
  • 网络upper column
  1. 一起上塔液悬故障的处理

    Treatment of liquid suspending malfunction in an upper column

  2. 氮气膨胀液化能获取相当于膨胀氮气量9%左右的液氮,当其进入上塔参与精馏时,可产生液氧产品。

    Liquid oxygen product can be produced when liquid nitrogen which can be obtained by liquefaction using nitrogen expansion equals to the volume of about 9 % expanded nitrogen and flows to the upper column in which distillation is carried out .

  3. 我们还可以爬上塔去登高望远呢。

    People can still climb up the pagoda for a panoramic view .

  4. 氩提取率与制氩系统及上塔工况的关系

    Influence of argon recovery rate on argon producing system and upper towel operation

  5. FON-50/100型分馏塔上塔倾斜的原因及修复

    Causes of the upper column inclination of model FON-50 / 100 distillation column and renovation

  6. 燕子一飞就上塔,蜗牛悄悄爬,最后也上塔。

    The snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it sooner .

  7. 上塔下塔大约需要两个小时。

    It will take about two hours .

  8. 结合内压缩流程空分设备,详细分析了氩馏分抽取量过大,对上塔和制氩系统工况的影响;

    However , an excessive liquid argon flux may bring negative influence on the working condition of upper towel and argon producing system .

  9. 对空分主精馏塔的上塔和氩塔采用规整填料是目前此领域的一个新动向。

    A current new trend of this field is to use structure packing in argon column and upper column of main distillation column in air-separation plant .

  10. 通过新老工艺的技术经济比较,指出上塔采用组合塔或填料塔是今后的必然趋势。

    According to comparison of the tech - niques , it shows that it trends to use a combined tower or a filler tower in the upper tower .

  11. 黄昏观日落这里更是一流,但排队队伍相当长,往往要排一个多钟头才能上塔。

    Evening view of the sunset here is excellent , but the team line up for a long , often had to wait more than an hour before getting on the tower .

  12. 介绍再生塔上塔液位波动情况并分析原因,讨论汽提蒸汽对上塔液位波动的影响,提出升汽管的改进措施。

    This article presents the fluctuation of the level in the upper tower of the regenerator and analyzes its reasons , discusses the influence of stripping steam on the level , and gives the modification measures for lifting legs .

  13. 用此方法只须在紧线前将割线值算好,不必在现场上塔量取滑车偏离尺寸,即可在现场割线施工,其子导线间误差均在标准规定之内。

    This method only needs wire cutting value to be calculated before line stringing without measuring deviation of pulley on the tower on site . The wire cutting can be executed on site and the error between the sub-conductors within the standard .

  14. 介绍了3200Nm~3/h空分装置设计中采用的几项有效应用技术&分子筛吸附、增压膨胀机、上塔改填料塔等。

    The adoption of several effective application techniques-molecular sieve adsorption , pressure increased expansion machine , and changing the upper sieve - plate column into packed one , in a design of 3200Nm3 / h air separation installation has been presented in the article .

  15. 切换冻结流程空分设备上塔改为填料塔后的操作控制面板采用大屏幕液晶屏显示,轻触式按键操作,中英文图形化界面切换,操作直观、简便。

    Operation of the ASU employing freezing process with reversing heat exchangers after the upper column being transformed into the packed column Control panel is showed as LCD , which light touching the key operate , whole Chinese-English interface , It 's easy to operation .

  16. 指出:空分装置变氧气量生产是可行的;对于膨胀空气进上塔、氧气外压缩流程的空分装置,其变负荷范围为75%~120%。

    The conclusion is as follows : the variable oxygen production capacity of an air separation plant is feasible and the variable loading range is between 75 % and 120 % for the air separation plants employing oxygen external compression process with expanded air flowing into the upper columns .

  17. 总体上,塔B甲苯降解效果优于塔A。

    Generally , the biodegradation efficiency of filter B is better than filter A.

  18. 同时研究了用这样大的R抽出氩馏分对空分主塔上下塔的影响及可行性。

    The influence of argon fraction drawn by using such a great reflux ratio of R on the performance of upper and lower columns of a rectification column and the feasibility are examined simultaneously .

  19. 公司2011年销售额达到近1.7亿美元,产品摆上了塔吉特(Target)、诺德斯特姆(Nordstrom)和Babies'RUs的货架。

    The company posted sales of almost $ 17 million in 2011 and placed its products on the shelves of target ( TGT ) , Nordstrom ( jwn ) , and babies ' r us .

  20. 游人们在老远就看到山顶上的塔。

    The visitors descried the tower on top of the mountain .

  21. 成堆的水泥和玻璃置在沥青面的停车场上像塔。

    Huge blocks of cement and glass towered over asphalt parking lots .

  22. 那山顶上的塔乃是尽人皆知的陆标。

    The tower on the hilltop is a well-known landmark .

  23. 看到山上的塔了吗?

    Do you see the pagoda on that hill ?

  24. 在此基础上利用塔板设计软件对新工艺精馏塔板进行设计。

    The distillation columns are designed based on the trays by column design software .

  25. 他爬上司令塔,两眼象见鬼似的亮得近乎病态。

    He climbed into the conning tower , his eyes haunted and sickly bright .

  26. 他想爬上残塔,喂乌鸦吃玉米。

    He wanted to climb the broken tower and feed corn to the crows .

  27. 这个有钱人站上救生塔,所有朋友都仰头看着他。

    The guy gets up on the lifeguard tower and all his friends look up .

  28. 空分设备上下塔液悬故障分析与处理

    Fault analysis and treatment of liquid suspending in upper and lower columns of air separation unit

  29. 事实上,塔吉特更有情趣,而沃尔玛则更廉价。

    Truth is , Target comes across as more fun , and Walmart as more frugal .

  30. 介绍了坡口加工、焊前清理和上下塔对接施焊进程。

    Groove preparation , cleaning before welding and butt welding construction of ther tower were showed .