
  • 网络Upload photo;Photo;Upload pic
  1. 上传照片的用户只能编辑照片。

    The user who has uploaded photo can only edit that photo .

  2. 用户会发现,用iOS6登录Facebook变得更容易了,而且利用iPhone或iPad上传照片或音乐也会变得更容易。

    Users will find it much easier to connect to Facebook from ios6 , making it easier to post a photo or a song from your device to Facebook .

  3. 一些中国女性把iPhone6手机放在并拢的膝盖上,并上传照片,向大家展示自己两腿的宽度和iPhone6的长度一样(约13.8厘米)。

    Chinese women are posting pictures of themselves with an iPhone6 across their thighs with their knees together to show that their thighs are as thin as the length of an iPhone 6 ( 13.8 cm ) .

  4. 人们可以在HowOld上上传照片,并获得年龄和性别信息。

    How Old allows people to upload photos and then provides an age and gender .

  5. 本文的示例包括如何检索相册和照片、通过定制的Web界面上传照片并按关键字搜索照片。

    Its examples include how to retrieve albums and photos , upload photos through a customized Web interface , and search for photos by keyword .

  6. 我们不妨设想一下,假如用户要补上个人在Facebook诞生之前数十年间的生活片段,他们将要花多少时间上传照片,整理活动记录。

    Imagine the hours users may log uploading photos and labeling events from the lost decades B.F. ( before Facebook ) .

  7. 向aol网站上传照片、视频和文本需要三个独立的系统。

    Uploading photos , videos and text to AOL sites requires three separate systems .

  8. 如果你对在Instagram上传照片真的很在乎,当景深不足时,为了实现聚焦效果,换个镜头很有帮助。

    If you 're serious about your Instagramming , changing lenses is helpful to achieve focus .

  9. 美图app每个月帮助2.7亿用户美化照片,尤其对于重视形象的社交软件达人,用美图瘦脸,拉长腿,或者给照片增加趣味是上传照片之前必不可少的工序。

    Meitu app helps 270 million monthly active users slim faces , lengthen legs and otherwise spice up their online appearance - essential among image-obsessed social media mavens .

  10. 例如,你可以从苹果的iPhoto和iMovie软件中直接上传照片和视频到你的MobileMe相册中。

    For example , you can upload photos and videos to your MobileMe galleries directly from Apple 's iPhoto and iMovie programs .

  11. Myfamily是一个免费网站,受到邀请的家庭成员可以上传照片、视频、消息、菜谱、家谱以及其它资料,只需简单的几个步骤即可。

    Myfamily is a free site that serves as a place where invited members can upload photos , videos , news , recipes , family-tree entries and other data in a few steps .

  12. 你还可以分享或者上传照片和视频。

    You can link to or upload photos and videos , too .

  13. 我只能在我的休息时间上传照片并且那里要有无线网络!

    I can only upload during my break and provided there is a Wi-Fi !

  14. 登录。填写资料,上传照片,开始跟感兴趣的人约会。

    Jump right in . Fill out your profile and upload a photo , and start meeting people !

  15. 从癌症存活者到男扮女装者,他们都在上传照片。

    Everyone from cancer survivors to men in full drag have been posting pictures in on Twitter and Facebook .

  16. 因此,李先生,请开始上传照片,我们将会加入你的行列,重游如此多变化的奇妙地方。

    So , Lee-san , start posting photos and we will join you to revisit such a diversified land .

  17. 现在智能手机出现了一款新的应用程序,可以让你抓拍并上传照片以进行皮肤癌测试。

    New smart phone apps now let you snap a picture and upload it for a skin cancer check .

  18. 经过审核的供稿人不断上传照片,如果他们的照片被人买走,就能分得售价的30%。

    Vetted contributors constantly send in photos and receive 30 % of the sale price when their photos are purchased .

  19. 为鼓励不懂中文的人也贡献照片,这一行动用来上传照片的网站是中英双语的。

    To encourage non-Chinese speakers to contribute photographs , the campaign 's website for uploading images is in both English and Chinese .

  20. 一个新兴网站可以根据上传照片自动检测你的年龄,昨天刚上线就已经如病毒式的火起来了。

    A new website which claims it can automatically detect your age from a photo launched yesterday and it 's already gone viral .

  21. 您可以以游客身份查看照片,但上传照片和留言需要您是嘻哈会员。

    You may browse photos as a guest , but you will need to be a member to upload photos or post comments .

  22. 费希尔召集朋友在诺亚的眼镜主页上上传照片。不久,主页就收获了数百个赞和照片来帮助安抚小诺亚。

    Fisher enlisted friends to post on Glasses for Noah and soon it had received hundreds of likes and pictures to help reassure little Noah .

  23. 他们还可以上传照片,改变他们的地址的背景包括他们的网址和物理地址。

    They also have the ability to upload images , change the background colors of their ad as well as include their website and physical address .

  24. 又或许,你是位技术专家,你的朋友和父母的朋友会反复打电话,询问如何上传照片到云盘或者分享在线视频?

    Maybe you 're the techie whose friends and parents ' friends call repeatedly with questions about uploading photos to the cloud or sharing videos online .

  25. 作为一位多产的博客作家,他通过上传照片及视频、发表博文,发布推文、贴出数据以及发布音频等方式,用多媒体记录下一个项目完成的全过程。

    A prolific blogger , he chronicles an assignment in multimedia by uploading photos and videos , blogging , tweeting , posting data and audio blogging .

  26. 现在这个主页已经有923个赞了。费希尔说,只要人们还在上传照片,她就会继续运营这个主页。

    Now , the page has 923 ' likes ' and Fisher says that as long as people keep posting pictures , she 'll keep it going .

  27. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,最新调查显示,八成女性往社交网站上传照片之前,都会修图,好让朋友们看到自己苗条漂亮的一面。

    Eight out of ten women ' edit ' their holiday snaps before uploading them to social media so only their slimmest angles are shared , according to new research .

  28. 在这个网站,用户可以上传照片和视频,将这些照片和视频分门别类地放入相册、用关键字标记这些照片和视频以便于搜索、与他人共享这些照片和视频。

    At the Web site , users can upload photos and videos , categorize them into albums , tag them with keywords for easy searching , and share them with others .

  29. 上传照片.请上传至少一张从正面拍摄的照片.如果能够提供侧面照片,将会提高公仔相似度。

    Submit your photograph . You need to submit at least one photograph with the front view of face . Other photos will help our designer create a more accurate figurine .

  30. 用平邮方式向图片分享网站Imgur上传照片——你现在可以不再通过互联网向图片分享网站Imgur上传照片,而是将照片真正地“邮寄”给这家网站。

    Upload Imgur images by snail mail -- Instead of directly uploading a photo through the Web to image hosting site Imgur , you can now ' mail ' it to the site .