
  • 网络Previous;PREV;Command
  1. 如果在上一条命令中为sort函数提供参数{code:1},它将会以升序对结果排序。

    If you supplied the argument { code : 1 } to the sort function in the previous command , it would sort the results in ascending order .

  2. 接下来的两条规则,Price和TotalPrice,类似于上一条规则。

    The next two rules , Price and TotalPrice , are similar to the previous rule .

  3. 她脸上一条红色的长疤使她破相了。

    Her face was disfigured by a long red scar .

  4. 再围上一条围巾以显得随便些。

    Add a scarf for a casual effect .

  5. 她放慢车速,开始驶上一条狭窄的道路。

    She slowed the car and began driving up a narrow road

  6. 他们逼着他坐上一条小船。

    They forced him into a small boat .

  7. 她给自己盖上一条棉被。

    She covered herself with a quilt .

  8. 现在,还可以加上一条:达到WTO成员国的承诺和期望。

    And now , living up to the commitments and the expectations of WTO membership can be added to this list .

  9. “中国正走上一条非常不均衡的经济增长道路,”全球保险集团苏黎世金融服务集团(zurichfinancialservices)集团首席经济学家丹尼尔霍夫曼(danielhofmann)表示。

    " China is on a very unbalanced path of economic growth , " said Daniel Hofmann , group chief economist at Zurich Financial Services , the global insurance group .

  10. Sierra说,将需要更多的资金来“鼓励发展中国家走上一条更加绿色的增长道路”,使用新的、更清洁的技术。

    Sierra says substantially more money will be needed to " encourage a greener growth path in developing countries " based on new , cleaner technologies .

  11. 总有一天你会戴上一条漂亮的金项链。

    One day , you 'll have a proper gold band .

  12. 受此影响,美国很难走上一条财政稳健之路。

    That makes it impossible to get on a sane fiscal path .

  13. 现在我们对上一条命令从左向右进行分析。

    Let 's walk through the previous command from left to right .

  14. 埃拉觉得唐正把她领上一条危险的路。

    Ella felt Don was leading her down a very dangerous road .

  15. 第二条原则:永远别忘记上一条。

    Rule # 2 , never forget rule # 1 .

  16. 我登上一条艰难之路,机光荣赋予我力量。

    I climb a difficult road , but glory give me strength .

  17. 弥达斯只好戴上一条大头巾以遮盖丑态。

    King Midas tried to hide his misfortune under an ample turban .

  18. 梅西在两棵树中间系上一条带子,然后把她洗好的衣服挂上去。

    Macy attached a chord between two trees to hang her laundry on .

  19. 穿上一条旧牛仔裤感觉好比拥抱一位老友。

    Pulling on an old pair of jeans is like hugging an old friend .

  20. 参观者进入广东省博物馆要通过中央草坪上一条石头铺成的下凹道路。

    Visitors enter the Guangdong Musuem through a stone-paved depression on its central lawn .

  21. 在皮箱外捆上一条皮带。

    Put a strap around the trunk .

  22. 我和十二个人登上一条小船上岸。

    I got into a little boat with twelve men and got to the shore .

  23. 天蓝色的上衣加上一条黑色及膝裙就成了她的毕业礼服。

    The costume she wore for graduation consisted of a sky-blue coat and black knee-length skirt .

  24. 我也喜欢她的第二套衣服,虽然如果加上一条腰带可能会好一些。

    I like her second look although it would be much better with some sort belt .

  25. 我得租上一条私人小船,而船长甚至很难把航线在海图上标示出来。

    I had to charter a private boat and even the captain had problems charting his course .

  26. 到达塔顶后,你就会被系上一条长长的橡胶绳。

    After reaching the top of a huge tower , you are attached to long rubber ropes .

  27. 下一步就是按图示简单地绑上一条尼龙扎带。

    The next step is to simply attach a cable tie as shown on the picture below .

  28. 期望本文分析有助于分立手段的使用日后走上一条健康的发展道路。

    It is expected that this thesis will help the method of division follow a healthy developing road .

  29. 根据习俗,威奎人在他们脑袋的一侧戴上一条辫状头饰。

    By tradition , a Weequay wears a braided topknot on one side of his or her head .

  30. 他只是以为自己,把非犹太人带上一条新道路。

    It 's just that he thought he was bringing non-Jews into it in a fairly new way .