
  • 网络Shanghai World Expo;Shanghai Expo;shanghai expo site
  1. 关注浦江&上海世博园景观规划设计

    Focus on the Huangpu River - The Landscape Planning and Design of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo

  2. 周日,在上海世博园联合国馆内,联合国合唱团的一席演出博得了热心观众的喝彩。

    The United Nations Singers wowed an enthusiastic audience at a concert held in the UN Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo on Sunday .

  3. 上海世博园(浦东区)优质安全供水技术研究

    Study on water quality security technique in Pudong Expo Park

  4. 初期产生的电力将输送到上海世博园。

    Initial electricity produced was sent to the Shanghai World Expo site .

  5. 上海世博园滨江景观规划设计刍议

    On the Planning and Design of Riverside Landscape of Shanghai World Expo Garden

  6. 2010年上海世博园能源系统规划的研究&能源基础设施的基本规划理念

    Energy system planning of Shanghai Expo 2010 ── basic planning conceptions of energy infrastructure

  7. 上海世博园上空边界层风垂直变化观测研究

    Observation and Study of Wind Velocity Variation with Altitude over the EXPO Land , Shanghai

  8. 上海世博园地表水地源热泵的应用及环境影响分析

    Application of surface water source heat pump systems in Shanghai Expo and the environment effect analysis

  9. 上海世博园大型地表水源热泵对黄浦江水环境的影响分析

    Enviromental Effect Analysis of Water Surface Heat Pumps on HuangPu River Used in 2010 Shanghai Expo

  10. 棕地生态恢复与再生:上海世博园核心景观定位与设计方案森林公园线状水体景观生态恢复的生态工程方法初探

    Ecological Recovery and Regeneration of Brown Waste Land : Positioning and Design Program for the Core Landscape of Shanghai World Exposition Park

  11. 上海世博园选址于黄浦江畔,关注黄浦江是上海世博园景观规划设计的核心理念之一。

    The focus on the Huangpu River and the nature is one motif of the Shanghai World EXPO Park landscape planning and design .

  12. 六月二日,上海世博园日本产业馆“世界最舒适卫生间”中多了两个“黄金马桶”。

    Two gold toilets were exhibited in the " world 's most comfortable bathroom " in Japan Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo on June 2 .

  13. 在上海世博园美国馆建设现场的致辞美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿中国上海2009年11月16日

    Remarks at USA Pavilion at Shanghai Expo Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Shanghai , China November 16 , 2009 Thank you . Thank you so much .

  14. 上海世博园区域供冷系统的最佳供冷半径研究住宅小区供热热能测控系统的设计方案

    Optimal Radius Research of the District Cooling System in ShangHai EXPO ; The Designing Plan of Measuring and Controlling Thermal Energy System in Thermal Supply of Residential Area

  15. 借鉴日本在世博会能源规划方面的经验和技术数据,对2010年上海世博园能源系统和能源基础设施提出了基本规划理念。

    Referring to the experience and technical data of energy planning of expositions in Japan , puts forward the basic planning conceptions of the energy system and energy infrastructure .

  16. 丹麦的小美人鱼雕像第一次到海外旅行。周日,她在上海世博园举行了揭幕仪式,并将在这里展出六个月。

    A Mermaid in Shanghai Denmark 's Little Mermaid traveled abroad for the first time to spend six months in Shanghai , where she made her debut Sunday at the World Expo .

  17. 小美人鱼雕像在上海世博园丹麦馆展出这个已有96年历史的雕像是丹麦馆的核心展品。她出奇得小,仅1.5米高,她的周围环绕着不远万里从哥本哈根运来的一池碧波。

    The surprisingly small 96-year-old statue -- just 5 feet , or 1.5 meters tall -- is the centerpiece of the Denmark Pavilion . It sits in a pool of water , also lugged all the way from Copenhagen .

  18. 2010年,我想去上海逛一逛世博园

    In2010 , I want to go to Shanghai World Expo

  19. 法国7件“国宝”在上海世博会正式开幕之前亮相上海世博园。据悉,这7件展品从未同时在法国境外展出过。

    The French Pavilion unveiled seven art masterpieces from the Orsay Museum of Paris ahead of the opening of the Shanghai World Expo on May1 .