
  • electronic edition, electronic version, electronic form;ELECTRONIC VERSION;ELECTRONIC EDITION;digital format
  1. 我没有这份试卷的电子版。

    I didn 't have the electronic edition of this paper .

  2. 基于印刷版与电子版的学术期刊综合评价研究

    The Comprehensive Evaluation of Scholarly Journals Based on Printed Edition and Electronic Edition

  3. 这部新词典有电子版。

    This new dictionary is available in electronic version .

  4. 基于Web数据库技术的电子版报纸软件系统的研制

    Developing the Electronic Newspaper System Based on the Web Database Technology

  5. B:有的,我立刻给你发一封电子版的。

    B : Yes , I 'll send you an electronic copy right away .

  6. 《机制人》Flash电子版的设计与实现

    A Flash electronic version of " Mechanism Man " its design and realization

  7. 本文介绍《海军工程学院学报》和《海军院校教育》电子版Web发布系统的开发过程。

    This paper introduces the development course of the Journal of the Navy Academy of Engineering and the Education of the Navy Colleges .

  8. 即使有差异,也是极其微小的,只有C调与升C调之间音高差异的十分之一。《美国声学学报》电子版刊登了上述发现。

    And the slight variations in frequency that do exist are only a tenth of the difference between a C and a C sharp .

  9. 三种SCI电子版的检索细节研究

    Study on Retrieval Details of Three SCI Electronic Versions

  10. 接下来,他们再把电子版还原到纸上,将0译成DNA碱基对中的A或C,将1译称G或T。

    Next , on paper , they translated the zeros into either the A or C of the DNA base pairs , and changed the ones into either the G or T.

  11. 这本新漫画书有纸质版本,还会有供iPad和iPhone用户使用的电子版。

    The new comic book is available in paperback . There will also be versions for iPad and iPhone users .

  12. 电子版焊接CCT图的制作与应用

    Making and Application of Electronic Welding CCT Diagrams

  13. 本系统一个重要的特点,就是实现了电子版图纸(DWF格式)的Web浏览,即可以通过Web浏览DWF矢量图形。

    As an important character of the system , we can browse the drawings ( DWF files ) on the Web .

  14. 他的想法是雇佣一批优秀的教科书编写者来编写电子版的教科书,并将之打造成iPad的特色。

    His idea was to hire great textbook writers to create digital versions , and make them a feature of the iPad .

  15. johngrisham,一位多产的法律题材惊悚小说作家,长期以来一直拒绝将自己的作品以电子版出售。

    John Grisham , a prolific author of legal thrillers , long refused to allow his books to be sold in electronic form .

  16. 结果基于QL-Recorder软件的中文SF-36电子版在一般人群中具有良好的接受性,在社区使用的接受性很好。

    Results The Chinese SF-36 based on the QL-Recorder is well accepted in general population and community population .

  17. 麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity)德索泰尔商学院(DesautelsFacultyofManagement)的MBA课程组织者制定了一项政策,“尽可能”用电子版教材替代纸质教材(电子版教材中只包含学员需要使用的章节)。

    MBA course organisers at McGill University 's Desautels Faculty of Management have made a policy of replacing " wherever possible " paper textbooks with electronic versions , which only contain the chapters that will be necessary for the students .

  18. 这个开发人员向导可以在MSDN上免费浏览,或从微软出版社购买纸质版和电子版。

    The developer guide may be viewed freely in a browser on MSDN or obtained from MS Press as a hardcopy or ebook .

  19. 主要工具是纸质版和基于QL-Recorder软件的电子版SF-36。

    The main survey tools are paper version of SF-36 , and electronic version of SF-36 based on the QL-Recorder .

  20. 海运货物后5天内或其他运输方式运输后2天内应以电子版的形式在SC中对载货单的预先概述。

    An advance summary of the manifest of the cargoes must be made available to the SC electronically within five days after shipment for goods by sea and two working days by other modes of transport .

  21. 音乐和电影产业将他们电子版和实物版的产品捆绑在了一起——比如,给购买电影DVD光盘的消费者提供可以免费从网上下载电子版的代码的方式。

    The music and film industries have started to bundle electronic with physical versions of their products - by , for instance , providing those who buy a DVD of a movie with a code to download it from the internet .

  22. 因为我在发送电报的时候就已经拿到了一个电子版的预览,我完全可以直接给电报的收件人发email或者短信,或者facebook私信,要么干脆给大西洋月刊投个稿,把想说的话写成文章直接发布在网上。

    Which , because I had already received a digital preview of the telegram when I ordered it , I could have just emailed - or texted , or Facebook messaged , or , you know , published to the Internet in an article for The Atlantic .

  23. 结论本研究验证了基于QL-Recorder软件的SF-36电子版问卷的接受性和等效性,能够代替纸质版。

    Conclusion This study approved the acceptance and equivalence of the electronic Chinese SF-36 based on the QL-Recorder , and confirmed that the paper version could be substituted by the electronic version .

  24. 研究机构outsell今年表示,很多大学学生仍然认为完成课程之后出售纸质教科书要比购买或者租赁电子版教科书划算。

    Many college students still find that selling their print textbooks once they have finished with them is cheaper than buying or renting their digital equivalents , outsell reported this year .

  25. 《中图法》电子版实现了类目的多维检索和多维显示

    Multi-dimensional Retrieval and Display Realized by the Electronic Version of CLC

  26. 先给黑白照片吧您确定是指电子版的黑白照片吗?

    I will be able to provide black & white prints .

  27. 如果您想订阅电子版,现请在这里点击。

    If you want to subscribe e-zone , click here now .

  28. 网络时代信息服务的变革与发展&兼论《复印报刊资料》印刷版与电子版的融合与互补

    Revolution and Development of Information Services in the Information Age

  29. 电子版使用说明书在农机产品中的应用

    The Electronic Specification in the Application of Agricultural Machinery Products

  30. 文件是电子版的,办公设备是便携的,带宽是充足的。

    Documents are electronic , devices pocket-sized , bandwidth plentiful .