能力的一个重要机遇。

    The two networks saw their voice revenue drop last year , and believe the 3G licences could offer an important opportunity for them to regain profitability by adding mobile services to their eroding fixed-line business .

  25. MichelleSiegel说“我们依然可以发信息而不是打电话,只用固定电话打电话,照常生活。”

    Michelle Siegel said " We could still get by with texting rather than phone calls and just use house phones for phone calls . "

  26. 目前固定电话网(PSTN)在网络与业务方面都存在局限性,已无法满足业务创新和提供综合信息服务的要求,必需进行网络转型。

    The limitations are existed both in network and service of PSTN , and PSTN is unable to satisfy the requirement of business innovation and integrated information service provision .

  27. 在无连接的IP网上,基于SIP的VoIP系统用软件交换机提供VoIP业务,既可完成固定电话的交换传输,也可完成移动电话的交换传输,差别仅仅是接入方式不同。

    Over the connectionless IP network , the SIP - based VoIP system provides VoIP services with software exchanges , performing both fixed and mobile telephone switching and transmission functions , only showing differ - ence at access modes .

  28. XX网通公司作为XX地区固话主导运营商,其固话业务在近几年遇到了严重挑战,固定电话有效用户数量逐年减少,固定电话业务收入下滑明显。

    As the fixed phone leading operator in XX , the XX Netcom Company met severe challenges in the fixed phone business : the virtual users decreased year by year and business income reduced obviously .

  29. 与其他方案相比,固定电话智能网方案采用成熟的技术和协议,对网络的改造小,而且能够适应网络向NGN演进的需要。

    Compared with other solutions , this solution adopts widely used and mature technology and protocol to avoid drastic alteration to existing networks , and moreover it can meet the need of network evolution to NGN .

  30. 在我家里,我们好几年前就停止使用固定电话了,因此我只用手机测试了VTech系统。

    In my house , we gave up our landline years ago , so I tested the system using only cellphones .